Analysis of Green Food Products Advertising Visual Themes of Knowledge-Based Companies in Social Media
Subject Areas : Environmental EconomicsFarzad Zahedi 1 , Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar Hossein 2 * , Morteza Mahmoudzadeh 3 , Sohrab Yazdani 4
1 - PhD student, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - ¬Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Department of Educational Administration, Farhanghian University of east Azarbayjan, Tabriz, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration, farhanghian University of east Azarbayjan, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Advertising Visual Themes, Green Food Products, Social Media.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The purpose of this research is Analysis of Green Food Products Advertising Visual Themes of Knowledge-Based Companies in Social Media. Material and Methodology: In this study, which was synthetic and inductive-deductive in terms of data collection method, 15 industrial management specialists at the university level participated as panel members in the quality department. Therefore, relying on meta-analysis, first 13 studies were reviewed as a basis for evaluation to determine the visual content of green food products advertising of knowledge-based companies on social media in the form of critical evaluation that according to which, 20 themes of selected propositions were entered into Delphi analysis in a checklist manner to determine the theoretical adequacy. In this stage, 9 propositions were removed during the two stages of Delphi analysis and a total of 11 propositions entered the quantitative analysis section, ie comprehensive structural interpretive analysis. Findings: The results showed that the theme of capturing customers' minds based on material design as an aesthetic ecosystem (V11) based on the commonality of output propositions and equal elements, as the last level proposition (fifth level of influence) is the most effective theme of visual product advertising.
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