The Policies of Learning Economy to Achieve Sustainable Development
Subject Areas : Environmental EconomicsMohammad Mohammadi Ashnani 1 * , Tahereh Miremadi 2 , Afshin Danekar 3 , Majid Makhdoom Farkhonde 4 , Vahid Majed 5
1 - Ph.D in Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Associate Professor, Research Centre for Science and Technology Policy and Diplomacy, Iranian Organizations for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
4 - Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, College of agriculture & natural resources, University of Tehran
5 - Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Iran
Keywords: environmental economics, innovation, Learning economy, Sustainable development,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Althoughthe progress of science and technology promoted industrial productivity and competitiveness, as well as the standard and quality of life has widely improved, but these factors are the root causes of present instability and they have caused new problems that need complex specialized sciences and technologies that are more expensive. Method: The research method of this paper is based on the content analysis paradigm and system analysis method. Given the limitations of the traditional economic model, new approaches to environmental economics and innovation have been analyzed and the challenges of achieving sustainable development and its components have been addressed. Findings: Humanity's future depends on whether it can develop an economic and social system with the "throughput" of matter and energy that respects ecological limits, and this is the ultimate challenge for the learning economy. Based on the obtained analytical results, choice framework of policy instruments, the characteristics of each and the timing of the use of these policy instruments to promote of sustainable development is presented. Discussion and Conclusion: This study showed that although we are rapidly reaching the threshold of operational growth and at that point, there is no capacity for more net harvesting from nature, growth is still possible by focusing on the principles and capacities of of environmental economics.
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- Juma, C., Yee-Cheong, L., 2005. Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development. London: EarthScan. 214 p.
- Sachs, J., 2005. Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, New York: UN Millennium Project, 329 p.
- Bijani, M., the Millennium Development Goals and its Challenges in Iran, Vol. 239-240, pp. 164-181. (In Persian)
- Sanders, R., 2016. The Flawed Paradigms of Economics and Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 19, pp. 110-126.
- Johnson, B., Lundvall, BJ., 2013. Are there alternatives to Growth Pessimism? Aalborg University.
- Miller, G.T., 2011. Living in the environment: principles, connections, and solutions: Nelson Education, 720 p.
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- Michael, Z., 2012. Sustainable Development Global Simulation: Analysis of Quality and Security of Human Life. In: Ghenai PC, editor. SustainableDevelopment - Policy and Urban Development - Tourism, Life Science, Management and Environment: InTech.
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- Mohammadi Ashnani, M.H., Miremadi, T., Johari, A., Danekar, A., 2015.Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuels and Vehicle Technologies: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective. Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 30, pp. 205-210.
- Yale University, 2012. Environmental Performance Index. Center for Environmental Low& Policy:https://epi.envirocenter.yale.ed.
- Hsu, A., 2016. Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Technical Report. New Haven.
- Makhdoum, M., 2013. An Overview of the State of the Environment of Iran (Conditions & Trends), Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 37-42. (In Persian)
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- Mohammad-Rezaei, Sh., Yavari, A., 2003. A system approach to ecosystem analysis, Tehran: Aiyj. 152 p. (In Persian)
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- Mohammadi Ashnani, M.H., Mohammadi Ashnani, A., Hasani, E., A Proposal for a Comparative Assessment Process and Environmental Planning for Sustainable Rural Development in Iran. Journal of village and development, Vol. 11, pp. 77-100. (In Persian)
- United Nations (UN), 1972. Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), June 5-16, United National and Ecol Practique des Hautes Etudes, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Allen, R., 1980. The World Conservation Strateg: Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable Development. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.
- World Commission on Environment and Development(WCED). Our Commom Future. Oxford University Press; 1987.
- United Nations (UN), 1992. Programme of Action for Sustainable Developmen. Final text of agreements negotiated by Goverment at the United Nations Conferenc on Environment and Development, 3- 14 june, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- United Nations (UN), 2012. Synthesis report on best practices and lessons learned related to the objectives and themes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, New York.
- United Nations (UN), 2002, Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development. United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Vernadsky, V.I., 1944. Some words about noosphere. Success of modern biology, Vol. 18(2), pp. 113-20.
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- Daly, H.E., 1991. Steady State Economics. Washington: Island Press.
- Georgescu-Roegen, N., 1971. The Entropy Law and the Economic Process. Cambridge Mass.: Harward University Press.
- Dosi, G., Nelson, R.R., 1994. An Introduction to Evolutionary Theories in Economics. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 4, pp. 153-72.
- Boulding, K.E., 1978. Ecodynamics: A New Theory of Societal Evolution. USA: Sage Publications.
- Boulding, K.E., 1981. Evolutionary Economics. London: Sage Publications.
- Verspagen, B., 2004. Innovation and Economic Growth, In The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, 680 p.
- Buenstorf, G., 2006. How Usefull Is Generalized Darwinism as a Framework to Study Competition and Industrial Evolution?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 16, pp. 511-27.
- Metcalfe, J.S., 1994. Evolutionary Economics and Technology Policy. The Economic Journal, Vol. 104, pp. 931-44.
- Norgaad, R.B., 1984. The Case of Methodological Pluralism. Ecological Economics, Vol. 1, pp. 37-57.
- Witt, U., 2008. What is specific about evolutionary economics?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 18, pp. 547-575.
- Narimani, M., 2014. Paradigmatic survey of innovation and evolutionary economic studies:Is an emerging paradigm on the way?. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Letters, Vol. 3, pp. 7-16. (In Persian)
- Costanza, R., 1991. Ecological Economics: the science and management of sustainability. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 525.
- Ebrahimi, M., Souri, A., 2006. Environmental Economics and Natural Resources. Noure Elm Publication, Tehran, pp. 256. (In Persian)
- Ehrlich, P., 1972. Impact of population growth. In Population, Resources, and the Environment, Washington DC: U.S.: Government Printing Office.
- Commoner, B., 1972. The environmental cost of eco- nomic growth. In Population, Resources and the Environment, Washington DC: U.S.: Government Printing Office.
- 59. Nazemian, H., Eslamifar, A., Knowledge-based economy and sustainable development: designing and testing an analytical model with global data, Journal of Financial Monetary Economic, Vol 18, pp. 184-213.(In Persian)
- Safarnia, H., 2012. Environmental policy and Sustainable innovation. Marketing articles. (In Persian)
- Engelman, R., Fracasso, E., Pinheiro, I., 2009. Competitive strategy and sustainable product: braskem’s green polyethylene. Gestão Contemporânea.
- Lundvall, BÅ., Borrás, S., 2005. Science, technology and innovation policy. The Oxford handbook of innovation, pp. 599-631.
- Bitaeb, A., Ghaneie-Rad, M.A., Ghazi-Nouri, S., 2013. Explaining the Role of Social Capital on the Functions of the National Innovation System. 4th National Conference on Technology Management of Iran, Tehran. Iran. (In Persian)
- Lundvall, BÅ., 1992. National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Pinter Publishers, London, United Kingdom.
- Souzanchi Kashani, E., 2011. Knowledge Based Economy: Approaches, Foundations and Implications. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 19-32. (In Persian)
- Viotti, E.B., 2002. National learning systems: a new approach on technological change in late industrializing economies and evidences from the cases of Brazil and South Korea. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 69(7), pp. 653-680.
- World Bank, 2012. Knowledge Appraisal Measurement. Washington D.C.
- Hautamäki, A., 2012. Innovation ecosystems as platforms for innovative SMEs. University of Jyväskylä.
- Andersen, M.M., 2008. Policies for Climate Change in the long Run: Wiring up the Innovation System for Eco-innovation. DIME Workshop "Innovation, sustainability and policy”; 11-13 September, Bordeaux.
- Miremadi, T., 2015. Fundamentals of science and technology policy. Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran.
- Freeman, C., 1992. The Economics of Hope: Pinter Publishers.
- Kemp, R., Andersen, M.M., 2004. Strategies for eco-efficiency innovation: Strategy paper for the Informal Environmental Council Meeting, July 16-18, Maastricht, VROM, Den Haag.
- Hodgson, G.M., 2012. From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities. An Evolutionary Economics Without Homo Economicus, The University of Chicago Press.
- Deacon, R.C.N., 2006. Does the Kuznets Curve Describe How the Individual Country Behave. Journal of Land Economics, Vol. 82, pp. 291-315.
- Asafu-Adjaye, J., 2005. Environmental Economics for Non-Economists: Techniques and Policies for Sustainable Development. World Scientific Pub Co. 392 p.
- Juma, C., Yee-Cheong, L., 2005. Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development. London: EarthScan. 214 p.
- Sachs, J., 2005. Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, New York: UN Millennium Project, 329 p.
- Bijani, M., the Millennium Development Goals and its Challenges in Iran, Vol. 239-240, pp. 164-181. (In Persian)
- Sanders, R., 2016. The Flawed Paradigms of Economics and Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 19, pp. 110-126.
- Johnson, B., Lundvall, BJ., 2013. Are there alternatives to Growth Pessimism? Aalborg University.
- Miller, G.T., 2011. Living in the environment: principles, connections, and solutions: Nelson Education, 720 p.
- MillenniumEcosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends. Washington, DC, USA: Island Press.
- Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007. Climate Change: Synthesis Report, Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC.
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2008. Sustainable Consumption Facts and Trends from a Business Perspective. WBCSD: Geneva, Switzerland.
- United Nations. Programme of Action for Sustainable Developmen, 1992. Final text of agreements negotiated byGoverment at the United Nations Conferenc on Environment and Development: 3- 14 June, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Michael, Z., 2012. Sustainable Development Global Simulation: Analysis of Quality and Security of Human Life. In: Ghenai PC, editor. SustainableDevelopment - Policy and Urban Development - Tourism, Life Science, Management and Environment: InTech.
- GeoHive (n.d.)., 2013. Current World Population: http://xistorg/earth/population1aspx.
- Kassas, M., 1983. The global Biosphere. Conservation for survival Mazingira, 7 (2), pp. 2-13.
- Makhdoum, M. 2007. Foundation of Land Evaluation, Seventh Edition, Tehran University Press. (In Persian)
- United Nations, 2013. Sustainable Development Challenges. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN).
- Mohammadi Ashnani, M.H., Miremadi, T., Johari, A., Danekar, A., 2015.Environmental Impact of Alternative Fuels and Vehicle Technologies: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective. Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 30, pp. 205-210.
- Yale University, 2012. Environmental Performance Index. Center for Environmental Low& Policy:https://epi.envirocenter.yale.ed.
- Hsu, A., 2016. Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Technical Report. New Haven.
- Makhdoum, M., 2013. An Overview of the State of the Environment of Iran (Conditions & Trends), Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 37-42. (In Persian)
- Michel, D., 2013. Iran’s Environment: Greater Threat than Foreign Foes. US Institute of Peace.
- Khaki, Gh., 2012. Research methodology: thesis-writing approach. Baztab Publication, Tehran. 498 p. (In Persian)
- Mohammad-Rezaei, Sh., Yavari, A., 2003. A system approach to ecosystem analysis, Tehran: Aiyj. 152 p. (In Persian)
- Malthus, T.R., 1872. An Essay on the Principle of Population. 7th Edition ed. London: Reeves and Turner.
- Meadows, D.H, Meadows, D.L., Behrens, W., 1972. The Limits of Growth: A Report to the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. New York: Universe Books.
- Barney, G.O., 1980. The Global 2000 Report to the President of the U.S. Enterning the 21 st Century. New York.
- Daly, H.E., 2005. Economics in a full world. Scientific American, Vol. 293(3), pp. 100-107.
- Layard, R., 2005. Happiness, Lessons from a new science. Allen Lane: Penguin Books.
- Easterlin, R.A., 1998. Growth Triumphant, The Twenty-first Centuryin Historical Perspective: The University of Michigan Press.
- Sen, A., 1999. Development as Freedom: Oxford University Press.
- Kahneman, D., Deaton, A., 2010. High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, Vol. 107(38), pp. 16489-93.
- Mohammadi Ashnani, M.H., Mohammadi Ashnani, A., Hasani, E., A Proposal for a Comparative Assessment Process and Environmental Planning for Sustainable Rural Development in Iran. Journal of village and development, Vol. 11, pp. 77-100. (In Persian)
- United Nations (UN), 1972. Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), June 5-16, United National and Ecol Practique des Hautes Etudes, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Allen, R., 1980. The World Conservation Strateg: Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable Development. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.
- World Commission on Environment and Development(WCED). Our Commom Future. Oxford University Press; 1987.
- United Nations (UN), 1992. Programme of Action for Sustainable Developmen. Final text of agreements negotiated by Goverment at the United Nations Conferenc on Environment and Development, 3- 14 june, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- United Nations (UN), 2012. Synthesis report on best practices and lessons learned related to the objectives and themes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, New York.
- United Nations (UN), 2002, Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development. United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Vernadsky, V.I., 1944. Some words about noosphere. Success of modern biology, Vol. 18(2), pp. 113-20.
- Salehi-Shanjani, P., 1992. Protective approach to genetic resources of the northern forests of Iran. Journal of Forest and Range, Vol. 69, pp. 60-66. [In Persian]
- World Bank, 2009. Development Economics through the Decades.WB Publications.
- Solow, A., 1956. Contribution to the theory of Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Econimics, Vol. 70, pp. 312-20.
- Pezzey, J., 1989. Sustainability, Intergenerational Equity and Environmental Policy. Discussion Paper in Economics, University of Colorado, Department of Economics, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 86-89.
- Daly, H.E., 1991. Steady State Economics. Washington: Island Press.
- Georgescu-Roegen, N., 1971. The Entropy Law and the Economic Process. Cambridge Mass.: Harward University Press.
- Dosi, G., Nelson, R.R., 1994. An Introduction to Evolutionary Theories in Economics. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 4, pp. 153-72.
- Boulding, K.E., 1978. Ecodynamics: A New Theory of Societal Evolution. USA: Sage Publications.
- Boulding, K.E., 1981. Evolutionary Economics. London: Sage Publications.
- Verspagen, B., 2004. Innovation and Economic Growth, In The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, 680 p.
- Buenstorf, G., 2006. How Usefull Is Generalized Darwinism as a Framework to Study Competition and Industrial Evolution?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 16, pp. 511-27.
- Metcalfe, J.S., 1994. Evolutionary Economics and Technology Policy. The Economic Journal, Vol. 104, pp. 931-44.
- Norgaad, R.B., 1984. The Case of Methodological Pluralism. Ecological Economics, Vol. 1, pp. 37-57.
- Witt, U., 2008. What is specific about evolutionary economics?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 18, pp. 547-575.
- Narimani, M., 2014. Paradigmatic survey of innovation and evolutionary economic studies:Is an emerging paradigm on the way?. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Letters, Vol. 3, pp. 7-16. (In Persian)
- Costanza, R., 1991. Ecological Economics: the science and management of sustainability. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 525.
- Ebrahimi, M., Souri, A., 2006. Environmental Economics and Natural Resources. Noure Elm Publication, Tehran, pp. 256. (In Persian)
- Ehrlich, P., 1972. Impact of population growth. In Population, Resources, and the Environment, Washington DC: U.S.: Government Printing Office.
- Commoner, B., 1972. The environmental cost of eco- nomic growth. In Population, Resources and the Environment, Washington DC: U.S.: Government Printing Office.
- 59. Nazemian, H., Eslamifar, A., Knowledge-based economy and sustainable development: designing and testing an analytical model with global data, Journal of Financial Monetary Economic, Vol 18, pp. 184-213.(In Persian)
- Safarnia, H., 2012. Environmental policy and Sustainable innovation. Marketing articles. (In Persian)
- Engelman, R., Fracasso, E., Pinheiro, I., 2009. Competitive strategy and sustainable product: braskem’s green polyethylene. Gestão Contemporânea.
- Lundvall, BÅ., Borrás, S., 2005. Science, technology and innovation policy. The Oxford handbook of innovation, pp. 599-631.
- Bitaeb, A., Ghaneie-Rad, M.A., Ghazi-Nouri, S., 2013. Explaining the Role of Social Capital on the Functions of the National Innovation System. 4th National Conference on Technology Management of Iran, Tehran. Iran. (In Persian)
- Lundvall, BÅ., 1992. National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Pinter Publishers, London, United Kingdom.
- Souzanchi Kashani, E., 2011. Knowledge Based Economy: Approaches, Foundations and Implications. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 19-32. (In Persian)
- Viotti, E.B., 2002. National learning systems: a new approach on technological change in late industrializing economies and evidences from the cases of Brazil and South Korea. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 69(7), pp. 653-680.
- World Bank, 2012. Knowledge Appraisal Measurement. Washington D.C.
- Hautamäki, A., 2012. Innovation ecosystems as platforms for innovative SMEs. University of Jyväskylä.
- Andersen, M.M., 2008. Policies for Climate Change in the long Run: Wiring up the Innovation System for Eco-innovation. DIME Workshop "Innovation, sustainability and policy”; 11-13 September, Bordeaux.
- Miremadi, T., 2015. Fundamentals of science and technology policy. Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran.
- Freeman, C., 1992. The Economics of Hope: Pinter Publishers.
- Kemp, R., Andersen, M.M., 2004. Strategies for eco-efficiency innovation: Strategy paper for the Informal Environmental Council Meeting, July 16-18, Maastricht, VROM, Den Haag.
- Hodgson, G.M., 2012. From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities. An Evolutionary Economics Without Homo Economicus, The University of Chicago Press.
- Deacon, R.C.N., 2006. Does the Kuznets Curve Describe How the Individual Country Behave. Journal of Land Economics, Vol. 82, pp. 291-315.