Provide a framework for Resilient-Sustainable Supplier Selection Model with an intuitive fuzzy approach
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
asadollah Alirezaei
Mozhde Rabbani
Hamid Babaei Meybodi
Abolfazl Sadeghian
1 - Department of Industrial Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Department of Management, Meybod University, Meybod, Iran.
4 - Department of Industrial Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Received: 2021-12-18
Accepted : 2022-01-26
Published : 2022-07-23
stable supplier,
resilient supplier,
intuitive fuzzy AHP,
Supplier selection,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Reducing environmental pollution and selecting sustainable suppliers can lead to improving the stability situation and reducing the risk of supply chain disruption. The purpose of this study was to design a model for selecting stable resilient suppliers in the supply chain of Shahid Ghandi Company with intuitive fuzzy AHP approach.
Material and Methodology: The present research is an applied-developmental goal in terms of collecting descriptive information and in terms of the nature of data. The present study consists of two main parts. In the first part, using research literature, the criteria for selecting a stable resilient supplier were identified. To obtain the indicators, after reviewing the theoretical literature of the research, 76 indicators were identified for evaluation of sustainable supplier and 50 indicators for evaluation of resilient supplier, which after four stages of supply chain experts in Shahid Ghandi factories using Delphi model method Finally, 15 suitable indicators for sustainability and 15 suitable indicators for resilience were identified, then a questionnaire was distributed among the employees in the supply chain of Shahid Ghandi Company and based on 136 questionnaires, the model of selecting a resilient sustainable supplier Confirmatory factor analysis method was approved and then intuitive fuzzy AHP method was used to select the supplier.
Findings: Sustainability indices were classified into three sections: economic, social and environmental, as well as resilience indices in three sections: absorption capacity, adaptive capacity and restorative capacity. It was spread among experts.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that priority is given to economic indicators, absorption capacity, remedial capacity, adaptive capacity, social and environmental, respectively, and finally suppliers were prioritized. Also, among the sub-indicators, cost and quality are the most important They were.
Darvishmotevali, M., & Altinay, L. (2022). Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership. Tourism Management, 88, 104401. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.
Ahmed, M., Guo, Q., Qureshi, M. A., Raza, S. A., Khan, K. A., & Salam, J. (2021). Do green HR practices enhance green motivation and proactive environmental management maturity in hotel industry? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102852
Zhong, Li Tong; Wang, Jindan; Pu, Zhongmin. (2021). Sustainable supplier selection for SMEs based on an extended PROMETHEE Ⅱ approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 330, 1 January 2022, 129830
Sheikhi, Rahim, Hosseini Shakib, Mehrdad, Shavalpour Arani, Saeed, Khamseh, Abbas. (2021). Identifying key factors affecting the promotion of green innovation capabilities in the automotive industry. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 23 (2), 29-44. (In Persian)
Mahmudul Hasan, Md; Jiang, Dizuo; Sharif Ullah A.M.M; Noor-E-Alam Md. (2020).” Resilient supplier selection in logistics 4.0 with heterogeneous information”, Expert Systems with Applications 139 (2020) 112799.
Hofmann, E., & Rüsch, M. (2017).” Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics”, Computers in Industry, 89, 23–34.
Li, J., Fang, H., & Song, W. (2019).” Sustainable supplier selection based on SSCM practices: A rough cloud TOPSIS approach”. Journal of Cleaner Production. doi:10. 1016.j. jclepro.2019.03.070.
D, Mina.H, Nosrati-Abarghooee.S, Khosrojerdi, G. (2020).” Sustainable circular supplier selection: A novel hybrid approach”, Science of the Total Environment.722 (2020) 137936.
Mukherjee, Sayan. (2021). “Comments on A fuzzy multi criteria approach for measuring sustainability performance of a supplier based on triple bottom line approach.” journal of Cleaner Production,280 (2), January 2021, 124347. doi:10. 1016.j. jclepro.2020.124347
Zimmer, K., Fröhling, M. & Schultmann, F. (2016). “Sustainable supplier management–a review of models supporting sustainable supplier selection, monitoring and development”. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (5), 1412-1442.
Hosseini, S., & Al Khaled, A. (2016).” A hybrid ensemble and AHP approach for resilient supplier selection”. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1–22.
Lee, S.-H. (2017).” A fuzzy multi-objective programming approach for determination of resilient supply portfolio under supply failure risks”. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23 (3), 211–220.
Yilmaz-Börekçi, D., İşeri Say, A., & Rofcanin, Y. (2015). “Measuring supplier resilience in supply networks”. Journal of Change Management, 15 (1), 64–82.
Edgeman, R., & Wu, Z. (2016). “Supply chain criticality in sustainable and resilient enterprises”. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11 (4), 869–888.
Fahimnia, B., & Jabbarzadeh, A. (2016). “Marrying supply chain sustainability and resilience: A match made in heaven”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 91, 306–324.
Thomas, A., Byard, P., Francis, M., Fisher, R., & White, G. R. (2016). Profiling the resiliency and sustainability of UK manufacturing companies. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27 (1), 82–99.
Marchese, D., Reynolds, E., Bates, M. E., Morgan, H., Clark, S. S., & Linkov, I. (2018).” Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications”. Science of the Total Environment, 613, 1275–1283.
Hosseini, S., & Barker, K. (2016). “A Bayesian network model for resilience-based supplier selection”. International Journal of Production Economics, 180, 68–87.
Parkouhi, S. V., & Ghadikolaei, A. S. (2017). “A resilience approach for supplier selection: Using fuzzy analytic network process and grey VIKOR techniques”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, 431–451.
Elkington, J. (2002). “The Triple Bottom Line of the 21 st Century”. Oxford Press.
Zhou, H., Yi, Y., Yao, C., Joe, Z. (2017). “Data Envelopment Analysis Application in Sustainability: The Origins, Development and Future Directions”, European Journal of Operational Research (2017), doi: 10. 1016.j. ejor.2017.06.023.
Gazzola, P, Gonzalez D.A., Onyango, V. (2019). “Going green is going smart for sustainable development: Quo Vadis?”, Journal of Cleaner Production,214 (2019),881-892.
Ghadimi, P., Dargi, A., Heavey, C.,)2016). “Making Sustainable Sourcing Decisions: Practical Evidence from the Automotive Industry”. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25.
Ghadimi, P., Wang, C., Lim, M.K., Heavey, C. (2018).”Intelligent sustainable supplier selection using multi-agent technology: theory and application for Industry 4.0 supply chains”, Computers & Industrial Engineering,doi:
Sooksiri Wichaisri; Apichat Sopadang. (2017). “Trends and Future Directions in Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development,” ( DOI: 10.1002. sd.1687.
Harris, Jonathan M. (2000).” Basic principles of sustainable development”. Tufts university, USA.
Sheffi, Y., & Rice Jr, J. B. (2005)."A supply chain view of the resilient enterprise”. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47 (1), 41–49.
Torabi, S. A., Baghersad, M., & Mansouri, S. A. (2015). “Resilient supplier selection and order allocation under operational and disruption risks”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 79, 22–48. doi: 10.1016.j.tre.2015.03. 005.
Beheshtian, A., P. Donaghy, K., Geddes, R. R., & M. Rouhani, O. (2017).” Planning resilient motor-fuel supply chain”. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.24 312–325.
S, Ivanovb.D, lexandre.A. (2019).” Review of quantitative methods for supply chain resilience analysis”. Transportation Research, Part E 125 (2019) 285–307.
Aref A. Hervani; Santosh Nandi; Marilyn M. Helms; Joseph Sarkis. (2022). A performance measurement framework for socially sustainable and resilient supply chains using environmental goods valuation methods. Sustainable Production and Consumption,30, March 2022, P. 31-52.
Ahmed Mohammed. (2020). Towards ‘gresilient’ supply chain management: A quantitative study. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,155 ,104641.
Davoudabadi R, Mousavi SM, Sharifi E. (2019).A new integrated weighting and ranking model based on entropy, DEA and PCA considering two aggregation approaches for resilient supplier selection problem, Journal of Computational Science,doi:
a, Dargib, A, Akbari.M. R, Robiah Ahmadc, J., Abdul Rahim. (2019). Sustainable supplier selection: A multi-criterion intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method. Journal of Manufacturing Systems,50,9–24.
Rashidi, K., & Cullinane, K. (2019). “A comparison of fuzzy DEA and fuzzy TOPSIS in sustainable supplier selection: Implications for sourcing strategy”. Expert Systems with Applications, 121, 266–281. doi:10. 1016.j. eswa.2018.12.025.
Awasthi, A., Govindan, K., Gold, S. (2017). Multi-tier sustainable global supplier selection using a fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based approach, International Journal of Production Economics.doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.10.013
Motevali Haghighi, S., Torabi, S.A., Ghasemi, R. (2016). “An integrated approach for performance evaluation in sustainable supply chain networks (with a case study)”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 137, 20 November2016, Pages 579-597.
You, Xiao-Yue; You Jian-Xin; Liu, Hu-Chen; Zhen, Lu. (2015). “Group multi-criteria supplier selection using an extended VIKOR method with interval 2-tuple linguistic information”. Expert Systems with Applications 42 (2015) 1906–1916.
Soni, Umang, Vipul Jain, and Sameer Kumar (2014). “Measuring supply chain resilience using adeterministic modeling approach”. Computers &Industrial Engineering.74, 11-25.
Liu, Hu-Chen, Mei-Yun Quan, ZhiWu Li, Ze-Ling Wang (2019). “A new integrated MCDM model for sustainable supplier selection under interval-valued intuitionistic uncertain linguistic environment”, Information Sciences. 486 (2019) 254–270
Amindoust, A., Ahmed, S., & Saghafinia, A. (2012). A taxonomy and review on supplier selection methods under uncertainty. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 7 (1), 33–43.
Pishchulov, G., Trautrims, A., Chesney, T., Gold, S., Schwab, L. (2019). The Voting Analytic Hierarchy Process revisited: a revised method with application to sustainable sup- plier selection. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 211, 166–179.
Mohammed, A., Harris, I., Kannan, G. (2019). A hybrid MCDM-FMOO approach for sustain- able supplier selection and order allocation. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 217, 171–184.
Fallahpour, A., Olugu, E.U., Musa, S.N., Wong, K.Y., Noori, S., (2017). A decision support model for sustainable supplier selection in sustainable supply chain management. Comput. Ind. Eng. 105, 391–410.
Büyüközkan, G., Çifçi, G. (2011). A novel fuzzy multi-criteria decision framework for sus- tainable supplier selection with incomplete information. Comput. Ind. 62 (2), 164–174.
Guarnieri, P., Trojan, F. (2019). Decision making on supplier selection based on social, eth- ical, and environmental criteria: a study in the textile industry. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 141, 347–361.
Kamalahmadi, M., & Mellat-Parast, M. (2016). Developing a resilient supply chain through supplier flexibility and reliability assessment. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (1), 302–321. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1088971.
Ivanov, D., Das, A., Choi, T.-M.. (2018). Special issue on new flexibility drivers in manufacturing, service, and supply chain systems. Int. J. Prod. Res. 56 (10).
Hosseini, S., Barker, K. (2016). Modeling infrastructure resilience using Bayesian networks: a case study of Inland waterway ports. Comput. Ind. Eng. 93, 252–266.
Hosseini, S., Khaled, A. (2016). A hybrid ensemble AHP approach for resilient supplier selection. J. Intell. Manuf. 1–22.
Mandal, S., Sarathy, R., Rao, Korasiga V., Bhattacharya, S., Ghosh Dastidar, S. (2016). Resilience Built Environ, Int. J. Disaster. 7 (5), 544–562
Darvishmotevali, M., & Altinay, L. (2022). Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership. Tourism Management, 88, 104401. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.
Ahmed, M., Guo, Q., Qureshi, M. A., Raza, S. A., Khan, K. A., & Salam, J. (2021). Do green HR practices enhance green motivation and proactive environmental management maturity in hotel industry? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, 102852
Zhong, Li Tong; Wang, Jindan; Pu, Zhongmin. (2021). Sustainable supplier selection for SMEs based on an extended PROMETHEE Ⅱ approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 330, 1 January 2022, 129830
Sheikhi, Rahim, Hosseini Shakib, Mehrdad, Shavalpour Arani, Saeed, Khamseh, Abbas. (2021). Identifying key factors affecting the promotion of green innovation capabilities in the automotive industry. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 23 (2), 29-44. (In Persian)
Mahmudul Hasan, Md; Jiang, Dizuo; Sharif Ullah A.M.M; Noor-E-Alam Md. (2020).” Resilient supplier selection in logistics 4.0 with heterogeneous information”, Expert Systems with Applications 139 (2020) 112799.
Hofmann, E., & Rüsch, M. (2017).” Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics”, Computers in Industry, 89, 23–34.
Li, J., Fang, H., & Song, W. (2019).” Sustainable supplier selection based on SSCM practices: A rough cloud TOPSIS approach”. Journal of Cleaner Production. doi:10. 1016.j. jclepro.2019.03.070.
D, Mina.H, Nosrati-Abarghooee.S, Khosrojerdi, G. (2020).” Sustainable circular supplier selection: A novel hybrid approach”, Science of the Total Environment.722 (2020) 137936.
Mukherjee, Sayan. (2021). “Comments on A fuzzy multi criteria approach for measuring sustainability performance of a supplier based on triple bottom line approach.” journal of Cleaner Production,280 (2), January 2021, 124347. doi:10. 1016.j. jclepro.2020.124347
Zimmer, K., Fröhling, M. & Schultmann, F. (2016). “Sustainable supplier management–a review of models supporting sustainable supplier selection, monitoring and development”. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (5), 1412-1442.
Hosseini, S., & Al Khaled, A. (2016).” A hybrid ensemble and AHP approach for resilient supplier selection”. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1–22.
Lee, S.-H. (2017).” A fuzzy multi-objective programming approach for determination of resilient supply portfolio under supply failure risks”. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23 (3), 211–220.
Yilmaz-Börekçi, D., İşeri Say, A., & Rofcanin, Y. (2015). “Measuring supplier resilience in supply networks”. Journal of Change Management, 15 (1), 64–82.
Edgeman, R., & Wu, Z. (2016). “Supply chain criticality in sustainable and resilient enterprises”. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11 (4), 869–888.
Fahimnia, B., & Jabbarzadeh, A. (2016). “Marrying supply chain sustainability and resilience: A match made in heaven”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 91, 306–324.
Thomas, A., Byard, P., Francis, M., Fisher, R., & White, G. R. (2016). Profiling the resiliency and sustainability of UK manufacturing companies. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27 (1), 82–99.
Marchese, D., Reynolds, E., Bates, M. E., Morgan, H., Clark, S. S., & Linkov, I. (2018).” Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications”. Science of the Total Environment, 613, 1275–1283.
Hosseini, S., & Barker, K. (2016). “A Bayesian network model for resilience-based supplier selection”. International Journal of Production Economics, 180, 68–87.
Parkouhi, S. V., & Ghadikolaei, A. S. (2017). “A resilience approach for supplier selection: Using fuzzy analytic network process and grey VIKOR techniques”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, 431–451.
Elkington, J. (2002). “The Triple Bottom Line of the 21 st Century”. Oxford Press.
Zhou, H., Yi, Y., Yao, C., Joe, Z. (2017). “Data Envelopment Analysis Application in Sustainability: The Origins, Development and Future Directions”, European Journal of Operational Research (2017), doi: 10. 1016.j. ejor.2017.06.023.
Gazzola, P, Gonzalez D.A., Onyango, V. (2019). “Going green is going smart for sustainable development: Quo Vadis?”, Journal of Cleaner Production,214 (2019),881-892.
Ghadimi, P., Dargi, A., Heavey, C.,)2016). “Making Sustainable Sourcing Decisions: Practical Evidence from the Automotive Industry”. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-25.
Ghadimi, P., Wang, C., Lim, M.K., Heavey, C. (2018).”Intelligent sustainable supplier selection using multi-agent technology: theory and application for Industry 4.0 supply chains”, Computers & Industrial Engineering,doi:
Sooksiri Wichaisri; Apichat Sopadang. (2017). “Trends and Future Directions in Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development,” ( DOI: 10.1002. sd.1687.
Harris, Jonathan M. (2000).” Basic principles of sustainable development”. Tufts university, USA.
Sheffi, Y., & Rice Jr, J. B. (2005)."A supply chain view of the resilient enterprise”. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47 (1), 41–49.
Torabi, S. A., Baghersad, M., & Mansouri, S. A. (2015). “Resilient supplier selection and order allocation under operational and disruption risks”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 79, 22–48. doi: 10.1016.j.tre.2015.03. 005.
Beheshtian, A., P. Donaghy, K., Geddes, R. R., & M. Rouhani, O. (2017).” Planning resilient motor-fuel supply chain”. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.24 312–325.
S, Ivanovb.D, lexandre.A. (2019).” Review of quantitative methods for supply chain resilience analysis”. Transportation Research, Part E 125 (2019) 285–307.
Aref A. Hervani; Santosh Nandi; Marilyn M. Helms; Joseph Sarkis. (2022). A performance measurement framework for socially sustainable and resilient supply chains using environmental goods valuation methods. Sustainable Production and Consumption,30, March 2022, P. 31-52.
Ahmed Mohammed. (2020). Towards ‘gresilient’ supply chain management: A quantitative study. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,155 ,104641.
Davoudabadi R, Mousavi SM, Sharifi E. (2019).A new integrated weighting and ranking model based on entropy, DEA and PCA considering two aggregation approaches for resilient supplier selection problem, Journal of Computational Science,doi:
a, Dargib, A, Akbari.M. R, Robiah Ahmadc, J., Abdul Rahim. (2019). Sustainable supplier selection: A multi-criterion intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method. Journal of Manufacturing Systems,50,9–24.
Rashidi, K., & Cullinane, K. (2019). “A comparison of fuzzy DEA and fuzzy TOPSIS in sustainable supplier selection: Implications for sourcing strategy”. Expert Systems with Applications, 121, 266–281. doi:10. 1016.j. eswa.2018.12.025.
Awasthi, A., Govindan, K., Gold, S. (2017). Multi-tier sustainable global supplier selection using a fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based approach, International Journal of Production Economics.doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.10.013
Motevali Haghighi, S., Torabi, S.A., Ghasemi, R. (2016). “An integrated approach for performance evaluation in sustainable supply chain networks (with a case study)”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 137, 20 November2016, Pages 579-597.
You, Xiao-Yue; You Jian-Xin; Liu, Hu-Chen; Zhen, Lu. (2015). “Group multi-criteria supplier selection using an extended VIKOR method with interval 2-tuple linguistic information”. Expert Systems with Applications 42 (2015) 1906–1916.
Soni, Umang, Vipul Jain, and Sameer Kumar (2014). “Measuring supply chain resilience using adeterministic modeling approach”. Computers &Industrial Engineering.74, 11-25.
Liu, Hu-Chen, Mei-Yun Quan, ZhiWu Li, Ze-Ling Wang (2019). “A new integrated MCDM model for sustainable supplier selection under interval-valued intuitionistic uncertain linguistic environment”, Information Sciences. 486 (2019) 254–270
Amindoust, A., Ahmed, S., & Saghafinia, A. (2012). A taxonomy and review on supplier selection methods under uncertainty. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 7 (1), 33–43.
Pishchulov, G., Trautrims, A., Chesney, T., Gold, S., Schwab, L. (2019). The Voting Analytic Hierarchy Process revisited: a revised method with application to sustainable sup- plier selection. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 211, 166–179.
Mohammed, A., Harris, I., Kannan, G. (2019). A hybrid MCDM-FMOO approach for sustain- able supplier selection and order allocation. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 217, 171–184.
Fallahpour, A., Olugu, E.U., Musa, S.N., Wong, K.Y., Noori, S., (2017). A decision support model for sustainable supplier selection in sustainable supply chain management. Comput. Ind. Eng. 105, 391–410.
Büyüközkan, G., Çifçi, G. (2011). A novel fuzzy multi-criteria decision framework for sus- tainable supplier selection with incomplete information. Comput. Ind. 62 (2), 164–174.
Guarnieri, P., Trojan, F. (2019). Decision making on supplier selection based on social, eth- ical, and environmental criteria: a study in the textile industry. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 141, 347–361.
Kamalahmadi, M., & Mellat-Parast, M. (2016). Developing a resilient supply chain through supplier flexibility and reliability assessment. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (1), 302–321. doi:10.1080/00207543.2015.1088971.
Ivanov, D., Das, A., Choi, T.-M.. (2018). Special issue on new flexibility drivers in manufacturing, service, and supply chain systems. Int. J. Prod. Res. 56 (10).
Hosseini, S., Barker, K. (2016). Modeling infrastructure resilience using Bayesian networks: a case study of Inland waterway ports. Comput. Ind. Eng. 93, 252–266.
Hosseini, S., Khaled, A. (2016). A hybrid ensemble AHP approach for resilient supplier selection. J. Intell. Manuf. 1–22.
Mandal, S., Sarathy, R., Rao, Korasiga V., Bhattacharya, S., Ghosh Dastidar, S. (2016). Resilience Built Environ, Int. J. Disaster. 7 (5), 544–562