The role of forest ecosystem in running water Regulation (Case Study: Noujian watershed in Khoramabad)
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
amir modaberi
Ali Mahdavi
Hamid Amirnejad
1 - Ph.D Student in Forestry, Department of Forest Sciences, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran. *(Corresponding author)
2 - Associate professor, Department of Forest Sciences, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sari University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran.
Received: 2018-10-10
Accepted : 2019-12-04
Published : 2021-12-22
Economic valuation,
central Zagros,
water regulation function,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Natural ecosystems provide many goods and services for human beings via their multiple functionalities. One of these important functions is the role of natural ecosystems in regulation of hydrologic cycle and increasing the infiltration and retention of water in soil context and preventing from water runoff which may cause in unfavorable consequences like soil erosion and flooding. Quantification and economic valuation of these functions is of high importance to regulate the utilization process from these resources. The aim of this study is to estimate the role and contribution of forest in regulating running water, water conservation in each of the Nojian watersheds and to estimate the economic value of this performance as one of the most important functions of forest ecosystem.Material and Methodology: For this purpose using Justins experimental model and with supposing the lack of forest cover in form of clear cutting, its effects on runoff caused by annual rainfall were studied, followed by estimating economic value of the function using replacement cost method. It should be noted that this research was conducted in 2019.Findings: The results showed that the annual economic value of forest of this function was estimated 1416473Rials per hectare.Discussion and Conclusion: Estimating the value of this ecosystem service in Iran's Zagros forests represents the very effective role of this forest ecosystems in controlling regulation hydrologic cycle.
Ninan, K.N. and Kontoleon, A. 2016. Valuing forest ecosystem services and disservices- case study of protected area in India. Ecosystem services, 20: 1-14.
Law of the Fourth Plan of Economic and Social and Cultural Development of Iran. 2004. Publications of the Organization for Management and Planning. 5th Five-Year Plan Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2009. Publications of the Organization for Management and Planning. (In Persian)
Mobareghei, N., Sharzei, Gh. And Ghoddoosi, J. 2010. The role of forest ecosystem in water conservation and estimating this value in Iranian Caspian forests (case study: watershed number one in basin 45). Iranian Journal of Forest, 2(3):187-196. (In Persian)
Hosseini, S., Amirnezhad, H., & Owladi, J. (2017). The Valuation of Functions and Services of Forest Ecosystem of Kiasar National Park. Agricultural Economics, 11 (1), 211-239. (In Persian)
Kuhlman, T., Reinhard, S., and Gaaff. A. 2010. Estimating the costs and benefits of soil conservation in Europe. Land Use Policy, 27: 22-32.
Telles, T.S., Falci Dechen, C., Souza, S., Antonio, G., Souza, D., and Guimarães, L., 2013. Valuation and assessment of soil erosion costs.Sci. Agric, 70(3): 209-216.
Biao, Z., Wenhua, L., Gaodi, X., Yu, X. (2010) Water conservation of forest ecosystem inBeijing and its value. Ecological economics journal. 69: 1416–1426.
Kengen, S. 2013. Forest valuation for decision making, lessons of experience and proposals for improvement, University of Tehran, 318p.
Torras, M. 2000. The total economic value of Amazonian deforestation, 1978-1993. Ecological Economics, 33(2): 283-297.
Guo, Z., Xiao, X., Gan, Y. and Zheng, Y. 2001. Ecosystem functions, services and their values – a case study in Xingshan County of China. Ecological economics, 38: 141-154.
Pandhi, M. 2005. Economic valuation of Caspian forests, Case studies in three sub basins of wood and paper industry in Mazandaran, Kheyrudkenar and Gilan wood and paper, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, 280 p. (In Persian)
Amirnezhad, H. 2005. Determine the total value of the ecosystems of northern forests of Iran with emphasis on environmental values and conservation values, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, 270 p. (In Persian)
Rahimi, H. 2003. Study of the Role's Environmental Role's Role in Sustainable Development. Peake Noor, Iran, 1 (3): 57-49. (In Persian)
Vahabzada, Gh., Farhoudi, M.H. Mobarak, J. And Abdullahi, H.R. 2012. Determine maximum instantaneous flow with different return periods for non-statistic domains using SMADA software. Third National Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Sari, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. (In Persian)
Alizadeh, A. 2011. Principles of Applied Hydrology. 32th reprint, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 912p. (In Persian)
Chow, V.T., D. Maidment and I.W. Mays. 1988. Applied Hydrology., McGraw-Hill. New York, 572 pp.
Anonymous. 2008. Water Economic Price - Iran Water Resources Management Co., backup report of the Financial Services Water Bill, Report Code 126-4-87-A. (In Persian)
Amirnejad, H., Ataie Solout, K. and Zarandian, A. 2018. Determining the economic value of water conservation function by plant coverage of Bamou national park. Iranian Journal of Rengeland and Desert Research, 25(1): 216-226. (In Persian)
De Groot R., M. Wilson & R.M.J. Boumans. 2002. A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services, Ecological Economics41: 393-408.
Edwards K.A., G.A. Classen & E.H.J. Schroten, 1983. The water resource in tropical Africa and its exploitation, ILCA research report No. 6, International Livestock Center for Africa,
Scott M.J., G.R. Bilyard, S.O. Link, C.A. Ulibarri & H.E. Westerdahl, 1998. Valuation of ecological resources and functions, Environmental Management22(1): 49-68.
Asgari, H.A. 2013. the economic value of oak forest. Economics of Natural Resources, 2(1):77-88. (In Persian)
Yazdani, S. and Abbasi, A., Estimating Economic and Environmental Values of Forests: A Case Study of Kheirood Forest in Novshahr. Journal of Agricultural Economocs Research, 2(7): 33-54. (In Persian)
Costanza, R., Groot, R., Sutton, P., Ploeg, S., Anderson, S., Kubiszewski, I., Farber, S. and Turner, R. (2014) Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global environmental change. 26: 152–158
Elliott, T., Campbell, D., Tilley, R. (2014) Valuing ecosystem services from Maryland forests using environmental accounting. Ecosystem services. 7: 141-151.
Hosseini, S.Sh. And Karimi, b. 2002. Irrigation water pricing: reviewing the subject literature (first edition). Translation of the Johansson Book of References. Publication of Iran's National Irrigation and Drainage Committee, 145 p. (In Persian)
Mousavi, S.A.R. and Arzani, H. 2014. Economic Valuation of water Regulation Function by Central Alborz Rangeland Ecosystem. Iranian Journal of Eco Hydrology, 1(1): 11-16. (In Persian)
Negareshi, H. And Shah Hosieni, M. 2011. An estimation of annual discharge and estimation of watershed flood Tighab Khash. Journal of Geographic Space, 11(36): 255-282. (In Persian)
Hatami Yazd, A. And Ghahreman, B. 2007. Investigation and generalization of rainfall-runoff relations monthly and yearly to untapped basins Nahrin and Karit basins located in Tabas area, Yazd province. THE SCIENTIFIC Journal of Agriculture, 30(4-B): 1-15. (In Persian)
Khazayi, M., Sadeghi, S.H.R. And Mirnia, S.Kh. 2011. Hydrological effects of forest surface disturbance, a case study. Iranian Journal of Forest, 3(2): 145-155. (In Persian)
Xiaoming, Z., Y. Xinxiao, W. Sihong & L. Huifang, 2007. Effects of forest vegetation on runoff and sediment transport of watershed in Loess area, west China, Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2: 163-168.
Kavianpoor, A.H., Jafarian, Z., Smahli, A., Kavian, A. 2015. The effect of vegetation cover on runoff and soil loss using rainfall simulation. J. Geograp. Environ. Plan. 58: 2. 179-190.
Tabarzadi, A., Jourgholami, M., Moghaddam Nia, A., Majnounian Garagiz, B. And Attarod, P. 2019. Evaluation of the effect of forest cover on qualitive runoff parameters in Chitgar Forest Park Watershed, Tehran. Journal of Range And Watershed Management, 71(4): 997-1011. (In Persian)
Ninan, K.N. and Kontoleon, A. 2016. Valuing forest ecosystem services and disservices- case study of protected area in India. Ecosystem services, 20: 1-14.
Law of the Fourth Plan of Economic and Social and Cultural Development of Iran. 2004. Publications of the Organization for Management and Planning. 5th Five-Year Plan Development Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2009. Publications of the Organization for Management and Planning. (In Persian)
Mobareghei, N., Sharzei, Gh. And Ghoddoosi, J. 2010. The role of forest ecosystem in water conservation and estimating this value in Iranian Caspian forests (case study: watershed number one in basin 45). Iranian Journal of Forest, 2(3):187-196. (In Persian)
Hosseini, S., Amirnezhad, H., & Owladi, J. (2017). The Valuation of Functions and Services of Forest Ecosystem of Kiasar National Park. Agricultural Economics, 11 (1), 211-239. (In Persian)
Kuhlman, T., Reinhard, S., and Gaaff. A. 2010. Estimating the costs and benefits of soil conservation in Europe. Land Use Policy, 27: 22-32.
Telles, T.S., Falci Dechen, C., Souza, S., Antonio, G., Souza, D., and Guimarães, L., 2013. Valuation and assessment of soil erosion costs.Sci. Agric, 70(3): 209-216.
Biao, Z., Wenhua, L., Gaodi, X., Yu, X. (2010) Water conservation of forest ecosystem inBeijing and its value. Ecological economics journal. 69: 1416–1426.
Kengen, S. 2013. Forest valuation for decision making, lessons of experience and proposals for improvement, University of Tehran, 318p.
Torras, M. 2000. The total economic value of Amazonian deforestation, 1978-1993. Ecological Economics, 33(2): 283-297.
Guo, Z., Xiao, X., Gan, Y. and Zheng, Y. 2001. Ecosystem functions, services and their values – a case study in Xingshan County of China. Ecological economics, 38: 141-154.
Pandhi, M. 2005. Economic valuation of Caspian forests, Case studies in three sub basins of wood and paper industry in Mazandaran, Kheyrudkenar and Gilan wood and paper, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, 280 p. (In Persian)
Amirnezhad, H. 2005. Determine the total value of the ecosystems of northern forests of Iran with emphasis on environmental values and conservation values, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, 270 p. (In Persian)
Rahimi, H. 2003. Study of the Role's Environmental Role's Role in Sustainable Development. Peake Noor, Iran, 1 (3): 57-49. (In Persian)
Vahabzada, Gh., Farhoudi, M.H. Mobarak, J. And Abdullahi, H.R. 2012. Determine maximum instantaneous flow with different return periods for non-statistic domains using SMADA software. Third National Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management, Sari, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. (In Persian)
Alizadeh, A. 2011. Principles of Applied Hydrology. 32th reprint, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 912p. (In Persian)
Chow, V.T., D. Maidment and I.W. Mays. 1988. Applied Hydrology., McGraw-Hill. New York, 572 pp.
Anonymous. 2008. Water Economic Price - Iran Water Resources Management Co., backup report of the Financial Services Water Bill, Report Code 126-4-87-A. (In Persian)
Amirnejad, H., Ataie Solout, K. and Zarandian, A. 2018. Determining the economic value of water conservation function by plant coverage of Bamou national park. Iranian Journal of Rengeland and Desert Research, 25(1): 216-226. (In Persian)
De Groot R., M. Wilson & R.M.J. Boumans. 2002. A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services, Ecological Economics41: 393-408.
Edwards K.A., G.A. Classen & E.H.J. Schroten, 1983. The water resource in tropical Africa and its exploitation, ILCA research report No. 6, International Livestock Center for Africa,
Scott M.J., G.R. Bilyard, S.O. Link, C.A. Ulibarri & H.E. Westerdahl, 1998. Valuation of ecological resources and functions, Environmental Management22(1): 49-68.
Asgari, H.A. 2013. the economic value of oak forest. Economics of Natural Resources, 2(1):77-88. (In Persian)
Yazdani, S. and Abbasi, A., Estimating Economic and Environmental Values of Forests: A Case Study of Kheirood Forest in Novshahr. Journal of Agricultural Economocs Research, 2(7): 33-54. (In Persian)
Costanza, R., Groot, R., Sutton, P., Ploeg, S., Anderson, S., Kubiszewski, I., Farber, S. and Turner, R. (2014) Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global environmental change. 26: 152–158
Elliott, T., Campbell, D., Tilley, R. (2014) Valuing ecosystem services from Maryland forests using environmental accounting. Ecosystem services. 7: 141-151.
Hosseini, S.Sh. And Karimi, b. 2002. Irrigation water pricing: reviewing the subject literature (first edition). Translation of the Johansson Book of References. Publication of Iran's National Irrigation and Drainage Committee, 145 p. (In Persian)
Mousavi, S.A.R. and Arzani, H. 2014. Economic Valuation of water Regulation Function by Central Alborz Rangeland Ecosystem. Iranian Journal of Eco Hydrology, 1(1): 11-16. (In Persian)
Negareshi, H. And Shah Hosieni, M. 2011. An estimation of annual discharge and estimation of watershed flood Tighab Khash. Journal of Geographic Space, 11(36): 255-282. (In Persian)
Hatami Yazd, A. And Ghahreman, B. 2007. Investigation and generalization of rainfall-runoff relations monthly and yearly to untapped basins Nahrin and Karit basins located in Tabas area, Yazd province. THE SCIENTIFIC Journal of Agriculture, 30(4-B): 1-15. (In Persian)
Khazayi, M., Sadeghi, S.H.R. And Mirnia, S.Kh. 2011. Hydrological effects of forest surface disturbance, a case study. Iranian Journal of Forest, 3(2): 145-155. (In Persian)
Xiaoming, Z., Y. Xinxiao, W. Sihong & L. Huifang, 2007. Effects of forest vegetation on runoff and sediment transport of watershed in Loess area, west China, Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2: 163-168.
Kavianpoor, A.H., Jafarian, Z., Smahli, A., Kavian, A. 2015. The effect of vegetation cover on runoff and soil loss using rainfall simulation. J. Geograp. Environ. Plan. 58: 2. 179-190.
Tabarzadi, A., Jourgholami, M., Moghaddam Nia, A., Majnounian Garagiz, B. And Attarod, P. 2019. Evaluation of the effect of forest cover on qualitive runoff parameters in Chitgar Forest Park Watershed, Tehran. Journal of Range And Watershed Management, 71(4): 997-1011. (In Persian)