Evaluation of climate change and prediction of its impacts on efficiency and fuel consumption of thermal power plants in Iran in next decade
Subject Areas : environmental management
Andisheh Shiehbeigi
Majid Abbaspour
Mohammad Soltaniyeh
Farhad Hosseinzadeh
Zahra Abedi
1 - PhD Graduate of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Energy and Environment, Tehran Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
3 - Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
4 - Faculty of Basic Sciences, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
5 - Facultyof Energy and Environment, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,
Abstracts of Articles in English
Keywords: Climate Change, Efficiency, Thermal Power plant, Fuel, Emissions, Social costs,
Abstract :
Several studies yet have been conducted in the field of climate change in different parts of the worldin order to investigate the impact of meteorological parameters changes on the performance of energysector. In this study, the effect of climate change on the performance of energy generation sector atIran power plants in next decade has been investigated using the results of climate change calculationsin the country’s provinces obtained by downscaling through neural network. Calculations show thatthe efficiency of gas power plants averagely decreases by 0.6% per 1 oC temperature increase.Similarly, the efficiency of steam and combined cycle power plants averagely decreases by 0.5% and0.4% respectively. Considering the climate change consequences in Iran, the overall temperature willaveragely increase about 1.36 oC by the year 2025. Conduction a close investigation, the averagetemperature rise affecting the performance of power plants in the country - which would cause a dropin energy generation sector efficiency - was evaluated to be 1.13 oC. After making calculations andutilizing energy and environment software, it was found that the thermal power plants’ fuelconsumption will increase about 2.49%. The results revealed that the amount of carbon dioxideemission and social costs caused by emissions will increase by about 1.3% and 2%, respectively.
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