Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Monitoring Iran's Agricultural and Horticultural Environmental Pollutions
(A Case Study of Nitrogen Dioxide)
Subject Areas :
Agriculture and Environment
Mohammad Shojaaddini
Ashkan Moosavian
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2021-05-30
Accepted : 2021-07-31
Published : 2021-11-22
Nitrogen dioxide,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Nitrogen dioxide pollutant has adverse effects on agricultural production, but the levels of this pollutant have not yet been studied for agricultural production areas in Iran. The aim of this research was investigating the atmospheric levels of nitrogen dioxide in the main agricultural and horticultural environments of Iran, during the years 2018-2020. The main agricultural provinces were determined with regards to quantitative comparison of reference statistics of areas under cultivation for the agricultural and horticultural lands of Iran as well as the annual agricultural yield of different provinces of this country.
Material and Methodology: The average levels of nitrogen dioxide pollutant in the geographical center of five agricultural ecosystems including Khuzestan, Fars, Khorasan Razavi, West Azerbaijan and Mazandaran provinces were calculated based on raw data received in May 2021 from the tropospheric remote sensing satellite (TROPOMI). Data were recorded by the Ozone Assessment Tool (OMI) at intervals of two weeks from the starting plant growing season (spring and summer).
Findings: The study of pollutant fluctuations in the first six months of the three years studied showed that the maximum amount of nitrogen dioxide in 2018 with a value of 80 micromoles per square meter belonged to agricultural lands in Fars province. In mid-June 2020, the amount of pollutants emitted from agricultural lands of Mazandaran province increased by more than 400% compared to the same time in 2019 and reached the level of 160 micromoles per square meter.
Discussion and Conclusion: Data analysis showed that the mean pollutants of the provinces were not significantly different between the three years but were different between the provinces. Analysis of variance showed that the maximum amount of NO2 pollutants in the cultivation months of the three years was belonged to the agro-horticultural ecosystems of Fars, Khuzestan and Mazandaran provinces with the values of 71, 80 and 160µmol/m2, respectively.
Bernhard, A. (2010). The nitrogen cycle: Processes. Players, and Human impact. Nature Education Knowledge, 3(10) 25.
Vingarzan, R. (2004). A review of surface ozone background levels and trends. Atmospheric environment, 38(21) 3431-3442.
Lelieveld, J. O. Crutzen, P., Ramanathan, V., Andreae, M., Brenninkmeijer, C., Campos, T., Cass G., Dickerson, R., Fischer, H., & DeGouw, J. (2001). The Indian Ocean experiment: widespread air pollution from South and Southeast Asia. Science, 291(5506) 1031-1036.
Wałaszek, K., Kryza, , & Werner, M. (2018). The role of precursor emissions on ground level ozone concentration during summer season in Poland. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 75(2) 181-204.
Anonymous. (2021). Even small increases in NO2 levels could be linked to heightened risk of heart and respiratory death: Global study calls for tightening of current air pollution limits to boost health." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,
Amann, M., Dervent, D., Forsber, B., Simpson, D. (2008). Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe.
Fuhrer, J. (2009). Ozone risk for crops and pastures in present and future climates. Naturwissenschaften, 96(2) 173-194.
Booker, F., Muntifering, , McGrath, M., Burkey, K., Decoteau, D., Fiscus, E., Manning, W. Krupa, S., Chappelka A., & Grantz, D. (2009). The ozone component of global change: potential effects on agricultural and horticultural plant yield, product quality and interactions with invasive species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51(4) 337-351.
Heck, W. W., & Taylor, C. (2012). Assessment of crop loss from air pollutants. Springer.
Fuhrer, J., Skärby, , & Ashmore, M.R. )1997(. Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe«. Environmental pollution, 97(1-2) 91-106.
Schenone, G., Botteschi, , Fumagalli, I., & Montinaro, F. (1992). Effects of ambient air pollution in open‐top chambers on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) I. Effects on growth and yield. New phytologist, 122(4) 689-697.
Marshall, F., Ashmore, , & Hinchcliffe, F. (1997). A hidden threat to food production: Air pollution and agriculture in the developing world. International Institute for Environment and Development.
Debaje, S., Kakade, , & Jeyakumar, S.J. (2010). Air pollution effect of O3 on crop yield in rural India. Journal of hazardous materials, 183(1-3) 773-779.
Wahid, A., Maggs, R., Shamsi, S., Bell, , & Ashmore, M. (1995). Air pollution and its impacts on wheat yield in the Pakistan Punjab. Environmental pollution, 88(2) 147-154.
Ahmadi, K., Ebadzadeh, H., Hatami, , Abdeshah, H., & Kazemian, A. (2018). Iran agriculture statistic. Tehran: Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. (In Persian)
Norazian, M. N., Shukri, A., & Azam, R.N. (2008). Estimation of missing values in air pollution data using single imputation techniques. ScienceAsia, 34(3) 341–345.
Kohl, A., Hart, J., Noonan, C., Royall, E., Roberts, L. O., & Elliott, R. M. (2004). A bunyamwera virus minireplicon system in mosquito cells. Journal of virology, 78(11) 5679-5685.
Zheng, F., Yu, , Cheng, T., Gu, X., & Guo, H. (2014). Intercomparison of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide retrieved from Ozone Monitoring Instrument over China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(4) 686-695.
Ramachandran, A., Jain, K., Sharma, S. A., & Pallipad, J. (2013). Recent trends in tropospheric NO2 over India observed by SCIAMACHY: Identification of hot spots. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 4(4) 354-361.
Lamsal, L. N., Duncan, N., Yoshida, Y., Krotkov, N. A., Pickering, K. E., Streets, D. G,. & Lu, Z. (2015). US NO2 trends (2005–2013): EPA Air Quality System (AQS) data versus improved observations from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Atmospheric environment, 110:130-143.
Wang, C., Wang, , Wang, P., & Rakitin, V. (2020). Comparison and validation of TROPOMI and OMI NO2 Observations over China. Atmosphere, 11(6) 636.
2020. Corona reduced the official tourism statistics of Mazandaran by about 60%.
Hsu, J. (2005). Diagnosing the stratosphere-to-troposphere flux of ozone in a chemistry transport model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(D19), D19305 .
Bernhard, A. (2010). The nitrogen cycle: Processes. Players, and Human impact. Nature Education Knowledge, 3(10) 25.
Vingarzan, R. (2004). A review of surface ozone background levels and trends. Atmospheric environment, 38(21) 3431-3442.
Lelieveld, J. O. Crutzen, P., Ramanathan, V., Andreae, M., Brenninkmeijer, C., Campos, T., Cass G., Dickerson, R., Fischer, H., & DeGouw, J. (2001). The Indian Ocean experiment: widespread air pollution from South and Southeast Asia. Science, 291(5506) 1031-1036.
Wałaszek, K., Kryza, , & Werner, M. (2018). The role of precursor emissions on ground level ozone concentration during summer season in Poland. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 75(2) 181-204.
Anonymous. (2021). Even small increases in NO2 levels could be linked to heightened risk of heart and respiratory death: Global study calls for tightening of current air pollution limits to boost health." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily,
Amann, M., Dervent, D., Forsber, B., Simpson, D. (2008). Health risks of ozone from long-range transboundary air pollution. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe.
Fuhrer, J. (2009). Ozone risk for crops and pastures in present and future climates. Naturwissenschaften, 96(2) 173-194.
Booker, F., Muntifering, , McGrath, M., Burkey, K., Decoteau, D., Fiscus, E., Manning, W. Krupa, S., Chappelka A., & Grantz, D. (2009). The ozone component of global change: potential effects on agricultural and horticultural plant yield, product quality and interactions with invasive species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51(4) 337-351.
Heck, W. W., & Taylor, C. (2012). Assessment of crop loss from air pollutants. Springer.
Fuhrer, J., Skärby, , & Ashmore, M.R. )1997(. Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe«. Environmental pollution, 97(1-2) 91-106.
Schenone, G., Botteschi, , Fumagalli, I., & Montinaro, F. (1992). Effects of ambient air pollution in open‐top chambers on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) I. Effects on growth and yield. New phytologist, 122(4) 689-697.
Marshall, F., Ashmore, , & Hinchcliffe, F. (1997). A hidden threat to food production: Air pollution and agriculture in the developing world. International Institute for Environment and Development.
Debaje, S., Kakade, , & Jeyakumar, S.J. (2010). Air pollution effect of O3 on crop yield in rural India. Journal of hazardous materials, 183(1-3) 773-779.
Wahid, A., Maggs, R., Shamsi, S., Bell, , & Ashmore, M. (1995). Air pollution and its impacts on wheat yield in the Pakistan Punjab. Environmental pollution, 88(2) 147-154.
Ahmadi, K., Ebadzadeh, H., Hatami, , Abdeshah, H., & Kazemian, A. (2018). Iran agriculture statistic. Tehran: Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. (In Persian)
Norazian, M. N., Shukri, A., & Azam, R.N. (2008). Estimation of missing values in air pollution data using single imputation techniques. ScienceAsia, 34(3) 341–345.
Kohl, A., Hart, J., Noonan, C., Royall, E., Roberts, L. O., & Elliott, R. M. (2004). A bunyamwera virus minireplicon system in mosquito cells. Journal of virology, 78(11) 5679-5685.
Zheng, F., Yu, , Cheng, T., Gu, X., & Guo, H. (2014). Intercomparison of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide retrieved from Ozone Monitoring Instrument over China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(4) 686-695.
Ramachandran, A., Jain, K., Sharma, S. A., & Pallipad, J. (2013). Recent trends in tropospheric NO2 over India observed by SCIAMACHY: Identification of hot spots. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 4(4) 354-361.
Lamsal, L. N., Duncan, N., Yoshida, Y., Krotkov, N. A., Pickering, K. E., Streets, D. G,. & Lu, Z. (2015). US NO2 trends (2005–2013): EPA Air Quality System (AQS) data versus improved observations from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Atmospheric environment, 110:130-143.
Wang, C., Wang, , Wang, P., & Rakitin, V. (2020). Comparison and validation of TROPOMI and OMI NO2 Observations over China. Atmosphere, 11(6) 636.
2020. Corona reduced the official tourism statistics of Mazandaran by about 60%.
Hsu, J. (2005). Diagnosing the stratosphere-to-troposphere flux of ozone in a chemistry transport model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(D19), D19305 .