Comparison of Absorption Efficiency and Release of Nitrate by Iranian and Foreign Micro-Zeolite (Clinoptilolite), Modified by Hexa-Decyltrimethy- Ammonium
Subject Areas :
Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)
Fariba Nemati
Hossein Torabi Golsefidi
Amir Mohammad Naji
1 - M.Sc. Graduated, Dept. of Soil Science, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Soil Science, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Prof., Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2017-01-14
Accepted : 2019-01-20
Published : 2021-03-21
External Cation exchange Capacity of Zeolite,
Organ Zeolite,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Organocalys are modified by cationic surfactant on surface and between layers of natural or synthesis clays and widely are used. The objective of this study were comparison of absorption efficiency and release of nitrate in aqueous solutions by modified Iranian natural zeolite-clinoptilolite (Semnan) and synthesis zeolite of Fluka-96096.Material and Methods: The Iranian and Fluka-96096 micro-zeolite (clinoptilolite) was separated by centrifuge method. The micro-zeolites were first modified by hexa-decyltrimethyl-ammonium (HDTMA), a cationic surfactant. Structure and morphology of zeolites were determined XRD, SEM, EDX and AFM. In this study, adsorption efficiency in initial concentrations of nitrate by modified zeolite with surfactant loading of 100 and 200% external cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was investigated in a completely randomized factorial design. The nitrate release as affected by time at 4 and 14 mM of nitrate in surfactant loading 200% ECEC were also evaluated.Results: The results showed that absorption efficiency of nitrate by Fluka micro-organozeolite with surfactant loading of 200% ECEC in 3, 6, 20 and 30 mM nitrate were 77, 63, 48, 37 and 30% respectively, whereas, by Iranian micro-organ zeolite were 75, 67, 54, 50 and 33% respectively and no significant together (p≤0.01). The mean of nitrate release were 31 to 21%, in Iranian micro-organ zeolite, whereas for Fluka micro-organ zeolite were 17 to 34%.Discussion and Conclusion: The adsorption efficiency of nitrate was significant by initial nitrate concentration and surfactant’s level. The best adsorption efficiency of nitrate occurred at 200% of ECEC. The results of this research showed that the micro-organ zeolite of Fluka-96096 not only is not better than Iranian micro-zeolite, but also, Iranian micro-organ zeolite have been better for nitrate absorption and release in some cases.
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Tillman, Jr., F.S. Bartelt-Hunt. , J. Smith, and G. Alther. 2004. Evaluation of an Organoclay, an Organoclay-AnthraciteBlend, Clinoptilolite, and Hydroxy-Apatite as Sorbents for Heavy Metal Removal from Water. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 72, pp. 1134–1141.
Gitipour,S., Abolfazlzadeh, M., Givechi, S. 2010. The feasibility of MTBE adsorption from groundwater using modified clay. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 10, pp. 1-9. (In Persian).
Islam, M., and Patel R., 2010. Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of Zn/Al chloride layered double hydroxide and evaluation of its nitrate removal efficiency. Desalination, vol. 256, pp.120–128.
Malekian, R., Abedi-Koupai, J., and Eslamian, S. S. 2013. Ion-Exchange Process for nitrate removal and release using surfactant modified zeolite. Sci. and Technol. Agric. and Natur. Resour., Water and Soil Sci, 190-202. (In Persian).
Azam, N., Eslamian, S., Gheisari, M., and Abedi-Koupani, J. 2013. Reduce nitrate from aqueous solution using surfactant-modified bentonite. 1st national conference planning, conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development, 3 Dec., Shahid Mofateh University of Hamadan. (In Persian).
Sharafi, M., Bazigar, S., Tamizifar, M., Nemati, A., and Validi, M. 2009. The use of nanoclay as an absorbent mineral materials. 5th Student Conference on Nanotechnology, 29-31 May, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. (In Persian).
Trigo, C., Celisx, G., Hermosín, M., and Cornejo, J., 2009. Organoclay-based Formulations to Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Herbicide Diuron in Olive Groves. Soil Science Society of America journal, vol.73 (5), and pp.1652-1657.
Jhamnani, B., and Singh, S., 2009. Evaluation of Organoclays for Use in Landfill Liners. The Open Waste Management Journal, vol.2, pp.37-42.
Kittrick, J.A., and Hope, E.W., 1963. A procedure for particle size separations of soils for x-ray diffraction analysis. Soil science, vol. 96(5), pp.319-325.
Rhoades, J. D., 1982. Cation-exchange capacity. pp. 149-157. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Ming, D., and Dixon, J.B., 1987. Quantitative determination of clinoptilolite in. clay and clay minerals, vol. 32(6), pp.463-468.
Wang, Y., Liu, S., Xu, Z., Han, T., Chuan, S., and Zhu, T., 2007. Ammonia removal from leachate solution using natural Chinese clinoptilolite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. B136, pp. 735-740.
Armstrong, G.A., 1963. Determination of intrate in water by ultraviolet Spectrophotometry. Analyticaal chemistry, vol. 35, pp.1292.
Bhattacharya, S., and Aadhar, M., 2014. Studies on Preparation and analysis of Organoclay Nano Particles. Research Journal of Engineering Sciences, vol. 3(3), pp. 10-16.
Arabi, F., Asgari, G., 2013. Characteristics of the authors Review of the process of nitrate removal from aqueous solution through hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactant modified zeolite. 16th National Conference on Environmental Health.Tabriz. (In Persian).
Schick, J., Caullet, P., Paillaud, J., and Callarec, C., 2011. Nitrate sorption from water on a Surfactant-Modified Zeolite. Fixed-bed column experiments. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 142(2–3), pp.549–556.
Cho, H. H., Lee, T., Hwang, S.J., and Park, J.W., 2005. Iron and organo-bentonite for the reduction and sorption. Chemosphere, vol.58, pp.103–108.
Iran Mining Network (imico), “Statistics on the production, import and export of non-metallic minerals in Iran in 2010”, (In Persian).
Boettinger, J.L., and Ming, D.W., 2002. Zeolite, pp. 586-610. In J. B. Dixon and D. G. Schulze (ed.) Soil mineralogy with environmental application. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Malla, P.B., 2002. Vermiculite. pp. 501-530. In J. B. Dixon and D. G. Schulze (ed.) Soil mineralogy with environmental application. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Li, Z., 2003. Use of surfactant-modified zeolite as fertilizer carriers to control nitrate release. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol.61, pp.181-188.
Seliem, M.K., Komarneni, S., Byrne, T., Cannon, F.S., Shahien, M.G., Khalil, A.A., and Abdel-Gaid I.M., 2013. Removal of nitrate bysynthetic organosilicas and organoclay:Kinetic and isotherm studies. Separation & Purification Technology, vol.110, pp. 181-187.
Rafiei, H., Shirvani, M. 2014. Lead absorption of water solutions by adsorbent polymer clay nanocomposite. 1thNational Conference on Sustainable Management of Soil and Environment Resources. Shshid Bahonar University of Kerman. (In Persian).
Tillman, Jr., F.S. Bartelt-Hunt. , J. Smith, and G. Alther. 2004. Evaluation of an Organoclay, an Organoclay-AnthraciteBlend, Clinoptilolite, and Hydroxy-Apatite as Sorbents for Heavy Metal Removal from Water. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 72, pp. 1134–1141.
Gitipour,S., Abolfazlzadeh, M., Givechi, S. 2010. The feasibility of MTBE adsorption from groundwater using modified clay. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 10, pp. 1-9. (In Persian).