Evaluation of the effect of different treatments of fertilizer, biochar and Trichoderma fungi on the yield, yield components and quality indices of maize mother lines cultivar (hybrid KSC 704)
Subject Areas : Agriculture and Environmentmehdi ahmadyousefi 1 * , mehdieh amiri neJad 2 , bahareh parsamotlagh 3
1 - Researcher, University of Jiroft, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, University of Jiroft, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, University of Jiroft, Iran.
Keywords: Seeds, corn, seed vigor, bio-inputs.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different treatments of fertilizer, biochar and Trichoderma fungi on the yield, yield components and quality indices of the maize mother lines (hybrid KSC 704) as a factorial split-plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in the sample farm of the University of Jiroft in the cultivation period of 2015.
Material and Methodology: Four levels of fertilizer (NPK) (control, 30%, 70%, and 100%) were used as the main factor and two levels of use and non-use of biochar and three levels of Trichoderma fungi including (control, Trichoderma atroviride and Trichodema harzianum) were considered as subfactors. The seeds were isolated and dried under normal conditions after the removal of one square meter of each unit, and traits such as the number of row per ear, number of grain per row, number of grain per ear, 1000 Grain weight, and yield were recorded. Standard seed germination test was carried out in order to evaluate the quality of seeds produced by native plants and to calculate germination rate, normal seedling percentage, seedling length, and seedling dry weight.
Findings: The results showed that use of biochar, Trichoderma species and different levels of fertilizer significantly improved normal seedling percentage, germination rate, seedling length, and seedling dry weight in standard germination tests, and also had a significant effect on performance and yield components. In some ways, 100% fertilizer recommendation interaction in Trichoderma harzianum compared to control-control interaction caused 55% increase in grain yield and biochar interaction in Trichodema harzianum and biochar interaction and 100% fertilizer recommendation compared to control treatments, respectively. Caused 36 and 41% increase in germination rate.
Discussion and Conclusions: According to the results, it can be concluded that the use of biochar, different fertilizer levels and type of fungi Trichodema harzianum increased the quantity and quality of the seeds produced on the mother plant compared with the control conditions. Although used treatments (biochar and Trichoderma fungi) did not affect the quantity of the used fertilizer, they enhanced the capacity of the agricultural soil and reduced the environmental pollution through increasing the efficiency of the used fertilizer (under the conditions of using sufficient fertilizer).
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