Site selection for construction and demolition waste management facilities using GIS & FVIKOR (Case Study: Karaj)
Subject Areas :
Waste Management
Zahra Hasannezhad
Saeid Mehrabian
1 - Master, Karaj Municipality, Iran.* (Corresponding author)
2 - Assistance Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran.
Received: 2015-12-13
Accepted : 2016-02-06
Published : 2022-06-22
Site selection,
construction and demolition waste,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Selecting a suitable site for construction and demolition waste management facilities, is one of the critical decision-making issues, which requires a comprehensive evaluation. The high amount of construction and demolition waste produced compared to the total production of waste makes it absolutely necessary to determine suitable sites for landfilling this type of waste. The objective of this study is to present the methodology to select a suitable site for this kind of waste.Material and Methodology: There are three steps in evaluating the sites in this research. In the first step, after determining the effective factors and determining their weight by the Eigenvector Method and hierarchically, the studied areas were evaluated with 28 criteria in a fuzzy method by geographic information system (GIS). In the second step, the suggested areas by GIS, by 7 other criteria were rated by the use of FVIKOR and the score of each area was found. In the third step Final rating of sites were done by two criteria (the achieved scores of GIS and the achieved scores of the FVIKOR method).Findings The final weight of evaluation criteria by GIS and FVIKOR methods was 0.86 and 0.14, respectively, and 21 places were ranked in three steps.Discussion and Conclusion: The approach used in this study is using (GIS) and fuzzy logic, considering the weight and relative importance of each criterion and use a suitable method for rating that increases accuracy and reliability of assessment.
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Moeinaddini, M., Tahari Mehrjardi, M.H., Khorasani, N., Danekar, A., Darvishsefat, A.A., Shakeri, F., (2011). Locating Landfill of Solid Waste Municipal by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy process & Data envelopment analysis. Journal of Health and Environment: 4, 483-496. (In Persian)
Weisheng, Lu., Hongping Yuan., (2011). A framework for understanding waste management studies in construction. Waste Management 31, 1252–1260
S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA (. Construction and Demolition Debris Management in the United States, 2015 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery March 2020 Available online at < >.
Jingkuang Liu, et al. (2020): Exploring factors influencing construction waste reduction: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 276.
Ferguson, J., Kermode, N., Nash, C.L., Sketch, W.A.J., Huxford, R.P., (1995). Managing and Minimising Construction Waste: A Practical Guide. Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
Sealey, B.J., Phillips, P.S., Hill, G.J., 2001. Waste management issues for the UK readymixedconcrete industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 32 (3–4), 321–331.
Poon, C.S., )2007(. Reducing construction waste. Waste Manage. 27 (12), 1715–1716.
Jingkuang Liu, et al. (2020): Exploring factors influencing construction waste reduction: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 276.
Ann T.W. Yu , C.S. Poon , Agnes Wong, Robin Yip & Lara Jaillon (2013). Impact of Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme on work practices at construction sites in Hong Kong. Waste Management 33 , 138–146.
Georgios Banias, Charisios Achillas, Christos Vlachokostas, Nicolas Moussiopoulos & Sokratis Tarsenis (2010). Assessing multiple criteria for the optimal location of a construction and demolition waste management facility. Building and Environment 45, 2317e2326.
Nabil Kartam, Nayef Al-Mutairi, Ibrahim Al-Ghusain& Jasem Al-Humoud (2004). Environmental management of construction and demolition waste in Kuwait. Waste Management 24 , 1049–1059.
Hongping Yuan & Liyin Shen (2011). Trend of the research on construction and demolition waste management. Waste Management 31 , 670–679.
Vasiloglou, V.C., (2004). New tool for landfill location. Waste Management Researches 22, 427–439.
Gilberto Tavares, Zdena Zsigraio&Viriato Semiao (2011). Multi-criteria GIS-based siting of an incineration plant for municipal solid waste. Waste Management 31 , 1960–1972.
Al Khaldi, et al. (2021): Landfill Siting Evaluation Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method: A Case Study: Dammam Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. Journal of Geographic Information System 13, 508-522.
Alkaradaghi Karwan , et al. (2020): Landfill Site Selection Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making AHP and SAW Methods: A Case Study in Sulaimaniyah Governorate, Iraq. Scientific Research Publishing 12, 254-268.
Maria Franca Norese (2006), ELECTRE III as a support for participatory decision-making on the localisation of waste-treatment plants. Land Use Policy 23 , 76–85.
Ni-Bin Chang, et al. (2007): Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection Analysis the City of Harlingen.
GulfemTuzkaya, Semih onut, Umut R. Tuzkaya& Bahadır Gulsun (2008). An analytic network process approach for locating undesirable facilities: An example from Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management 88 , 970–983.
Pablo Aragone´ s-Beltran, Juan Pascual Pastor-Ferrando , Fernando Garcı´a-Garcıa&Amadeo Pascual-Agullo (2010). An Analytic Network Process approach for siting a municipal solid waste plant inthe Metropolitan Area of Valencia (Spain). Journal of Environmental Management 91 , 1071–1086.
Karkazi, A., Hatzichristos, T., Emmanouilidi, B., Mavropoulos, A., (2001). Landfills sitting using GIS and fuzzy logic. Proceedings of the 8th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium;; Sardinia, Italy
Mehmet Ekmekciog˘lu., Tolga Kaya., Cengiz Kahraman (2010). Fuzzy multicriteria disposal method and site selection for municipal solid waste. Waste Management 30 , 1729–1736
Mallick J (2021): Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection Based on Fuzzy-AHP and Geoinformation Techniques in Asir Region Saudi Arabia. Sustainability 13, 1538.