Survey on Shavoor River Water Quality Using Water Quality Indexes (Hamzeh Village to Shavoor Dam)
Subject Areas :
Environment Pullotion (water and wastewater)
Mohammad Veisi
Maryam Mohammadi-Rouzbahani
Narges Zohrabi
1 - M.Sc., Department of Environmental Sciences, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof. Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Prof., Department of Water Science, Faculty of the Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Received: 2017-02-04
Accepted : 2017-05-06
Published : 2021-07-23
Water quality index,
Shavoor River,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Rivers are a small part of the world's running water and one of the main sources of water supply for various uses, including agriculture, drinking and industry. In this study, in order to investigate the quality status of part of the water of Shavar River located in Khuzestan province using water quality indicators 4 (NSFWQI), 5 (IRWQI) and (BCWQI) 6 in the study period from Hamzeh village to Shavar dam.Material and Methodology: Sampling of 5 selected stations along the river route was performed during six periods of winter of 1994 and spring of 1995 and after transferring the samples to the laboratory, the values of quality parameters to calculate water quality indicators including: BOD5, COD, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and other qualitative parameters were determined by standard methods.Findings: According to the NSFWQI calculation results, for all stations during the sampling periods are between 40-36 and indicate poor water quality. Also, the index calculation results (IRWQI) for all stations during the sampling periods are between the values of 46-43 and indicate relatively poor water quality. For the index (BCWQI) for all stations during the sampling period is between the values of 27-39 and indicates the appropriate quality for agricultural use.Discussion and Conclusion: River water quality in all sampling periods is at a low quality level that water use is only suitable for agricultural purposes. Also, the inflow of drainage from agricultural fields containing chemical fertilizers, domestic wastewater is one of the main reasons for the decline in water quality. In determining river water quality, the index (IRWQI) is better than other indicators in Iran.
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Islam S. Rasul M .T. Alam M.J.B. Haque M.A.) 2011(. Evaluation of wate. Quality of the Titas River Using NSF water Quality Index. Findal report. Dhak ، Bangeladesh ؛ Journal of Scientific Research ، Report ND : 3114
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NSF, 2003: National Sanitation Foundation. Available at: http://www.Nsfconsumer.rg/environment/wqi.Asp, Accessed November 2,2014.
Ghorbanian, Sh. Gohari, Sh. Banejhad, H. (2012). A Comparison of water quality indices for Vahdat Dam. 11th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evaportranspiration, 18-20 Bahman, Kerman, Iran. (In Persian)
Mir Hossieny, A. Rajabzadeh Qatrami, A. Khasheai, M. (2014) Study of annual changes in water quality of karun river based on IRWQI, The second National and Specialized Conference on Environmental Research, Hamadan, Hegmataneh Environmental Assessors Company. (In Persian)
Delgosha, F. Mesaghi, F. (2015). Agricultural water quality assessment of Ghezel Ozan River using WQI and NSFWQI quality indicators. Congress and Exhibition of water engineering, Tehran, Congress Karahewa Conference Company. (In Persian)
Guidelines for Calculating the quality Index of Iran΄s water resources The Iranian Environmental protection Agency. The University of Shahid Beheshti, (2012). (In Persian)
Meftahhalaghi, M. (2012). Water quality zoning using different quality indicators case study: Atrak river, journal of Water and soil conservation. 18 (2):211-220. (In Persian)
Enrique, S. Manuel, F. Colmenarejo, JA. Angel RG, Garcı, LT. Borja, R. (2007). Use of the water quality index and dissolved oxygen deficit as simple indicators of watersheds pollution. Journal Ecological Indicators. (7) p:315–328.
Chapman, D. 1996.water Quality assessment E&FN spon, an imprint of Chapman &Hall. 2nd Edition.
Meftahhalaghi, M. Golalipor, A. (2007). Classification of Water Quality of Atrak River, Technical Report of Golestan Environmental Office, p: 177. (In Persian)
Islam S. Rasul M .T. Alam M.J.B. Haque M.A.) 2011(. Evaluation of wate. Quality of the Titas River Using NSF water Quality Index. Findal report. Dhak ، Bangeladesh ؛ Journal of Scientific Research ، Report ND : 3114
Marina, C. Paolo, A. Alfredo, S. (2002). Water quality control in the river Arno. Journal Water Research, (36) p: 2673-2680.
Asadollahifardi, G. Afshar, A. Sobhani, N. (2003). Investigation of Water Quality Indexes and Classification of Karoon Water Quality, M.Sc. Thesis in Elmosanat. Tehran University. P: 154. (In Persian)
Afkhami, M. (2003). Effect of Sewage on Karoon Water Quality. Proceeding of Third National Conference of Iranian Energy Tehran.p:165-172. (In Persian)
Jonnalagadda, SB. Mhere, G. (2001).Water quality of the Odzi river in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe.Water Res. (35) p: 2371–2376.
NSF, 2003: National Sanitation Foundation. Available at: http://www.Nsfconsumer.rg/environment/wqi.Asp, Accessed November 2,2014.
Ghorbanian, Sh. Gohari, Sh. Banejhad, H. (2012). A Comparison of water quality indices for Vahdat Dam. 11th National Seminar on Irrigation and Evaportranspiration, 18-20 Bahman, Kerman, Iran. (In Persian)