The Effects of Tree Species on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Properties in Natural Forest and Plantations of Northern Iran (Case study: Darabkola Forest-Sari)
Subject Areas : natural resorces
azam soleimani
Seyed Mohsen Hosseini
Ali Reza Massah Bavani
Mostafa Jafari
Rosa Francaviglia
1 - Ph.D., Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Mazandaran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Mazandaran, Iran *(Corresponding author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Research Institute of Forests and Rangeland – AREEO, and Lead Author of AR4 & AR5/ IPCC, Tehran, Iran
5 - Senior Researcher, CREA, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Soil Organic Carbon Stock, Land Cover Change, Climate Change, Physical and chemical factors,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: One of the things that keep us away from sustainable development is the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequently the rise in global temperature. Forest ecosystems and their optimal management play an important role in reducing atmospheric carbon. Method: In this study, the effects of natural forests and four plantations on the soil organic carbon and soil properties in Darab Kola forest were investigated. Soil samples were collected in 2016 from three depths of 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm. Findings: The results of analysis of variance of soil properties showed that there is a significant difference between the land covers and different depths in most of the studied parameters. Also, soil organic carbon storage at 0-60 cm depth from each of the coatings is reduced as follows: cypress> Alder> Natural forest> Oak> Maple. Discussionand Conclusion: Plantation can play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide. Of course, different factors such as type of tree species, forestry age and depth of soil, habitat conditions and forestry operations can affect carbon sequestration.
- Babaeian, I., Najafinik, Z., Zabol Abbasi, F., Adab, H., Malbousi, Sh. 2010. Climate change assessment over Iran during 2010-2039 by using statistical downscaling of ECHO-G model. Gography and development. 7(16): 135-152. Persian.
- Thompson, D., Matthews, R., 1989. CO2 in trees and timber lowers greenhouse effect. Forestry and British Timber, 18(10): 19-24.
- Schlesinger, W.H., 1999. Soil Organic matter a Source of atmospheric CO2. Department of Botany, North Carolina, USA, 111-125.
- Henderson, G.S., 1995. Soil organic matter: a link between forest management and productivity. In: Bigham, J.M. & J.M. Bartels, (Eds.), Carbon forms and Functions in Forest soils. Soils Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 419-435.
- Dixon, R.K., Winjun, J.K., Adrasko, K.J., Lee, J.J., Schroeder, P.E., 1994. Integrated land-use system: Assessment of promising agroforest and alternative land-use practices to enhance carbon conservation and sequestration. Climate Change 27(1): 71-92
- Barancikova, G., Halas, J., Guttekova, M., Makovnikova, J., Navakova, M., Skalsky, R., Tarasovicova, Z., 2010. Application of RothC model to predict soil organic carbon stock on agricultural soils of Slovakia. Soil and WaterResarch, 5(1): 1–9.
- Hoover, C.M., 2003. Soil carbon sequestration and forest management: challenges and opportunities. In: Kimble, J.M., L. S. Heath, R.A. Birdsey & R. Lal, (Eds.), The potential of U.S. forest soils to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect. CRC Press Boca Raton, FL: 211-238.
- Xiao-Wen, D.E.N.G., Shi-Jie, H.A.N., Yan-Ling, H.U., Yu-Mei, Z.H.O.U., 2009. Carbon and nitrogen transformations in surface soils under Ermans birch and dark coniferous forests. Pedosphere, 19(2): 230-237.
- Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Geoderma. 123: 1-22.
- Guo, L.B., Gifford, R.M., 2002. Soil carbon stocks and land use change: a meta analysis. Global Change Biology. 8: 345-360.
- Dube, F., Zagal, E., Stolpe, N., & Espinosa, M. 2009. The influence of land-use change on the organic carbon distribution and microbial respiration in a volcanic soil of the Chilean Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(8), 1695-1704.
- Schulp Catharina, J. E., Naburus, G.J., Verburg, P.H., Waal, R.W., 2008. Effect of tree Species on Carbon Stock in forest floor and mineral soil and implication for soil carbon inventories. Forest Ecology and Management, 256: 482-490.
- Augusto, L., Jacques, R., Binkley, D., Roth, A., 2002. Impacts of several common tree species of European temperate forests on soil fertility. Annalsof Forest Science. 59: 233-253.
- Cannel, M.G.R., Dewar, R.C., 1993. The carbon sinks provided by plantation forests and their products in Britain. Institute of terrestrial ecology, Scotland. 124 pp.
- Mahmoudi Taleghani, E., Zahedi Amiri, GH., Adel, E., Sagheb-Talebi, KH., 2000. Assessment of carbon sequestration in soil layers of managed forest. Iranian journal of forest and poplar research. 15 (3): 241-252.
- Zhang, J.,Wang, X.J.,Wang, J.P., 2014. Impact of land use change on profile distributions of soil organic carbon fractions in the Yanqi Basin. Catena 115, 79–84. 10.1016/j.catena.2013.11.019.
- Kooch, Y., Najafi, A., 2010. Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Ecological Potential Assessment of Forest Stands in Darabkola Region. Journal of Forest and Wood Products (JFWP), Iranian Journal of Natural Resources. 63 (2): 161-175.
- Walkley, A., Black, I, A., 1934. An Examination of the Degtjareff Method for Determining Soil Organic Matter, and a Proposed Modification of the Chromic Acid Titration Method. Soil science, 37(1), pp. 29–38.
- Plaster, E.J., 1985. Soil Science and Management. Delmar Publishers Inc., Albany, NY, p. 124.
- Day, P, R., 1965. Particle Fractionation and Particle-Size Analysis, Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical and mineralogical properties, including statistics of measurement and sampling (methodsofsoilana). pp. 545–67.
- Jafari Haghighi, Mojtaba. Soil analysis methods. 2003. Neda Zoha Publications. pp 236. Persian.
- Zarin Kafsh, M. 1992. Applied soil science: soil survey and soil-plant-water analysis. Tehran university publication. pp 245. Persian.
- Sparling, G.P., Feltman. C.W., Reynolds, J., West, A. W., Singleton, P., 1990. Estimation of soil microbial C by fumigation - extraction method: use on soils of high organic matter content, and reassessment of the kEC factor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22(1): 301 -307.
- Ghazan Shahi, J. 1997. Soil and Plant analysis. Homa publication. pp 311. Persian.
- Olsen, S.R., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Phosphorus. In: Page, Al., Miller, R.H., Keaney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part II, 2nd ed. ASA, Madison, WI, 404–430.
- R Core Team. 2013. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
- Royston, P., 1995. Remark AS R94: A remark on Algorithm AS 181: The W test for normality. Applied Statistics. 44, 547–551.
- Bartlett, M. S., 1937. Properties of sufficiency and statistical tests. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A. 160, 268–282.
- See Alzola CF, Harrell FE (2004): An Introduction to S and the Hmisc and Design Libraries at for extensive documentation and examples for the Hmisc package.
- Chambers, J. M., Freeny, A., Heiberger, R. M., 1992. Analysis of variance; designed experiments.Chapter 5 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
- Yandell, B. S., 1997. Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments. Chapman & Hall.
- Rouhi Moghaddam, A., Hosseini, S.M., Rahmani, A., Tabari, M., Ebrahimi, E. 2012. Nutritional process and nutrients return in pure and mixed plantations of oak (A case study: lowland forests of Chamestan, Noor). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 20(2). Persian.
- Hagen-Thorn, A., Callesen, I., Armolaitis. K., Nihlgrad, B., 2004. The impact of six European tree species on the chemistry of mineral topsoil in forest plantations on former agricultural land. Forest Ecology and Management. 195: 373-384.
- Inagaki, Y., Miura, S., Kohzo, A., 2004. Effects of forest type and stand age on litter fall quality and soil N dynamics in Shikoku, Southern Japan. For. Ecol. Manag. 202, 107–117.
- Rothe, A., Cromack, J.K., Resh, S.C., Makeneci, E., Son, Y., 2002. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes under Douglas-fir with and without red alder. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66, 1988–1995.
- Haghdoost, N., Akbarinia, M., Hosseini, S.M., Kooch, Y., 2011. Conversion of Hyrcanian degraded forests to plantations: effects on soil C and N stocks. Ann. Biol. Res. 2, 385–399.
- Rostamabadi, A., Tabari, M., Sayad, E., 2013. Influence of Alnus subcordata, Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum on poor drainage soil, northern Iran. Ecopersia 1, 207–218.
- Kooch, Y., Rostayee, F., Hosseini, S M., 2016. Effects of tree species on topsoil properties and nitrogen cycling in natural forest and tree plantations of northern Iran. Catena 144 (2016) 65–73.
- Grüneberg, E., Ziche, D., Wellbrock, N., 2014. Organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates of forest soils in Germany. Glob. Chang. Biol. 20, 2644–2662.
- Nsabimana, D., Klemedtson, L., Kaplin, B.A., Wallin, G., 2008. Soil carbon and nutrient accumulation under forest plantations in southern Rwanda. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2, 142–149.
- Chase, P., Singh, O.P., 2014. Soil nutrients and fertility in three traditional land use systems of Khonoma. Nagaland Res. Environ. 4, 181–189.
- Kimmins, J.P., 2004. Forest Ecology: A Foundation for Sustainable Forest Management and Environmental Ethics in Forestry, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 611 pp.
- Mallik, A.U., Hu, D., 1997. Soil respiration following site preparation treatments in boreal mixedwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 97, 265–275.
- Sagar, S., Hedley, C.B., Salt, G.J., 2001. Soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and carbon and nitrogenmineralization in 25 year old Pinus radiata agro forestry regimes. Aust. J. Soil Res. 39, 491–504.
- Yosefi Rad, M., Khademi, H., Jalalian, A., 2007. Descending trend of soil quality during rangelands use changes in Cheshme Ali region of Charmahalo Bakhtiary Province. Agric. Nat. Res. Sci. J. 14, 102–113.
- Turk, T.D., Schmidt, M.J., Roberts, N.J., 2008. The influence of bigleaf maple on forest floor and mineral soil properties in a coniferous forest in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management. 255: 1874-1882.
- Richards, A.E., Dalal, R.C., Schmidt, S., 2007. Soil carbon turnover and sequestration in native subtropical tree plantations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39: 2078-2090.
- Varamesh, S., Hosseini, S.M., Abdi, A., Akbarinia, M. 2010. Increment of soil carbon sequestration due to forestation and its relation with some physical and chemical factors of soil. Iranian Journal of Forest, 2 (1). Persian.
- Dorji, T., Odeh, I.O., Field, D.J., Baillie, I.C., 2014. Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon stocks under different land use and land cover types in montane ecosystems, Eastern Himalayas. For. Ecol. Manag. 318, 91–102.
- Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B., 2000. The vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and its relation to climate and vegetation. Ecol. Appl. 10:423–436. 1051-0761(2000)010[0423: TVDOSO] 2.0.CO; 2.
- Dalal, R.C., R.J., Mayer .1986. Longterm trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland, I: overall changes in soil properties and trends in winter cereal yields. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 24, 265279.
- Neff, J. C., Townsend, A. R., Gleixner, G., Lehman, S. J., Turnbull, J., Bowman, W. D., 2002. Variable effects of nitrogen additions on the stability and turnover of soil carbon. Nature, 419(6910), 915-917.
- Soleimani, A., Hosseini, S.M., Massah Bavani, A.R., Jafari, M., Francaviglia, R., 2017. Simulating soil organic carbon stock as affected by land cover change and climate change, Hyrcanian forests (northern Iran). Science of the Total Environment. 599–600 (2017) 1646–1657.
- Babaeian, I., Najafinik, Z., Zabol Abbasi, F., Adab, H., Malbousi, Sh. 2010. Climate change assessment over Iran during 2010-2039 by using statistical downscaling of ECHO-G model. Gography and development. 7(16): 135-152. Persian.
- Thompson, D., Matthews, R., 1989. CO2 in trees and timber lowers greenhouse effect. Forestry and British Timber, 18(10): 19-24.
- Schlesinger, W.H., 1999. Soil Organic matter a Source of atmospheric CO2. Department of Botany, North Carolina, USA, 111-125.
- Henderson, G.S., 1995. Soil organic matter: a link between forest management and productivity. In: Bigham, J.M. & J.M. Bartels, (Eds.), Carbon forms and Functions in Forest soils. Soils Science Society of America, Madison, WI, 419-435.
- Dixon, R.K., Winjun, J.K., Adrasko, K.J., Lee, J.J., Schroeder, P.E., 1994. Integrated land-use system: Assessment of promising agroforest and alternative land-use practices to enhance carbon conservation and sequestration. Climate Change 27(1): 71-92
- Barancikova, G., Halas, J., Guttekova, M., Makovnikova, J., Navakova, M., Skalsky, R., Tarasovicova, Z., 2010. Application of RothC model to predict soil organic carbon stock on agricultural soils of Slovakia. Soil and WaterResarch, 5(1): 1–9.
- Hoover, C.M., 2003. Soil carbon sequestration and forest management: challenges and opportunities. In: Kimble, J.M., L. S. Heath, R.A. Birdsey & R. Lal, (Eds.), The potential of U.S. forest soils to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect. CRC Press Boca Raton, FL: 211-238.
- Xiao-Wen, D.E.N.G., Shi-Jie, H.A.N., Yan-Ling, H.U., Yu-Mei, Z.H.O.U., 2009. Carbon and nitrogen transformations in surface soils under Ermans birch and dark coniferous forests. Pedosphere, 19(2): 230-237.
- Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change. Geoderma. 123: 1-22.
- Guo, L.B., Gifford, R.M., 2002. Soil carbon stocks and land use change: a meta analysis. Global Change Biology. 8: 345-360.
- Dube, F., Zagal, E., Stolpe, N., & Espinosa, M. 2009. The influence of land-use change on the organic carbon distribution and microbial respiration in a volcanic soil of the Chilean Patagonia. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(8), 1695-1704.
- Schulp Catharina, J. E., Naburus, G.J., Verburg, P.H., Waal, R.W., 2008. Effect of tree Species on Carbon Stock in forest floor and mineral soil and implication for soil carbon inventories. Forest Ecology and Management, 256: 482-490.
- Augusto, L., Jacques, R., Binkley, D., Roth, A., 2002. Impacts of several common tree species of European temperate forests on soil fertility. Annalsof Forest Science. 59: 233-253.
- Cannel, M.G.R., Dewar, R.C., 1993. The carbon sinks provided by plantation forests and their products in Britain. Institute of terrestrial ecology, Scotland. 124 pp.
- Mahmoudi Taleghani, E., Zahedi Amiri, GH., Adel, E., Sagheb-Talebi, KH., 2000. Assessment of carbon sequestration in soil layers of managed forest. Iranian journal of forest and poplar research. 15 (3): 241-252.
- Zhang, J.,Wang, X.J.,Wang, J.P., 2014. Impact of land use change on profile distributions of soil organic carbon fractions in the Yanqi Basin. Catena 115, 79–84. 10.1016/j.catena.2013.11.019.
- Kooch, Y., Najafi, A., 2010. Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Ecological Potential Assessment of Forest Stands in Darabkola Region. Journal of Forest and Wood Products (JFWP), Iranian Journal of Natural Resources. 63 (2): 161-175.
- Walkley, A., Black, I, A., 1934. An Examination of the Degtjareff Method for Determining Soil Organic Matter, and a Proposed Modification of the Chromic Acid Titration Method. Soil science, 37(1), pp. 29–38.
- Plaster, E.J., 1985. Soil Science and Management. Delmar Publishers Inc., Albany, NY, p. 124.
- Day, P, R., 1965. Particle Fractionation and Particle-Size Analysis, Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical and mineralogical properties, including statistics of measurement and sampling (methodsofsoilana). pp. 545–67.
- Jafari Haghighi, Mojtaba. Soil analysis methods. 2003. Neda Zoha Publications. pp 236. Persian.
- Zarin Kafsh, M. 1992. Applied soil science: soil survey and soil-plant-water analysis. Tehran university publication. pp 245. Persian.
- Sparling, G.P., Feltman. C.W., Reynolds, J., West, A. W., Singleton, P., 1990. Estimation of soil microbial C by fumigation - extraction method: use on soils of high organic matter content, and reassessment of the kEC factor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22(1): 301 -307.
- Ghazan Shahi, J. 1997. Soil and Plant analysis. Homa publication. pp 311. Persian.
- Olsen, S.R., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Phosphorus. In: Page, Al., Miller, R.H., Keaney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part II, 2nd ed. ASA, Madison, WI, 404–430.
- R Core Team. 2013. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
- Royston, P., 1995. Remark AS R94: A remark on Algorithm AS 181: The W test for normality. Applied Statistics. 44, 547–551.
- Bartlett, M. S., 1937. Properties of sufficiency and statistical tests. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A. 160, 268–282.
- See Alzola CF, Harrell FE (2004): An Introduction to S and the Hmisc and Design Libraries at for extensive documentation and examples for the Hmisc package.
- Chambers, J. M., Freeny, A., Heiberger, R. M., 1992. Analysis of variance; designed experiments.Chapter 5 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
- Yandell, B. S., 1997. Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments. Chapman & Hall.
- Rouhi Moghaddam, A., Hosseini, S.M., Rahmani, A., Tabari, M., Ebrahimi, E. 2012. Nutritional process and nutrients return in pure and mixed plantations of oak (A case study: lowland forests of Chamestan, Noor). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research. 20(2). Persian.
- Hagen-Thorn, A., Callesen, I., Armolaitis. K., Nihlgrad, B., 2004. The impact of six European tree species on the chemistry of mineral topsoil in forest plantations on former agricultural land. Forest Ecology and Management. 195: 373-384.
- Inagaki, Y., Miura, S., Kohzo, A., 2004. Effects of forest type and stand age on litter fall quality and soil N dynamics in Shikoku, Southern Japan. For. Ecol. Manag. 202, 107–117.
- Rothe, A., Cromack, J.K., Resh, S.C., Makeneci, E., Son, Y., 2002. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes under Douglas-fir with and without red alder. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66, 1988–1995.
- Haghdoost, N., Akbarinia, M., Hosseini, S.M., Kooch, Y., 2011. Conversion of Hyrcanian degraded forests to plantations: effects on soil C and N stocks. Ann. Biol. Res. 2, 385–399.
- Rostamabadi, A., Tabari, M., Sayad, E., 2013. Influence of Alnus subcordata, Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum on poor drainage soil, northern Iran. Ecopersia 1, 207–218.
- Kooch, Y., Rostayee, F., Hosseini, S M., 2016. Effects of tree species on topsoil properties and nitrogen cycling in natural forest and tree plantations of northern Iran. Catena 144 (2016) 65–73.
- Grüneberg, E., Ziche, D., Wellbrock, N., 2014. Organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates of forest soils in Germany. Glob. Chang. Biol. 20, 2644–2662.
- Nsabimana, D., Klemedtson, L., Kaplin, B.A., Wallin, G., 2008. Soil carbon and nutrient accumulation under forest plantations in southern Rwanda. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2, 142–149.
- Chase, P., Singh, O.P., 2014. Soil nutrients and fertility in three traditional land use systems of Khonoma. Nagaland Res. Environ. 4, 181–189.
- Kimmins, J.P., 2004. Forest Ecology: A Foundation for Sustainable Forest Management and Environmental Ethics in Forestry, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 611 pp.
- Mallik, A.U., Hu, D., 1997. Soil respiration following site preparation treatments in boreal mixedwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 97, 265–275.
- Sagar, S., Hedley, C.B., Salt, G.J., 2001. Soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and carbon and nitrogenmineralization in 25 year old Pinus radiata agro forestry regimes. Aust. J. Soil Res. 39, 491–504.
- Yosefi Rad, M., Khademi, H., Jalalian, A., 2007. Descending trend of soil quality during rangelands use changes in Cheshme Ali region of Charmahalo Bakhtiary Province. Agric. Nat. Res. Sci. J. 14, 102–113.
- Turk, T.D., Schmidt, M.J., Roberts, N.J., 2008. The influence of bigleaf maple on forest floor and mineral soil properties in a coniferous forest in coastal British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management. 255: 1874-1882.
- Richards, A.E., Dalal, R.C., Schmidt, S., 2007. Soil carbon turnover and sequestration in native subtropical tree plantations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39: 2078-2090.
- Varamesh, S., Hosseini, S.M., Abdi, A., Akbarinia, M. 2010. Increment of soil carbon sequestration due to forestation and its relation with some physical and chemical factors of soil. Iranian Journal of Forest, 2 (1). Persian.
- Dorji, T., Odeh, I.O., Field, D.J., Baillie, I.C., 2014. Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon stocks under different land use and land cover types in montane ecosystems, Eastern Himalayas. For. Ecol. Manag. 318, 91–102.
- Jobbágy, E.G., Jackson, R.B., 2000. The vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and its relation to climate and vegetation. Ecol. Appl. 10:423–436. 1051-0761(2000)010[0423: TVDOSO] 2.0.CO; 2.
- Dalal, R.C., R.J., Mayer .1986. Longterm trends in fertility of soils under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in southern Queensland, I: overall changes in soil properties and trends in winter cereal yields. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 24, 265279.
- Neff, J. C., Townsend, A. R., Gleixner, G., Lehman, S. J., Turnbull, J., Bowman, W. D., 2002. Variable effects of nitrogen additions on the stability and turnover of soil carbon. Nature, 419(6910), 915-917.
- Soleimani, A., Hosseini, S.M., Massah Bavani, A.R., Jafari, M., Francaviglia, R., 2017. Simulating soil organic carbon stock as affected by land cover change and climate change, Hyrcanian forests (northern Iran). Science of the Total Environment. 599–600 (2017) 1646–1657.