Water Pollution Averting Expenditures (Case Study of Ahvaz City)
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
َAmir Hossein Montazer-Hojat
Mohammad Mohebi
1 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
Received: 2023-05-09
Accepted : 2023-06-20
Published : 2023-08-23
Perceived Risk,
mineral water,
net and gross averting behavior,
Willingness to pay,
Tap water,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Health is one of the issues with a great significance for all members of a society. People always try to protect themselves from harmful effects of pollution; hence, the averting behavior on their part. The present study has tried to estimate the net potable water pollution averting expenditures for citizens of Ahvaz.
Material and Methodology: A multinomial logit model was estimated where the water quality parameters (color, odor and taste) were introduced in order to account for both direct desirability and health retention-induced desirability at the same time. In this study, averting behaviors included buying mineral water bottles, commercial treated water containers, and mounting a domestic water treatment system. The respondents’ socioeconomic features were controlled. Awareness of the status quo or a person’s prior experience with tap water pollution was introduced as the perceived risk variable.
Findings: The results showed that the individuals’ willingness to [pay for tap water replacements were 1350, 1105, and 382 thousand Rials for mineral water, commercial treated water containers, and home water treatment systems, respectively. Additionally, it was found that expenses made for mineral and home- treated waters overestimated the averting costs. Figures obtained for annual net averting expenditures were 1890, 1548, and 534 billion Rials for mineral water, commercial treated water, and home- treated water, respectively. Summing up those three figures, the overall net averting expenditures were 3972 billion Rials which indicated the imposition of a huge cost on the society.
Discussion and Conclusion: The obtained figure can be used as a basis in cost-benefit analysis of water treatment plant improvement projects in Ahvaz, as well as payment of environmental subsidies.
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Abrahams, N.A., Hubbell, B.J., Jordan, J.L., 2000. Joint production and averting expenditure measures of willingness to pay: Do water expenditures really measure avoidance costs? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 82, pp. 427-437.
Tanellari, E., 2015. Essays on the Economics of Drinking Water Quality and Infrastructure. PhD Dissertation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Bontemps, C., Nauges, C., 2015. The impact of perceptions in averting-decision models: An application of the special regressors method to drinking water choices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 98, pp. 297-313.
Radelyuk, I., Tussupova, K., Persson, M., Kulshat, Z., Yelubay, M., 2022. Assessment of Groundwater Safety Surrounding Countaminated Water Storage Sites Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Heckman Selection Model: A case study of Kazakhstan.
Seyedan, M., Dadras, A., Jafari, A.M., Badie, H., 2022. Appling Heckman Model for Economic Valuation of Drinking Water in Hamadan Province. Irrigastion Sciences and Engineering. Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 1-14.
Montazer-Hojat, A.H., Anvari, E., 2016. Risk Measurement and Application of Hackman's Choice Model for Avoidance of Water Pollution: A Case Study of Abadan City. Environmental Management. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 1-11.
Dickie, M., Gerking, S., 1996. Formation of Risk Beliefs, Joint Production and Willingness to Pay to Avoid Skin Cancer. The Review Economics and Statistics. Vol. 78, pp. 451-63.
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Greene, W.H. 1990. Econometric Analysis. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.
Luzar, E.J., Cosse, K.J., 1998. Willingness to Pay or Intention to Pay: The Attitude-Behavior. This content downloaded from on 2017.
Kwak, S.-J., J. Lee, Russell, C.S., 1997. Dealing with Censored Data from Contingent Valuation Surveys: Symmetrically-Trimmed Least Squares Estimation. Southern Economic Journal. 63, pp. 743-50.
Wooldridge, J., 2013. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 5th. Southe-Western, USA.
Luoh, M. Stafford, F., 2007. Estimating Risk Tolerance from the 1996 PSID. Available online at: http://psidonline.isr.umich.edu/Data/Documentation/Cbks/Support.html.