The new hybrid SELKA method for evaluation, ranking and selection of green suppliers in the supply chain
Subject Areas : Environmental Economics
Elham Shadkam
Fatemeh Adineh
1 - Assistant Pprofessor of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Eng., Khayyam University, Mashhad, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Master of Science of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Eng., Khayyam University, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Supply Chain, Green Suppliers, Analytical Hierarchy, Data Envelopment Analysis, Wind Power Plant.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: With the increasing number of environmental problems, it is very important to pay attention to environmental standards in the supply chain and has led to the creation of a green supply chain that causes the least damage to the environment. Evaluating, ranking and selecting a green supplier in the supply chain is important in order to reduce costs and achieve more profit and thus increase the efficiency and performance of the supply chain. The purpose of this article is to evaluate and select the best green suppliers of wind farm equipment using SELKA proposed approach and to prioritize suppliers according to economic and environmental criteria in the supply chain using this method. Material and Methodology: In this paper, a hybrid approach called SELKA method is presented, which is a combination of data envelopment analysis methods and hierarchical analysis process, and the crossover matrix of efficiency is used instead of the matrix of weights. Findings: The most important advantage of the proposed approach is to simultaneously consider the efficiency of suppliers and evaluate them according to the existing criteria, which is not considered in any of the decision-making methods, and thus leads to a more accurate and efficient evaluation of suppliers. Discussion and Conclusion: In order to validate SELKA's proposed method, the issue of evaluation and selection of green suppliers in wind power plants is discussed and the results are compared with similar methods. The results show the superiority of the proposed method of the article in the ranking of suppliers and selects more efficient suppliers.
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