An Investigation on the Possibility of Heavy Metal (Pb and Ni) Phytoremediation from Plant Artemisia Sieberi in Mohammadabad Waste Disposal Site in Ghazvin
Subject Areas : soil pollution
sanaz khorami pour
roya mafi gholami
ali jahani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Management Faculty, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Management Faculty, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, University of Environment, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Artemisia sieberi, Heavy Metals (Ni, Soil pollution, and Pb),
Abstract :
Background and Objective: This study was conducted in Mohammadabad waste disposal site in Ghazvin in order to determine the concentration of Ni and Pb in Artemisia sieberi and in region’s soil. Method: Three plots were selected. Ten random samples from root and shoot of the plant and also from the soil were collected. Two-way and one-way ANOVA were used to assess the differences of metal concentrations in roots and shoots of the plants, and in the soil of the plots, respectively. Duncan Test was applied to compare the average concentrations of metals in different plots. Findings: The results revealed that the soil of the different plots does not have a significant difference in Ni and Pb concentrations. No significant difference was observed between the metal concentrations in roots and shoots of the plants. The mean concentration of lead in the A.sieberi aerial and root organs was 2.35 mgkg-1 and 3.19 mgkg-1, respectively, and for the nickel metal 3.14 mgkg-1 and 2.99 mgkg-1 respectively. Discussion and conclusion: Bio concentration and transmission factors for Ni and Pb (TF=0.78; 0.81 and BCF=1.10; 0.33, respectively) suggested that A.sieberi is an appropriate plant to remove Pb from soil.
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- Hibben, C.R and Hagar، S.S. 1984 “Comparison of cadmium and lead content of vegetable crops grown in urban and suburban gardens”. Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical ،Volume 7, Issue 1, 71–80.
- Burd, G.I., Dixon, D.G and Glick, B.R. 2000. Plant growth – promoting bacteria that decrease heavy metal toxicity in plants. Can.J.Microbiol. 46,237-245.
- Baker, A.J.M and Walker, p.l. 1990. Ecophysiology of metal uptake by tolerant plants. In: Shaw, A.J. (Ed), Heavy metal Tolerance in plants: Evolutionary Aspects. CRC Press Boca Raton, FL, pp. 155-157.
- Brian k. Richards and Tammo s. 1998. “Metal mobility at an old, heavily loaded sludge application siye” Environmental pollution 99.
- Dalenberg, J. W. and van Driel, W. 1990. Contribution of atmospheric deposition to heavy metal concentration in field crops, Netherlands J. Agric. Sci., 38, 367.
- Lorestani, Bahare. 2010. "Identification of metal concentrations in plants and soils of Hame Kasi mine and investigation of the relationship between plants and soil factors", national conference of Human, Environment and Sustainable development, Hamedan, Iran. (In Persian).
- Amini. F., Mirghafari. N and Malayeri. B. 2011. "Studying the concentration of Ni in soil and a number of other plant species around the Ahangaran Pb and Zn Mine in Hamedan Province", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 13, No 1, p.p. 11-20 (In Persian).
- M.R. Naderi, A. Danesh. Et al. 2014. "Evaluation the Efficiency of Six Sunflower Cultivars in Phytoextraction of Lead from a Pb-bearing Soil for Long Term" Journal of Water and Soil, Vol. 28, No. 3, p. 597-605 (In Persian).
- Mousavi M. et al. 2012. "The investigation of lead accumulation in different parts of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and the response of plant to lead oxidative stress" Journal of Agronomy and plant Breeding, Vol 8, No 2, p. 111-118 (In Persian).
- Saderi. S. Z. and et al. 2011. "The study of lead uptake and accumulation by Matricaria chamomilla in various growth stages" Iranian Journal of Plant Biology, Vol 3, No 9, P. 53-62 (In Persian).
- Conningham SD, Anderson TA and Schwab AP. 1997. Phytoremediation of soils contaminant with organic pollutants. Advanced Agronomy; 56: 55-64.
- Ghyti. K., Kiyaye. MM., Rokni. N., Razavi Rohani and M., Motalebi.a. 2012."Situation of national sea and livestock food pollution with heavy metals", Journal of food science and industry. Num 34. Ninth period.
- Someya N., Sato Y., Yamaguchi I., et al. 2007. "Allevation of nickel toxicity in plants by a rhizobacterium strain is not dependent on its siderophore production". Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 38:1155–1162.
- Khan, A.G., kuek, C., Chaudhry, T.M., Khoo, C.S and Hayes, W.J. 2000. "Role of plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelatore in heavy metal contaminated land remediation". Chemosphere. 41, 197-207.
- Tyler, L.D., and McBride. M.B. 1982. "Mobility and extractability of cadmium, copper, nickel, and zinc in organic mineral soil columns". J. Soil Science. 134(3), 198-205