Investigation of Quality and Quantity of Waste Generation in South Azadegan Oil Field (Southwest of Iran)
Subject Areas :
Industrial pollution
Zhinoos Tavakoli
Hossein Sakhaeinia
Farshid Pajoum Shariati
1 - - Department of Chemical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.*(Corresponding Author)
3 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2022-06-20
Accepted : 2022-11-02
Published : 2023-02-20
Quality and quantity of waste,
Oil Field,
Drilling fluids,
South Azadegan,
Drilling rig,
Waste Classification,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Oil fields can be considered as a major waste resource that leads to considerable adverse effects on human health and the environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality, quantity and type of waste generated in the oil field of South Azadegan.
Material and Methodology: The present work reviewed the quality and quantity of waste generated in the south Azadegan oil field (Southwest of Iran) according to the production point and operation unit and waste classification. The present work was conducted in 2020 and firstly the various sectors of waste generation were identified and classified. Then a questionnaire was provided and distributed to all sectors for data collection. Ethical issues were considered at all stages.
Fidings: The results showed that some recyclable wastes (approximately 35%) and organic waste (63.5%) were generated in the restaurant unit and the total weight of healthcare waste was 50Kg/year that include 28% non-infectious and 72% infectious waste. The engineering and sanitation unit of south Azadegan. produce the most waste generated in this area and the most wastes generated in this unit was drilling rig and fluids. Also, the chemical analysis of drilling rigs showed that the concentration of heavy metals in these samples is high.
Discussion & Conclusion: According to the results, it should take into consideration that various wastes have been generated in studied area, some of which are hazardous, and new strategies should be used to protect the environment.
Hojjati SMH, Hajati SI. 2016. Drilling waste management in the National Company of Oilfields of Southern Iran. Third International Conference on New Research in Management, Economics and Humanities, pp. 13-1. (In Persian)
Hainey, B., Keck, R., Smith, M., Lynch, K., Barth, J. 1999. On-site fracturing disposal of oilfield-waste solids in Wilmington field, California. J SPE production facilities,Vol. 14(02), pp.83-7.
Rafie M, Abtahi M, hajihosseinlou A. 2022. Performance evaluation of infectious wastes decontamination devices in general hospitals under the auspicious of Khoy University of Medical Sciences in 2020-2021, Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (i.E., Health in the Field), 9(3), pp. 10-18. (In Persian)
Lodungi, JF., Alfred, D., Khirulthzam, A., Adnan, F., Tellichandran, S. 2016. A review in oil exploration and production waste discharges according to legislative and waste management practices perspective in Malaysia. International Journal of Waste Resources,Vol. 7(1), pp.260.
Mokhtarani, B., Moghaddam, MRA., Mokhtarani, N., Khaledi, HJ. 2006. Report: future industrial solid waste management in pars special economic energy zone (PSEEZ), Iran. J Waste management research,Vol. 24(3), pp.283-8.
Abdel-Aal, HK., Zohdy, K., Abdelkreem, M. 2018. Waste management in crude oil processing: crude oil dehydration and desalting. International Journal of Waste Resources,Vol. 8(1).
Karimpour Zahraei S, Jalili Ghazizadeh M, Jalili Qazizadeh M. 2017. Feasibility of using waste Molecular sieve and Ceramic ball in hot asphalt mixtures. Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (i.E., Health in the Field), 5(2), pp.46-54. (In Persian)
Hildenbrand, ZL., Santos, IC., Liden, T., Carlton Jr, DD., Varona-Torres, E., Martin, MS., Reyes, ML., Mulla, SR., Schug, KA. 2018. Characterizing variable biogeochemical changes during the treatment of produced oilfield waste. Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 634pp.1519-29.
Onwukwe, S., Nwakaudu, M. 2012. Drilling wastes generation and management approach. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,Vol. 3(3), pp.252.
Tadayoni M, 2010. waste management of drilling operations in oil and gas fields. Scientific- Propagative Journal of Oil & Gas Exploration & Productoin, 72. pp. 69 - 65 (Persian).
Orazbayеv, B., Santeyeva, S., Zhumadillayeva, A., Dyussekeyev, K., Agarwal, RK., Yue, X-G., Fan, J. 2019. Sustainable waste management drilling process in fuzzy environment. Sustainability,Vol. 11(24), pp.6995-7018.
Veil, JA. 2003. Innovative technologies for managing oil field waste. J Energy Resour Technol,Vol. 125(3), pp.238-48.
Ismail, AR., Alias, AH., Sulaiman, WRW., Jaafar, MZ., Ismail, I. 2017. Drilling fluid waste management in drilling for oil and gas wells. Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 56pp.1351-6.
Cox, JR. 2003. Revisiting RCRA's Oilfield Waste Exemption as to Certain Hazardous Oilfield Exploration and Production Wastes. Vill Envtl LJ,Vol. 14pp.1.
Li, J-P., Yang, X-J., Ma, L., Yang, Q., Zhang, Y-H., Bai, Z-S., Fang, X-C., Li, L-Q., Gao, Y., Wang, H-L. 2016. The enhancement on the waste management of spent hydrotreating catalysts for residue oil by a hydrothermal–hydrocyclone process. J Catalysis Today,Vol. 271pp.163-71.
Rajović, V., Kiss, F., Maravić, N., Bera, O. 2016. Environmental flows and life cycle assessment of associated petroleum gas utilization via combined heat and power plants and heat boilers at oil fields. J Energy conversion management,Vol. 118pp.96-104.
Vasilyev, AV, 2017. waste management system in russia and approaches to its realization in oil gas industry. Proceedings of the Sixth International Environmental Congress (Eighth International Scientific-Technical Conference)" Ecology and Life Protection of Industrial-Transport Complexes" ELPIT 2017.
Ghadami JS, Moazzeni AR, Nabaei M, Rouhi A, Yavari Ch. 2010. Waste management in the oil industry is important in preventing environmental damage, National Conference on Human, Environment and Sustainable Development, Hamedan, Iran, pp.1-9. (In Persian)
Bolandi, V., Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi, A., Alizadeh, B., Tahmorasi, J., Farzi, R. 2015. Source rock characterization of the Albian Kazhdumi formation by integrating well logs and geochemical data in the Azadegan oilfield, Abadan plain, SW Iran. Journal of Petroleum Science Engineering,Vol. 133pp.167-76.
Al-Masri, M., Aba, A. 2005. Distribution of scales containing NORM in different oilfields equipment. Applied radiation isotopes,Vol. 63(4), pp.457-63.
Farajdonyavi H. 2004. wastes management in iran and france law emphasizing on waste management law acted in 2004. journal of private law studies, vol 38 (1) pp. 1-10 (In Persian)
S. EPA. 1996. “Method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils,” Revision 2. Washington, DC.,Vol. 1.
Sari, GL., Trihadiningrum, Y., Ni'matuzahroh, NJ. 2018. Petroleum hydrocarbon pollution in soil and surface water by public oil fields in Wonocolo sub-district, Indonesia. Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 19(2) pp.184--193.
Tatàno, F., Caramiello, C., Paolini, T., Tripolone, L. 2017. Generation and collection of restaurant waste: Characterization and evaluation at a case study in Italy. Waste management,Vol. 61pp.423-42.
Sartaj, M., Arabgol, R. 2015. Assessment of healthcare waste management practices and associated problems in Isfahan Province (Iran). Journal of Material Cycles Waste Management,Vol. 17(1), pp.99-106.
salehi, B., khamseh, h., makhloghi, S., Nosrati, A. 2021. The impact of waste management promotion program in Razi Hospital in Qazvin, Iran (2013-2018). Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (iE, Health in the Field),Vol. 8(3), pp.55-65.
Moavi, Z., Farrokhian, F. 2017. Identification and classification of Marun Petrochemical Company Olefin Unit special residues based on BAZEL Convention Method. Journal of Environmental Science Technology,Vol. pp.1-17.
Hill, LAL., Czolowski, ED., DiGiulio, D., Shonkoff, SB. 2019. Temporal and spatial trends of conventional and unconventional oil and gas waste management in Pennsylvania, 1991–2017. J Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 674pp.623-36.
Salahshour J, Khajeh Borj Sefidi N. 2014. Presenting an appropriate strategy for drilling waste management with a special approach to drilling methods with a special approach to oil well drilling methods, 2nd International Congress on Structure, Architecture and Urban Development, Tabriz, pp. 1-13. (In Persian)
Karakosta, K., Mitropoulos, AC., Kyzas, GZ. 2021. A review in nanopolymers for drilling fluids applications. J Journal of Molecular Structure,Vol. 1227pp.129702.
Helmy, Q., Kardena, E. 2015. Petroleum oil and gas industry waste treatment; common practice in Indonesia. J Journal of Petroleum Environmental Biotechnology,Vol. 6(5), pp.1-7.
Abdo, J., Haneef, M. 2013. Clay nanoparticles modified drilling fluids for drilling of deep hydrocarbon wells. J Applied Clay Science,Vol. 86pp.76-82.
Ebrahimi, S, Shaigan J, Malakouti Mj, Baybourdi M, Ghodousi J, Akbari A, Atashjame A. 2009. Hydrocarbon Pollution Emission In Soil Around Sarkhoun Refinery. J. of Water and Soil Conservation, 16(4), pp.101-124. (In Persian)
Hojjati SMH, Hajati SI. 2016. Drilling waste management in the National Company of Oilfields of Southern Iran. Third International Conference on New Research in Management, Economics and Humanities, pp. 13-1. (In Persian)
Hainey, B., Keck, R., Smith, M., Lynch, K., Barth, J. 1999. On-site fracturing disposal of oilfield-waste solids in Wilmington field, California. J SPE production facilities,Vol. 14(02), pp.83-7.
Rafie M, Abtahi M, hajihosseinlou A. 2022. Performance evaluation of infectious wastes decontamination devices in general hospitals under the auspicious of Khoy University of Medical Sciences in 2020-2021, Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (i.E., Health in the Field), 9(3), pp. 10-18. (In Persian)
Lodungi, JF., Alfred, D., Khirulthzam, A., Adnan, F., Tellichandran, S. 2016. A review in oil exploration and production waste discharges according to legislative and waste management practices perspective in Malaysia. International Journal of Waste Resources,Vol. 7(1), pp.260.
Mokhtarani, B., Moghaddam, MRA., Mokhtarani, N., Khaledi, HJ. 2006. Report: future industrial solid waste management in pars special economic energy zone (PSEEZ), Iran. J Waste management research,Vol. 24(3), pp.283-8.
Abdel-Aal, HK., Zohdy, K., Abdelkreem, M. 2018. Waste management in crude oil processing: crude oil dehydration and desalting. International Journal of Waste Resources,Vol. 8(1).
Karimpour Zahraei S, Jalili Ghazizadeh M, Jalili Qazizadeh M. 2017. Feasibility of using waste Molecular sieve and Ceramic ball in hot asphalt mixtures. Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (i.E., Health in the Field), 5(2), pp.46-54. (In Persian)
Hildenbrand, ZL., Santos, IC., Liden, T., Carlton Jr, DD., Varona-Torres, E., Martin, MS., Reyes, ML., Mulla, SR., Schug, KA. 2018. Characterizing variable biogeochemical changes during the treatment of produced oilfield waste. Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 634pp.1519-29.
Onwukwe, S., Nwakaudu, M. 2012. Drilling wastes generation and management approach. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,Vol. 3(3), pp.252.
Tadayoni M, 2010. waste management of drilling operations in oil and gas fields. Scientific- Propagative Journal of Oil & Gas Exploration & Productoin, 72. pp. 69 - 65 (Persian).
Orazbayеv, B., Santeyeva, S., Zhumadillayeva, A., Dyussekeyev, K., Agarwal, RK., Yue, X-G., Fan, J. 2019. Sustainable waste management drilling process in fuzzy environment. Sustainability,Vol. 11(24), pp.6995-7018.
Veil, JA. 2003. Innovative technologies for managing oil field waste. J Energy Resour Technol,Vol. 125(3), pp.238-48.
Ismail, AR., Alias, AH., Sulaiman, WRW., Jaafar, MZ., Ismail, I. 2017. Drilling fluid waste management in drilling for oil and gas wells. Chemical Engineering Transactions,Vol. 56pp.1351-6.
Cox, JR. 2003. Revisiting RCRA's Oilfield Waste Exemption as to Certain Hazardous Oilfield Exploration and Production Wastes. Vill Envtl LJ,Vol. 14pp.1.
Li, J-P., Yang, X-J., Ma, L., Yang, Q., Zhang, Y-H., Bai, Z-S., Fang, X-C., Li, L-Q., Gao, Y., Wang, H-L. 2016. The enhancement on the waste management of spent hydrotreating catalysts for residue oil by a hydrothermal–hydrocyclone process. J Catalysis Today,Vol. 271pp.163-71.
Rajović, V., Kiss, F., Maravić, N., Bera, O. 2016. Environmental flows and life cycle assessment of associated petroleum gas utilization via combined heat and power plants and heat boilers at oil fields. J Energy conversion management,Vol. 118pp.96-104.
Vasilyev, AV, 2017. waste management system in russia and approaches to its realization in oil gas industry. Proceedings of the Sixth International Environmental Congress (Eighth International Scientific-Technical Conference)" Ecology and Life Protection of Industrial-Transport Complexes" ELPIT 2017.
Ghadami JS, Moazzeni AR, Nabaei M, Rouhi A, Yavari Ch. 2010. Waste management in the oil industry is important in preventing environmental damage, National Conference on Human, Environment and Sustainable Development, Hamedan, Iran, pp.1-9. (In Persian)
Bolandi, V., Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi, A., Alizadeh, B., Tahmorasi, J., Farzi, R. 2015. Source rock characterization of the Albian Kazhdumi formation by integrating well logs and geochemical data in the Azadegan oilfield, Abadan plain, SW Iran. Journal of Petroleum Science Engineering,Vol. 133pp.167-76.
Al-Masri, M., Aba, A. 2005. Distribution of scales containing NORM in different oilfields equipment. Applied radiation isotopes,Vol. 63(4), pp.457-63.
Farajdonyavi H. 2004. wastes management in iran and france law emphasizing on waste management law acted in 2004. journal of private law studies, vol 38 (1) pp. 1-10 (In Persian)
S. EPA. 1996. “Method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils,” Revision 2. Washington, DC.,Vol. 1.
Sari, GL., Trihadiningrum, Y., Ni'matuzahroh, NJ. 2018. Petroleum hydrocarbon pollution in soil and surface water by public oil fields in Wonocolo sub-district, Indonesia. Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 19(2) pp.184--193.
Tatàno, F., Caramiello, C., Paolini, T., Tripolone, L. 2017. Generation and collection of restaurant waste: Characterization and evaluation at a case study in Italy. Waste management,Vol. 61pp.423-42.
Sartaj, M., Arabgol, R. 2015. Assessment of healthcare waste management practices and associated problems in Isfahan Province (Iran). Journal of Material Cycles Waste Management,Vol. 17(1), pp.99-106.
salehi, B., khamseh, h., makhloghi, S., Nosrati, A. 2021. The impact of waste management promotion program in Razi Hospital in Qazvin, Iran (2013-2018). Journal of Behdasht Dar Arseh (iE, Health in the Field),Vol. 8(3), pp.55-65.
Moavi, Z., Farrokhian, F. 2017. Identification and classification of Marun Petrochemical Company Olefin Unit special residues based on BAZEL Convention Method. Journal of Environmental Science Technology,Vol. pp.1-17.
Hill, LAL., Czolowski, ED., DiGiulio, D., Shonkoff, SB. 2019. Temporal and spatial trends of conventional and unconventional oil and gas waste management in Pennsylvania, 1991–2017. J Science of the Total Environment,Vol. 674pp.623-36.
Salahshour J, Khajeh Borj Sefidi N. 2014. Presenting an appropriate strategy for drilling waste management with a special approach to drilling methods with a special approach to oil well drilling methods, 2nd International Congress on Structure, Architecture and Urban Development, Tabriz, pp. 1-13. (In Persian)
Karakosta, K., Mitropoulos, AC., Kyzas, GZ. 2021. A review in nanopolymers for drilling fluids applications. J Journal of Molecular Structure,Vol. 1227pp.129702.
Helmy, Q., Kardena, E. 2015. Petroleum oil and gas industry waste treatment; common practice in Indonesia. J Journal of Petroleum Environmental Biotechnology,Vol. 6(5), pp.1-7.
Abdo, J., Haneef, M. 2013. Clay nanoparticles modified drilling fluids for drilling of deep hydrocarbon wells. J Applied Clay Science,Vol. 86pp.76-82.
Ebrahimi, S, Shaigan J, Malakouti Mj, Baybourdi M, Ghodousi J, Akbari A, Atashjame A. 2009. Hydrocarbon Pollution Emission In Soil Around Sarkhoun Refinery. J. of Water and Soil Conservation, 16(4), pp.101-124. (In Persian)