The Impact of Policies on Domestic Waste Management (Case study: Region 8 of Tehran Municipality)
Subject Areas :
Sadegh Salehi
Jila Ahmadi
1 - Associate Prof., Environmental Sociology, Social Sciences Department, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty, University of Mazandaran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - M.Sc., Sociology, Management and Accounting Faculty, University of Payam Noor, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2016-07-10
Accepted : 2016-09-17
Published : 2021-08-23
Environmental Policy,
Waste Separation at Source,
Opportunities and economic incentives,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Separation of waste from the source is one of the basic strategies in household waste management. To achieve this goal, different policies are adopted by planners and city managers, and the rate of achievement of goals can also vary depending on the type of policy. To investigate the impact of policies on household waste management in the form of facilities, opportunities and incentives, the present study was conducted in August 2015 in District 8 of Tehran Municipality.Material and Methodology: For this research, 400 samples of Tehran citizens were selected by quota-random sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire and face validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to assess the validity and reliability of the questions. Data analysis was performed using Spss software version 16 and descriptive and inferential statistics.Findings: The results of testing the research hypotheses showed that the variable of facilities and opportunities for waste segregation is correlated with the behavior of waste segregation. But the economic incentive variable has no significant relationship with waste segregation and this hypothesis was rejected. Further investigation revealed that the tools of economic incentives through factors such as promoting the issue of waste segregation using sources such as writers, radio and television news, etc., as well as citizens' awareness of municipal policies and executive programs in the field of waste management (law Waste management, dry waste collection methods, how to communicate with the municipality, etc.) can be effective on waste segregation.Discussion and Conclusion: The findings suggest the complexity of identifying and determining the factors affecting the behavior of waste segregation and in general the need to consider a set of social factors in predicting environmental behavior. Emphasis on incentive tools and components alone can not affect waste segregation behavior or lead to citizen participation and cooperation. Lack of proper information to citizens regarding municipal programs such as the implementation of the waste segregation plan or lack of awareness about the waste management law are among the factors that have challenged the successful implementation of this plan.
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Hamad, C. D., Bettinger, R., Cooper, D. & Semb, G., 1980-1981. Using behavioral procedures to establish an elementary school paper recycling program, Journal of Environmental Systems,Vol. 10,pp.149-156.
Witmer, J. Geller, E. S.,1976. Facilitating paper recycling: effects of prompts, raf5es, and contests, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 9,3X-322.
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Jacobs, H. E., Bailey, J. S. & Crews, J.,1984. Development and analysis of a community-based resource recovery program, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,Vol 17,pp.127-146.
Needleman, L. D. L Geller, E. S.,1992. Comparing interventions to motivate work-site collection of home-generated recyclables, American Journal of Communit , 775-787.
Allen, J., Davis, D., Soskin, M.,1993. Using Coupon Incentives in Recycling Aluminum: A Market Approach to Energy Conservation Policy. Journal of Consumer Affairs27,pp. 300-308
Schultz, P.W., Oskamp, S., Mainieri, T.,1995. Who Recycles and When? A Review of Personal and Situational Factors, Journal of Environmental PsychologyVol.15,pp. 105-121.
Scott, D.,1999. Equal Opportunity, Unequal Results, Environment and Behavior,31 ,pp.267-290.
Williams, I.D., Taylor, C.,2004. Maximizing Household Waste Recycling t Civic Amenity Sites in Lancashire, England Waste ManagementVol.24, pp. 861-874.
Bennett, R., Savani, S., &Ali-Choudhurym R.,2008. Effective strategies for Enhancing waste recycling rates in socially deprived areas«, Journal of Customer Behaviour7, 71-97.
YAU ,Y.,2008. Domestic Waste recycling, collective action and economic incentive: The Case in Hon Kong, : http : //www . researchgate . net /
Timlett , R.E , Williams ,ID.,2008. The impact of transient populations on recycling behaviour in a densely populated urban environment«, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 53, pp498–506.
Thomas, C; M Yoxon, R Slater; & Leaman J.,2004. Changing recycling behaviour: an evaluation of attitudes and behavior to recycling in the Western Riverside area of London«, http ://
Barr, S., Guilbert, S., Metcalfe, A., Riley, M., Robinson, G.M., &Tudor, T.L., 2013. Beyond recycling: An integrated approach for understanding municipal waste management«, Appl. Geography Vol.39,pp 67–77.
Ando, A., Gosselin, A., 2005. Recycling in multifamily dwellings: does convenience matter?, EconIng 43 ,pp. 426-438.
Williams, I.D, Kelly, J., 200 Green waste collection and the public‘s recycling behaviour in the Borough of Wyre, England, Resour. Conserv. Recy.,Vol. 38, pp.139-159.
Darby, L, Obara, L., 2005. Household recycling behaviour and attitudes towards the disposal of small electrical and electronic equipment, Resour. Conserv. Recy, Vol. 44, pp. 17-35.
Perry, G.D.R, Williams, I.D., 2007. The participation of ethnic minorities in curbside recycling: a case study«, resources. Conservation and RecyclingVol. 49, pp.308–323.
Omran, A, Mahmood A , Abdul Aziz .H, &Robinson G.M., 2009. Investigating households anational journal of environmental research, Vol. 3, No. 2, , pp.275-288.
Banga, M.,2011. Household Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Solid Waste Segregation and Recycling: The Case of Urban Kampala, Science Journal Vol.2(1),.pp27-39.
Fiorillo, D., 2011. Household waste Recycling :National Survay Evidence from Italy , Discussion pp. 1-10.
Bernstad ,A., 2012. Household food waste separation behavior and the importance of convenience,
Akil,A M., Ho,CS., 2013. Towards sustainable solid waste management: Investigating household participation in solid waste management, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science18.
Adogu P. O. U., A.Uwakwe. K, Egenti N.B, Okwuoha. A .P, & Nkwocha I.B., 2015. Assessment of Waste Management Practices among Residents of Owerri Municipal Imo State Nigeria, Journal of Environmental Protection 6 ,pp. 446-456 .
S, Sabaghian. Z, Shahali. A.B, S, Shamkhani.. 2009. Identifying the effect of education in waste separation of the source in Tehran, the Sixth National Conference and the first International Conference on Waste Managemen. Mashhad, Iran.29. Fatehnia. A, 2011. survay the status of segregation from the source of municipal waste and strategies of increase public participation in region 5 of Tehran Municipality, Master Thesis, Department of Urban Health Management, Faculty of Health, University of Tehran.30. Salehi.S, Ghadami. M, Hemati Goyomi.Z. 2012, A study of Environmental Behaviors among Coastal Tourists (A case Study of Coastal Tourists in Bushehr City during New Year Holiday), Journal of torism planning and development Vol 1, No1,.pp35-58.31. Salehi.S, Hemati. Goyomi..Z, 2012. The Role of Environmental education in the Management of electronic waste. Journal of environmental education sustainable development, Vol 1, No1, pp23-34.32. Salehi. S, Khoshfar.GH, 2012. Women and the Environment: A Study of Women’s Attitudes towards Household Recycling in Mazandaran, Journal of social development& welfare planning, Vol 5 , No15, pp 199-241.33. Karimi. R 2012, Study of social and cultural factors effecting citizenship participation (a case study of waste separation from source in Tehran)", Master Thesis, Sociology, Kharazmi University.
Olander, F, Thogerson ,J., 1995. Understanding of consumer behavior a prerequisite for environmental protection«, journal of consumer policy ,Vol.18, pp. 345- 38.
Pongracz , E., 2002. Re-defining the concept of waste and waste management, evolving the theory of waste management«, University of Oulu.
Perrin, D., Barton, J., 2001. Issues Associated with Transforming Household Attitudes and Opinions into Materials Recovery: A Review of Two Kerbside Recycling schemes«, Environmental Governance. Public Administrative Review,Vol.64,pp. 152-163.
Geller, E. S., Chaffe, J. L. & Ingram, R., 1975. Promoting paper recycling on a university campus, Journal of Environmental Systems,.Vol 5,pp.30-57.
Hamad, C. D., Bettinger, R., Cooper, D. & Semb, G., 1980-1981. Using behavioral procedures to establish an elementary school paper recycling program, Journal of Environmental Systems,Vol. 10,pp.149-156.
Witmer, J. Geller, E. S.,1976. Facilitating paper recycling: effects of prompts, raf5es, and contests, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 9,3X-322.
Luyben, P. D. 8z Bailey, J.,1979. Newspaper recycling: the effects of rewards and proximity of containers, Environment and Behavior,Vol. l&,pp. 539-567.
Jacobs, H. E., Bailey, J. S. & Crews, J.,1984. Development and analysis of a community-based resource recovery program, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,Vol 17,pp.127-146.
Needleman, L. D. L Geller, E. S.,1992. Comparing interventions to motivate work-site collection of home-generated recyclables, American Journal of Communit , 775-787.
Allen, J., Davis, D., Soskin, M.,1993. Using Coupon Incentives in Recycling Aluminum: A Market Approach to Energy Conservation Policy. Journal of Consumer Affairs27,pp. 300-308
Schultz, P.W., Oskamp, S., Mainieri, T.,1995. Who Recycles and When? A Review of Personal and Situational Factors, Journal of Environmental PsychologyVol.15,pp. 105-121.
Scott, D.,1999. Equal Opportunity, Unequal Results, Environment and Behavior,31 ,pp.267-290.
Williams, I.D., Taylor, C.,2004. Maximizing Household Waste Recycling t Civic Amenity Sites in Lancashire, England Waste ManagementVol.24, pp. 861-874.
Bennett, R., Savani, S., &Ali-Choudhurym R.,2008. Effective strategies for Enhancing waste recycling rates in socially deprived areas«, Journal of Customer Behaviour7, 71-97.
YAU ,Y.,2008. Domestic Waste recycling, collective action and economic incentive: The Case in Hon Kong, : http : //www . researchgate . net /
Timlett , R.E , Williams ,ID.,2008. The impact of transient populations on recycling behaviour in a densely populated urban environment«, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 53, pp498–506.
Thomas, C; M Yoxon, R Slater; & Leaman J.,2004. Changing recycling behaviour: an evaluation of attitudes and behavior to recycling in the Western Riverside area of London«, http ://
Barr, S., Guilbert, S., Metcalfe, A., Riley, M., Robinson, G.M., &Tudor, T.L., 2013. Beyond recycling: An integrated approach for understanding municipal waste management«, Appl. Geography Vol.39,pp 67–77.
Ando, A., Gosselin, A., 2005. Recycling in multifamily dwellings: does convenience matter?, EconIng 43 ,pp. 426-438.
Williams, I.D, Kelly, J., 200 Green waste collection and the public‘s recycling behaviour in the Borough of Wyre, England, Resour. Conserv. Recy.,Vol. 38, pp.139-159.
Darby, L, Obara, L., 2005. Household recycling behaviour and attitudes towards the disposal of small electrical and electronic equipment, Resour. Conserv. Recy, Vol. 44, pp. 17-35.
Perry, G.D.R, Williams, I.D., 2007. The participation of ethnic minorities in curbside recycling: a case study«, resources. Conservation and RecyclingVol. 49, pp.308–323.
Omran, A, Mahmood A , Abdul Aziz .H, &Robinson G.M., 2009. Investigating households anational journal of environmental research, Vol. 3, No. 2, , pp.275-288.
Banga, M.,2011. Household Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Solid Waste Segregation and Recycling: The Case of Urban Kampala, Science Journal Vol.2(1),.pp27-39.
Fiorillo, D., 2011. Household waste Recycling :National Survay Evidence from Italy , Discussion pp. 1-10.
Bernstad ,A., 2012. Household food waste separation behavior and the importance of convenience,
Akil,A M., Ho,CS., 2013. Towards sustainable solid waste management: Investigating household participation in solid waste management, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science18.
Adogu P. O. U., A.Uwakwe. K, Egenti N.B, Okwuoha. A .P, & Nkwocha I.B., 2015. Assessment of Waste Management Practices among Residents of Owerri Municipal Imo State Nigeria, Journal of Environmental Protection 6 ,pp. 446-456 .
S, Sabaghian. Z, Shahali. A.B, S, Shamkhani.. 2009. Identifying the effect of education in waste separation of the source in Tehran, the Sixth National Conference and the first International Conference on Waste Managemen. Mashhad, Iran.29. Fatehnia. A, 2011. survay the status of segregation from the source of municipal waste and strategies of increase public participation in region 5 of Tehran Municipality, Master Thesis, Department of Urban Health Management, Faculty of Health, University of Tehran.30. Salehi.S, Ghadami. M, Hemati Goyomi.Z. 2012, A study of Environmental Behaviors among Coastal Tourists (A case Study of Coastal Tourists in Bushehr City during New Year Holiday), Journal of torism planning and development Vol 1, No1,.pp35-58.31. Salehi.S, Hemati. Goyomi..Z, 2012. The Role of Environmental education in the Management of electronic waste. Journal of environmental education sustainable development, Vol 1, No1, pp23-34.32. Salehi. S, Khoshfar.GH, 2012. Women and the Environment: A Study of Women’s Attitudes towards Household Recycling in Mazandaran, Journal of social development& welfare planning, Vol 5 , No15, pp 199-241.33. Karimi. R 2012, Study of social and cultural factors effecting citizenship participation (a case study of waste separation from source in Tehran)", Master Thesis, Sociology, Kharazmi University.
Olander, F, Thogerson ,J., 1995. Understanding of consumer behavior a prerequisite for environmental protection«, journal of consumer policy ,Vol.18, pp. 345- 38.