Comparison of Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Methods to Estimate Outdoor Recreation Value of Recreation, Tourism and Aesthetic Function of Bamou National Park
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
hamid amirnejad
Kamal Ataie Solout
ardavan zarandian
1 - Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics, Sari Agricultural and Natural Resource University, Sari, Iran * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics, Research Institute of Medicinal Plants Biotechnologies (RIMPBio), Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU), Sari, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Research Center of Environment and Sustainable Development, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2013-10-23
Accepted : 2017-09-06
Published : 2020-11-21
Contingent valuation Method,
Bamou National Park,
Outdoor Recreation Value,
Travel Cost Method,
Double Bounded Dichotomous Choice,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Valuation of functions and Non-Market services of environment are important for many reasons such as identifying and understanding the environmental and ecological benefits by humans, presentation of environmental issues to decision makers and planners, providing link between economic policies and natural revenues and assess the role and importance of environmental resources in support of human welfare and sustainable development.
Methods: In this study, recreational value of Bamou Park is estimated and measured with using two methods of contingent value and travel cost. For this purpose, 315 questionnaires from visitor to extract the required data have been matched.
Findings: Based on estimated results, variables: inhabitance, distance from park, first visit, number of visit, Deontologist, education, travel cost, visitors income, museum existence, and existence of Animal species such as deer, wolf, wild ram and cinereous vulture is effective variable on willingness to pay of visitor in 2011. Results show that monthly expected willingness to pay of consequentialist and deontologist visitors is 51397 and 61028 Rial respectively. Finally, recreational value of Bamou Park estimated in 2 methods is 1.085 and 1.975 Billion Rial respectively in 2011.
Discussion and Conclusion: Since that travel cost method used market price information and revealed willingness to pay and also 90.7 percentages of visitors are Zone inhabitance and travel cost function was ideal form econometrics theoretical aspect, preferred using travel cost method instead of contingent value method to valuating the Bamou National Park in 2011.
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Hashemi, A., (2011). Detecting Outdoor Recreation Value of Tourism using by Contingent Valuation Method. American Journal of Scientific Research, 13: 41-46.
Yamazaki, S., Rust, S., Jennings, S., Jeremy, L. and Sven. F., (2011). A Contingent Valuation of Recreational Fishing in Tasmania. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies University of Tasmania.
Nillesen, E., Wesseler, J. and Averil. C., (2005). Estimating the recreational-use value for hiking in Bellenden Ker national park, Australia. Journal of Environmental Management, 36: 311-316.
Jabarin, A.S. and Damhoureyeh, S.A., (2006). Estimating the recreational benefits of Dibeen National Park in Jordan using contingent valuation and travel cost methods. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9: 2198-2206.
Rafiq, M. and Shafiqullah, M. and Malik, A., (2007). Demand analysis of recreation visits to Chitral valley: A natural resource management perspective. The Pakistan Development Review, 46 (4): 971-984.
Rolfe, J. and Prabha, P., (2007). Estimating values for recreational fishing at freshwater dams in Queensland. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 51: 157-174.
Fleming, Ch.M. and Averil, C., (2008). The recreational value of Lake McKenzie, Fraser Island: An application of the travel cost method. Tourism Management, 29: 1197-1205.
Gurluk, S. and Erkan. R., (2008). A Travel Cost Study to Estimate recreational value for a bird refuge at Lake Manyas, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Management, 88: 1350-1360.
Sabuhie, M. and Ataie Solout, K., (2014). The Application of One and One-Half Bound (OOHB) Choices in the Contingent Valuation to Determine Tourists Consumer Surplus of Sisangan Forest Park. Environmental Studies, 40 (2): 439-450 [In Persian].
Nikouei, A. and Zibaie, M., (2012). Recreation and environmental value of Zayanderud river flow in Esfahan City: A double bounded discrete choice approach. Agricultural Economics, 6 (2): 121-151 [In Persian].
Haytie, B.A., Salehniya, M., Hoseinzad Firouzi, J. and Dashti, Gh., (2011). Estimation of recreational value of Fadak park by individual cost method in Khoy Township. 8th conference of Agricultural Economics of Iran, Shiraz, Iran [In Persian].
Amirnejad, H. and Ajhdarie, S., (2011). Comparing the Application of Logit, Probit and Tobit method in Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources: The Case Study of Behesht-e-Gomshode in Fars Province. Agricultural Economics, 5 (3): 95-119 [In Persian].
Amirnejad, H. and Ataie Solout, K., (2011). Economic valuation of environmental resources. Avay Masi Pub., Iran, 432p.
Amirnejad, H., Khalilian, S. and Assareh, M., (2006). Estimating the existence value of north forests of Iran by using a contingent valuation method. Ecological Economics. 58: 665-675.
Bocksteal, N.E. and McConnell, K.E., (2007). Environmental and Natural Resource Valuation with Revealed Preferences (A Theoretical Guide to Empirical Models). Springer, Hardcover, 374 p.
Hanemann, M., (1984). Welfare Evaluation in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66: 332-341.
Haab Timothy, C. and McConnell, K.E., (2002). Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Anonymous, (2011). Environmental Administration of Fars province, National park department, Iran [In Persian].
Salamie, H.A. and Rafiei, H., (2011). Estimation of Preservation Value of Anzali International Wetland Based on Deontological Point view. Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), 64 (2): 89-100 [In Persian].