The conservation status of rare sand- like species of Scanbil “Calligonum eriopodum”
Subject Areas :
Narjes Azizi
Gholamreza Hosseini-Bamrood
Majid dashti
Seyyedeh khadijeh Mahdavi
1 - Assistant Prof., Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran.
3 - - Assistant Prof., Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran.
4 - Assistant Prof., Faculty of Natural Resources,, Islamic Azad University,Noor Branch, Noor. Iran.
Received: 2019-10-06
Accepted : 2021-02-17
Published : 2022-01-21
Conservation status,
Calligonum eriopodum,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Calligonum eriopodum is a sand-loving shrub that is native to Iran exclusively in the sand dunes of Hemmat-Abad, Zirkuh-e-Qaen (South Khorasan). The conservation status of this rare and suitable plant for stabilizing quicksand and reducing wind speed was determined according to International union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria.
Material and Methodology: The conservation status of this rare species was determined according to IUCN criteria, using GeoCat online software, with field surveys in its habitats, and the area of occupancy (AOO) criterion and extent of occurrence (EOO) calculation.
Finding: The area occupied by the Scanbil species was estimated by field surveys and then by GeoCat software in its habitats: AOO was 20 Km2 and its presence area was 53.8 km2.
Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, this species is in the critically endangered class (CR). Surveys have shown that severe falls in water table drown down and unprecedented droughts of the last decade have been considered major contributors to this rare shrub, that needs to be protected as a natural genetic reserve.
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Hatami, A., Jafari, E., Sadeghian, S., Jamzad, Z. and Jalili, A. 2018. The conservation status of Cicer stapfianum f., an endemic species in Iran. Journal of Iran Nature, Vol. 3, pp.90-95. (In Persian)
Batooli, H., Jamzad, Z., and Jalili, A. 2019. The conservation status of Smirnovia turkestana Bunge, a rare species from Iran. Journal of Iran Nature, 3, pp. 108-117. (in Persian)
Mozaffarian, V. 2005. Trees and shrubs of Iran. Tehran, publisher of Farhange Moaser. 991 p. (in Persian).
Maassoumi A (2011) A revision of the Genus Calligonum (Polygonaceae) in Iran. Iranian Journal of Botany, Vol. 17, pp. 43-53.(In Persian)
afari M., Azarnivand H., Tavakoli H., Zehtabian GH.R., Esmailzadeh H. 2004.The Impact of Haloxylon species and Calligonumsand dunes on the chemical and physical properties of the sand long Journal of Research and Development of Natural Resources, Vol. 64, pp.: 24-32. (In Persian)
Boissier, E (1879) Flora orientalis, Amesterdam.1001.
Rozhevits,R.Yu. and Shishkin, B.K. (1934).Flora of the U.S.S.R vo II, 440-463.
Amiriabadizadeh H., Hoseinibamrood, G.R. and Masoumi, A.A. (2012). Report of new genus Calligonum in Iran. Journal of Iranian Botany, Vol. 18, pp., 84. (In Persian)
Guidelines for using the IUCN Red List Categories and criteria. 2017. Ver. 13. Prepared by the standards and petitions subcommittee, 108p.
Bachman S, Moat J, Hill AW, de la Torre J, Scott B. “SupportingRed List threat assessments with GeoCAT: geospatial conservation assessment tool.” (2011) In: Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e-Infrastructures for data publishing in biodiversity science. Zoo Keys 150: 117–126. (Version BETA)
Velayati, S. (1997) Water and the Geography of Waters, Khorasan Press, Mashhad, ISBN: 964-6342-03-5. (In Persian)
Mahdavi, S. KH., HosseiniBamrood, G.R., Tavakoli, H. 2018. Examination of effective factors on distribution of the species Calligonum eriopodum Case study: Ghaen town. 2018. Journal of range and watershed management. 71, Pp. 529- 536. (In Persian)