Analysis of the effect of plan geometry and capabilities of traditional architects on the typology of the architectural form of Isfahan Dove Towers
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanism
Afrooz Rahimi Ariaei
Nima Valibeig
1 - Assistant Prof; Department of Architecture, Sepehr Daneshe Moaser Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Prof; Department of Architectural & urban conservation, Faculty of conservation, Art University of Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Isfahan architecture, mastery of traditions architects, typology of pigeon houses, Architectural of dove towers, geometric features,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Dove towers have outstanding architectural, structural and decorative characteristics. Geometric and typological examination of dove towers not only paves the way to understand Persian traditional architecture, but also prevents these environment-friendly structures from being forgotten. According to the authors, there is a direct relationship between the creativity of traditional architects, proportions, form and size of the plan, with different types of dove towers in Isfahan. Accordingly, the present study aimed to analyze the final form of dove towers in Isfahan from the aspect of geometric features. Historically, certain foreign travelers have described some of the dove towers in Isfahan. Some travelers have also made attempt to describe them physically and structurally. This study will provide a comprehensive typology of dove towers from a geometric perspective.Method: The methodology has been descriptive, comparative and analytic in nature. Also, data were collected based on library sources and field studies. Findings: It was found that there is a significant relationship between height and the number of floors, the diameter of the dove towers, the middle cylinders and its wall thickness. The shapes, the geometry of the body and the various dimensions of the plan on the one hand and the creativity of the architects on the other hand, have created different volumes in the structure of the pigeon houses in Isfahan.
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- Zarghami, Esmaeil, Haniyeh Okhovvat, and Hamid Reza Azemati. Physical and Structural Typology of Rural Buildings of Public Utility in Isfahan and Central Anatolia (The Case of Pigeon Houses). Journal of Housing and Rural Environment, 31(37), 2012: 37-52. (In Persian)
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- Mehdi Zadeh Seraj, Fatemeh, Farhad Fakhari Tehrani, and Nima Vali Beig. Applying the ‘Hanjar’ Triangles in the Mathematical Calculation, Implementation and Enforcement of Traditional Iranian Architecture. Journal of Iranian Restoration and Architecture (Restoration of Buildings and Cultural Historical Contexts) 1(1), 2011: 15-26. (In Persian)
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- Mousavi, Fartus. Our Father Architects Have Been Successful in Other Lands Too. Second Congress of the History of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism (2nd Vol.). Tehran: Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran (Pazhouheshgah), 1995. (In Persian)
- Fallah Far, Saeid, Vanousheh Shokri, Maryam Tabaeiyan, and Ali Asghar Parhizkar. The Knowledge Book of Master Builders in the Cultural Heritage Group. Tehran: Revitalization and Utilization Fund for Historical places, 2009. (In Persian)
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- Jackson, Abraham Valentine Williams. Persia Past and Present: A Book of Travel and Research (3rd ed.). Trans. Monouchehr Amiri and Fereidun Badrehei. Tehran: Kharazmi Publications, 1990: 305-306.
- Tavernier, Jean Baptiste. Tavernier’s Travels. Trans. Hamid Arbab Shirani. Tehran: Niloufar Publications, 2003.
- Herbert, T. Travels in Persia; 1627-1629. New York: George Routledge and Sons, Limited, 1929: 380.
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- Flandin, Eugene Napoleon. Eugene Flandin’s Travels to Iran (1st ed.). Trans. Hossein Noorsadeqi. Tehran: Eshraqi Publications, 1945.
- Hadi Zadeh Kakhki, Saeid. Pigeon Houses in Iran. Tehran: Cultural Studies Office, 2006. (In Persian)
- Sheil, Mary Leonora. Memories of Lady Sheil. Trans. Hossein Aboutorabian. Tehran: Nashr-e No, 1989: 197.
- Petrushevskii, Ilya pavlovich. Agriculture and Land Relation in Iran during the Mongol Period (1st Vol.). Trans. Karim Keshavarz. Tehran: Nil Publications, 1978: 270-371.
- Holtzer, Ernest. Iran in the Past 113 Years: Explanations and Illustrations of the First Section, Isfahan. Trans. Mohammad Assemi. Tehran: Vezarat-i Farhang va Honar, Markaz-e Mardom Shenasi-ye Iran, 1976: 82.
- Javidan, Mohsen. Pigeon Houses of Isfahan. Journal of Hunting and Nature, (134), 1970. (In Persian)
- Beheshtian, Abbas. Part of National Monuments Treasure (1st ed.). Tehran: Habl al-Matin, 1964. (In Persian)
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- Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi, Baqer. Pigeon House. Second Congress of Iran’s History of Architecture and Urbanism (2nd Vol.), Arg-e Bam-Kerman, 1999. (In Persian)
- Mirzaei, Seyed Ayatollah. Comparison of Some of the Characteristics and Functions of Pigeon Houses in Iran and England. Journal of Social Sciences, (37), 2007: 109-139. (In Persian)
- Kaempfer, Engelbert. Engelbert Kaempfer’s Travels to Iran and the Far East. Tehran: Corporation, 1992: 217. (In Persian)
- Dieulafoy, Jane. Iran, Chaldea, and Shoosh. Trans. Ali Mohammad Farrehvashi. Tehran: University of Tehran, 1990.
- Tousi, Mohammad Ibn-e Mahmoud Ibn-e Ahmad. Ajayeb al-Makhlouqat. Trans. Manouchehr Sotoudeh. Tehran: Tarjomeh va Nashr-e Ketab Publications, 1966: 522.
- Mirzaei, Seyed Ayatollah. Investigating the Cultural and Economic Characteristics of Cylindrical Pigeon Houses (The Case of Isfahan and the Suburbs. Journal of Anthropology, (4), 2003: 115-140. (In Persian)
- Zarghami, Esmaeil, Haniyeh Okhovvat, and Hamid Reza Azemati. Physical and Structural Typology of Rural Buildings of Public Utility in Isfahan and Central Anatolia (The Case of Pigeon Houses). Journal of Housing and Rural Environment, 31(37), 2012: 37-52. (In Persian)
- Letellier, Dominique. The Regional Typology and Architecture of Pigeon Nests in France. Trans. Nasrollah Asgari. Journal of Geographic Studies, 15(1 & 2), 2000: 68-88.
- Farhadi, Morteza and Hasan Mehrabi. A Look at the Importance and History of Iranian Pigeon Houses. Tehran: Rousta Artistic and Literary Festival, 1993. (In Persian)
- Mirfatah, Ali Asghar. Pigeon Houses. Kaveh Journal, (67), 1978: 32-38. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi Nejad, Marjan. Pigeon House. Journal of Art Training Development, (28), 2011: 12-17. (In Persian)
- Mahmoudian, Mohammad and Ali Chitsaz. Isfahan’s Pigeon Houses. Isfahan: Golha, 2000. (In Persian)
- Chardin, Jean. Chardin’s Travels (Vols. 3 & 4). Trans. Mohammad Abbasi. Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1971: 386, 120-124, and 264-265.
- Rezayat N. A. Personal Interview. IRAN; 2014.
- Oleiki B. Personal Interview. IRAN; 2014.
- Justinian Morier, J. A Second Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, Between the Years 1810 Ant 1816: With a Journal of the Voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf, London: Rare Books Club, 2012: 140-141.
- Sajjadi Naeini, Seyed Mehdi. Isfahan’s Traditional Architects and Restoration Master. Isfahan: Cultural, Recreational Organization of Isfahan Municipality, Center of Isfahanology and the Home of Nations, 2008: 194&217.
- Rashid al-Din Fazlullah, Emad al-Dolleh Abol-Kheir and Karl Jahn. The Blessed History of Ghazan Khan. Tehran: Written Heritage Research Center, 2015: 348. (In Persian)