Transmission and Retention Status of the Contamination Index (Escherichia Coli) with Different Levels of Salinity in the Saturated Column
Subject Areas :
soil pollution
Sahar Akhavan
Soheila Ebrahimi
Maryam Navabian
Mahmoud Shabanpour
Ali Mojtahedi
Alireza Movahedi Naeini
1 - Ph.D., Soil Physics Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Faculty Member of Department of Soil and Water Engineering Gorgan University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.*(Corresponding Author)
3 - Faculty Member of Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
4 - Faculty Member of Department of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Rasht, Iran .
5 - Faculty Member of Microbiology Department, School of Medicine, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran.
6 - Faculty Member of Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Received: 2017-07-11
Accepted : 2018-05-30
Published : 2021-08-23
preferential flow,
Macro pour,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: Escherichia coli is the most common fecal coliform in the cow manure that is considered as an indicator of groundwater contamination. In this regard, the present study was designed to investigate the preferential transmission and retention of Escherichia coli bacteria as an indicator of pollution in terms of using saline water.
Material & Methodology: Laboratory studies were conducted in preferential flow system with synthetic m acro-pores with different diameter and salinity treatments under saturation flow in 2016. E. coli and chloride bio-tracer were used for detecting the effect of different water salinity levels. The wastewater samples were collected continuously during the transmission experiment at specific intervals. At the end of the experiment, three depths of soil from each column were sampled in two macro-porous and matrix areas. Then, the concentrations of bacteria and chloride were analyzed.
Findings: The highest and the lowest concentration of E. coli in the collected drainage were observed in salinity of 1dS m-1 and 4dS m-1, respectively. At a depth of 5 cm, the bacterial retention rate was maximal and equal to 1.3 × 105 CFU-1.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that most of the treated bacteria were retained in the surface layers of the soil. Also, the amount of contaminants passing through the soil decreased with soil depth, so that the retention rate was decreased 10% per 5 cm increase in depth. In addition, the high concentration of bacteria exhausting from the soil columns treated with high salinity is due to the role of minerals such as salt in the transmission of bacteria. Therefore, water salinity can play an important role in reducing the pollution of groundwater resources.
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Taghdisi, R., Ebrahimi, S. and Zakerinia, M., 2020. Behavior of Water through Soil Columns Containing Montmorillonite Clay Layers. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 22(3), pp.110-117.
Wang, Y., Bradford, S.A., Šimůnek, J. 2013 Transport and fate of microorganisms in soils with preferential flow under different solution chemistry conditions. Water resources research 49, 2424-2436.
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Ehyayi, M. 1997. Description of Soil Chemical Analysis Methods, Vol. 2, No. 1024, Water and Soil Research Institute. (In Persian)
Li, Q., Yang, Z.-h., Chai, L.-y., Wang, B., Xiong, S., Liao, Y.-p., Zhang, S.-j. (2013) Optimization of Cr (VI) bioremediation in contaminated soil using indigenous bacteria. Journal of Central South University 20, 480-487.
Akhavan, S., Ebrahimi, S., Navabian, M., Shabanpour, M., Mojtahedi, A, and Movahedi Naeini, A. 2018. Significance of physicochemical factors in the transmission of Escherichia coli and chloride. Environ. Health eng. manag.; 5 (2):115-122.
Shirani, H., Shirvani, S., Sayyad, Gh. Jafarzadeh, AS. 2011. Effect of different salinity of water on leaching and bacterial movement in soil. Third National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Management. Ahvaz Chamran martyr of Ahwaz University. (In Persian)
Safadost, A., Mahbubi, A.A., Mossadeghi, M.R., Khodkarmajian, Gh., Heydari, AS. 2012. Movement of Escherichia coli bacteria in soil columns under different flow conditions and temperatures. Journal of Water and Soil Science, Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 15, 183-197. (In Persian)
Kaboli, A., Ebrahimi, S. and Davari, M. 201تت Pilot study of soil electrical conductivity, acidity, N and Ni parameters in AQ-Qala landfill leachate in soil columns with different texture, J. of Water and Soil Conservation, Vol. 26(1), 255-260. DOI: 10.22069/jwsc.2019.11939.264.
Fazlali, S., Ebrahimi, S., Zakerinia, M. and Movahedi Naeini, S. A., 2015. Monitoring of the Transfer of Kerosene and Water through the Light Soil Contains Montmorillonite Nanoclay. Journal of Soil and Water Resources Conservation, 5(1), pp.55-66.
Akhavan, S., Ebrahimi, S., Navabian, M., Shabanpour, M., Movahedi, A. and Mojtahedi, A. 2019. Investigating the adsorption and filtration indices of bacterial coli transport in the preferential flow system. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Soil Science and Agricultural Mechanization, (Scientific Journal of Agriculture), 42(1), 1-12.
Fallah, M., Shabanpor, M., Zakerinia, M. and Ebrahimi, S., 2015. Risk assessment of gas oil and kerosene contamination on some properties of silty clay soil. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(7), pp.1-13.
Farhangi, M.B., Mosdeghi, M.R., Safari, A. A., and Mahboubi, A. A. 2012. E. coli bacteria from cattle manure in the soil released the unsaturated farm. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural.
FarrokhianFirouzi, A., Homaee, M., Klumpp, E., Kasteel, R. and W. Tappe. 2015. Bacteria Transport and Retention in intact calcareous soil columns under saturated Flow conditions. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 63 (2): 102–109.
Guzman, J. A., G. A. Fox, R. W. Malone, and R. Kanwar. 2010. Escherichia coli transport from surface-applied manure to subsurface drains through artificial biopores. J. Environ. Qual. 38(6): 2412-2421.
Hassanpour Darvishi, H, 2010. Investigating the effect of saline water on quantitative and qualitative traits of seeds in the medicinal plant. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding. 6 (2): 13-20. (In Persian)
Abyar, N and Kiani, A.S. 2008. An Investigation on the Economic Application of Saline Water in Golestan Province Milking Fields. Journal of Economics and Agriculture. 1 (3): 12-1. (In Persian)
Heidarnejad, S. And rancor, uh 2015. Effect of salinity stress on some growth characteristics and ion accumulation in Ashanan plant. Journal of Ecosystem of the Desert. 3 (4): 1-10. (In Persian)
Kim, k. Owens and G. Nasido, R. 2009. Heavy metal distribution, bioaccessibility, and phytoavailability in long-term contaminated soils from Lake Macquarie, Australia. 47(2):115-129.
Wang, Y., Bradford, S.A., Šimůnek, J. (2013) Transport and fate of microorganisms in soils with preferential flow under different solution chemistry conditions. Water resources research 49, 2424-2436..
Wang, Y., Bradford, S. A., and Šimůnek, J. 2014. Physicochemical Factors Influencing the Preferential Transport of Escherichia coli in Soils. Gsvadzone. 13:1-10.
Unc, A., and Goss, M. J. 2003. Movement of faecal bacteria through the vadose zone. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 149:1-4. 327-337.
Fallah, M., S. Ebrahimi, and M. Shabanpour. 2013. Hydrocarbon pollution emission in the pilot and pulse condition in saturated porous media of soil. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 20(3): 227-240.
Taghdisi, R., Ebrahimi, S. and Zakerinia, M., 2020. Behavior of Water through Soil Columns Containing Montmorillonite Clay Layers. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 22(3), pp.110-117.
Wang, Y., Bradford, S.A., Šimůnek, J. 2013 Transport and fate of microorganisms in soils with preferential flow under different solution chemistry conditions. Water resources research 49, 2424-2436.
Connie R., Mahon, Donald C., Lehman, George Manuselis. 2011. Textbook of diagnostic microbiology, Chapter 1, page 14.
Ehyayi, M. 1997. Description of Soil Chemical Analysis Methods, Vol. 2, No. 1024, Water and Soil Research Institute. (In Persian)
Li, Q., Yang, Z.-h., Chai, L.-y., Wang, B., Xiong, S., Liao, Y.-p., Zhang, S.-j. (2013) Optimization of Cr (VI) bioremediation in contaminated soil using indigenous bacteria. Journal of Central South University 20, 480-487.
Akhavan, S., Ebrahimi, S., Navabian, M., Shabanpour, M., Mojtahedi, A, and Movahedi Naeini, A. 2018. Significance of physicochemical factors in the transmission of Escherichia coli and chloride. Environ. Health eng. manag.; 5 (2):115-122.
Shirani, H., Shirvani, S., Sayyad, Gh. Jafarzadeh, AS. 2011. Effect of different salinity of water on leaching and bacterial movement in soil. Third National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Management. Ahvaz Chamran martyr of Ahwaz University. (In Persian)
Safadost, A., Mahbubi, A.A., Mossadeghi, M.R., Khodkarmajian, Gh., Heydari, AS. 2012. Movement of Escherichia coli bacteria in soil columns under different flow conditions and temperatures. Journal of Water and Soil Science, Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 15, 183-197. (In Persian)
Kaboli, A., Ebrahimi, S. and Davari, M. 201تت Pilot study of soil electrical conductivity, acidity, N and Ni parameters in AQ-Qala landfill leachate in soil columns with different texture, J. of Water and Soil Conservation, Vol. 26(1), 255-260. DOI: 10.22069/jwsc.2019.11939.264.
Fazlali, S., Ebrahimi, S., Zakerinia, M. and Movahedi Naeini, S. A., 2015. Monitoring of the Transfer of Kerosene and Water through the Light Soil Contains Montmorillonite Nanoclay. Journal of Soil and Water Resources Conservation, 5(1), pp.55-66.
Akhavan, S., Ebrahimi, S., Navabian, M., Shabanpour, M., Movahedi, A. and Mojtahedi, A. 2019. Investigating the adsorption and filtration indices of bacterial coli transport in the preferential flow system. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Soil Science and Agricultural Mechanization, (Scientific Journal of Agriculture), 42(1), 1-12.
Fallah, M., Shabanpor, M., Zakerinia, M. and Ebrahimi, S., 2015. Risk assessment of gas oil and kerosene contamination on some properties of silty clay soil. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(7), pp.1-13.