Investigation of the Silviculture Treatment Effects on the Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Infected Stands of Boxwood Blight Disease (Case study district No: 1 Gombol watershed No: 26-Lahijan township)
Subject Areas : natural resorcesMaryam Rasooli 1 , kambiz taheri abkenar 2 , mehrdad ghodskhah daryaee 3 , abouzar heidari safari kouchi 4 *
1 - M.Sc., Silviculture of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Silviculture of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Silviculture of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran
4 - Ph.D, Silviculture and of Forest ecology, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran
*(Corresponding Author).
Keywords: disease, boxwood, Regeneration, Hyrcanian Forest, vigority, blight,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In recent years, blight or boxwood blight, caused by a fungus, has spread from Western Europe to the Hyrcanian forests. In this study, the aim is to investigate the effect of breeding operations that reduce the humidity and temperature of these populations in controlling this disease. Method: For conducting a surface study equivalent to 3 hectares in series 1 of Gombl in Lahijan forests was selected, part of which was intact and as a control and part also had a forestry plan. All trees in two stands by 100% measurement method and variable diameter equal to chest for all species and small variables equal to diameter, collar diameter, height, number of reproductions in three classes as well as qualitative variables of trees Boxwood was recorded and analyzed statistically including the percentage of leaf freshness, branches and crowns of trees. Findings: Based on the results of quantitative variables of canopy diameter, height, cross section and number of regenerations in the height class less than 1.3 m and the vigor of leaves, branches and trunks of boxwood trees in the managed massif were evaluated with better conditions. Only the number per hectare of total reproductive area in the control area was better. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, it can be said that management practices in the populations infected with boxwood blight by reducing the moisture trapped under the canopy of trees, prevent the spread of disease and resistance of rootstocks to this disease Increases.
1. Akhani, H., Djamali, M., Ghorbanalizadeh, A & Ramezani, E. 2010. Plant biodiversity of Hyrcanian relict forests in Iran: An overview of the flora, vegetation, palaeoecology and conservation. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(1): 231- 258.
2. Borhani, A. 2010. Report of the research project on the distribution and dissemination process of Blight disease and Boxwood fall in the forests of Mazandaran province. Iran Science and Technology Research Institute, 50p. (In Persian)
3. Shamekhi, T. 2011. Rules and Management of Natural Resources. Tehran University Press, 287pp. (In Persian)
4. Henricot, B. 2006. Box blight rampages onwards: The latest news on the spread and control of a devastating disease. Plantsman London, 153 p.
5. Ivors, K.L., Lacey, L.W., Milks, D.C., Douglas, S.M., Inman, M.K., Marra, R.E. & J.A. La-Mondia. 2012. First report of boxwood blight caused by Cylindrocladium pseudo naviculatum in the United States. Plant Disease, 96: 1070−1070.
6. Crepel, C & Inghelbrecht, S. 2003. First report of blight on Buxus spp. caused by Cylindrocladium buxicolain Belgium. Plant Disease. 87: 1539−1539.
7. Brand, T. and Henricot, B. 2005. Auftreten von Cylindrocladium buxicola an Buchsbaum in Nordwest- Deutschland. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes, 57: 237−240.
8. Saracchi, M., Rocch,i F., Pizzatti, C., Cortesi, P. 2008. Box blight, a new disease of Buxus in Italy caused by Cylindrocladium buxicola. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90: 581-583.
9. Varela-Pintos, C., Gonzáles-Penalta, B., Mansilla-Vázquez, JP., Aguin-Casal, O. 2009. First report of Cylindrocladium buxicola on Buxus sempervirens in Spain. Plant Disease,93, 670pp.
10. Cech, T., Diminic, D & Heungens, K. 2010. Cylindrocladium buxicolacauses Common box blight in Croatia. Plant Pathology, 59: 1169−1169.
11. Gorgiladze, L., Meparishvili, G., Sikharulidze, Z., Natsarishvili, K & R. Davitadze. 2011. First report of box blight caused by Cylindrocladium buxicola in Georgia. New Disease Reports 23: 24p.
12. Åafrankova, I., Kmoch, M & Holkova, L. 2012. First report of Cylindrocladium buxicolaon box in the Czech Republic. New Disease Reports. 25:0- 5.
13. Akilli, S., Katircioglu, Y.Z., Zor, K. & Maden, S. 2012. First report of box blight caused by Cylind rocladiump Seudonaviculatumin the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. New Dis. Rep , 25.
14. Khazaeli, P., Rezaee, S., Mirabolfattahi, M., Zamanizadeh, H and Kiadaliri, H. 2015. Report of boxwood blight extension to Golestan province forests. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 83: pp85-86. (In Persian)
15. Douglas, S.M. 2011. Boxwood Blight New Disease for Connecticut and the pathology. ecology, 08-11.
16. Kortoli-nezhad, D., Moradi, B. 2016. Biology, Taxonomy, Pathology and Methods for Combating the boxwood blight (Calonectria pseudo naviculata). Journal of Forest and Range, 109: 43-49. (In Persian)
17. Zobeiri, M. 2000. Forest inventory. Tehran University Press. 328pp. (In Persian)
18. Pourbabaei, H., Abedi, T and Zare, A. 2009. Investigating the structure of mass and diversity of plant species in boxwood, Angil Bon, Guilan. Iran Journal of Biology, 23:(1): 9-17. (In Persian)
19. Rostami-Shahraji, T. 1988. Investigation of the Effect of Some Ecological Factors on the Box-wood Communities of 3Northern Iran, Master's Thesis, Tarbiat-Modares Noor University.90p. (In Persian)
20. Gorji Bahri, Y and Hemmati, A. 2004. Results of silvicultural operations in plantations of Pinus taeda and Alnus subcordata in North Iran. Research and construction, 63: 2-10. (In Persian)
21. Firouzan, A., Bonyad A.E and Fallah Chai M.M. 2006. Effect of thinning operations on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Pinus taeda. Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12 (3): 524-513. (In Persian)
22. Zanganeh. Gh. 2012. Investigation of some ecological and forestry features in unoccupied and exploited masses in the Aliabad Katoul series. Master's thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Sari. 78p. (In Persian)
23. McLintock, M.J., and Bickford, C.A. 1957. A proposed site index for red spruce in the northeast. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Publication, 30 p.
24. Pourbabaei, H., and Abedi T. 2008. Investigating the Structure of Mass and Plant diversity in box-wood, Kish khaleh, Talesh, Guilan. Journal of Research and Development, (3): 128-123. (In Persian)
1. Akhani, H., Djamali, M., Ghorbanalizadeh, A & Ramezani, E. 2010. Plant biodiversity of Hyrcanian relict forests in Iran: An overview of the flora, vegetation, palaeoecology and conservation. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(1): 231- 258.
2. Borhani, A. 2010. Report of the research project on the distribution and dissemination process of Blight disease and Boxwood fall in the forests of Mazandaran province. Iran Science and Technology Research Institute, 50p. (In Persian)
3. Shamekhi, T. 2011. Rules and Management of Natural Resources. Tehran University Press, 287pp. (In Persian)
4. Henricot, B. 2006. Box blight rampages onwards: The latest news on the spread and control of a devastating disease. Plantsman London, 153 p.
5. Ivors, K.L., Lacey, L.W., Milks, D.C., Douglas, S.M., Inman, M.K., Marra, R.E. & J.A. La-Mondia. 2012. First report of boxwood blight caused by Cylindrocladium pseudo naviculatum in the United States. Plant Disease, 96: 1070−1070.
6. Crepel, C & Inghelbrecht, S. 2003. First report of blight on Buxus spp. caused by Cylindrocladium buxicolain Belgium. Plant Disease. 87: 1539−1539.
7. Brand, T. and Henricot, B. 2005. Auftreten von Cylindrocladium buxicola an Buchsbaum in Nordwest- Deutschland. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes, 57: 237−240.
8. Saracchi, M., Rocch,i F., Pizzatti, C., Cortesi, P. 2008. Box blight, a new disease of Buxus in Italy caused by Cylindrocladium buxicola. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90: 581-583.
9. Varela-Pintos, C., Gonzáles-Penalta, B., Mansilla-Vázquez, JP., Aguin-Casal, O. 2009. First report of Cylindrocladium buxicola on Buxus sempervirens in Spain. Plant Disease,93, 670pp.
10. Cech, T., Diminic, D & Heungens, K. 2010. Cylindrocladium buxicolacauses Common box blight in Croatia. Plant Pathology, 59: 1169−1169.
11. Gorgiladze, L., Meparishvili, G., Sikharulidze, Z., Natsarishvili, K & R. Davitadze. 2011. First report of box blight caused by Cylindrocladium buxicola in Georgia. New Disease Reports 23: 24p.
12. Åafrankova, I., Kmoch, M & Holkova, L. 2012. First report of Cylindrocladium buxicolaon box in the Czech Republic. New Disease Reports. 25:0- 5.
13. Akilli, S., Katircioglu, Y.Z., Zor, K. & Maden, S. 2012. First report of box blight caused by Cylind rocladiump Seudonaviculatumin the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. New Dis. Rep , 25.
14. Khazaeli, P., Rezaee, S., Mirabolfattahi, M., Zamanizadeh, H and Kiadaliri, H. 2015. Report of boxwood blight extension to Golestan province forests. Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 83: pp85-86. (In Persian)
15. Douglas, S.M. 2011. Boxwood Blight New Disease for Connecticut and the pathology. ecology, 08-11.
16. Kortoli-nezhad, D., Moradi, B. 2016. Biology, Taxonomy, Pathology and Methods for Combating the boxwood blight (Calonectria pseudo naviculata). Journal of Forest and Range, 109: 43-49. (In Persian)
17. Zobeiri, M. 2000. Forest inventory. Tehran University Press. 328pp. (In Persian)
18. Pourbabaei, H., Abedi, T and Zare, A. 2009. Investigating the structure of mass and diversity of plant species in boxwood, Angil Bon, Guilan. Iran Journal of Biology, 23:(1): 9-17. (In Persian)
19. Rostami-Shahraji, T. 1988. Investigation of the Effect of Some Ecological Factors on the Box-wood Communities of 3Northern Iran, Master's Thesis, Tarbiat-Modares Noor University.90p. (In Persian)
20. Gorji Bahri, Y and Hemmati, A. 2004. Results of silvicultural operations in plantations of Pinus taeda and Alnus subcordata in North Iran. Research and construction, 63: 2-10. (In Persian)
21. Firouzan, A., Bonyad A.E and Fallah Chai M.M. 2006. Effect of thinning operations on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Pinus taeda. Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12 (3): 524-513. (In Persian)
22. Zanganeh. Gh. 2012. Investigation of some ecological and forestry features in unoccupied and exploited masses in the Aliabad Katoul series. Master's thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Sari. 78p. (In Persian)
23. McLintock, M.J., and Bickford, C.A. 1957. A proposed site index for red spruce in the northeast. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Publication, 30 p.
24. Pourbabaei, H., and Abedi T. 2008. Investigating the Structure of Mass and Plant diversity in box-wood, Kish khaleh, Talesh, Guilan. Journal of Research and Development, (3): 128-123. (In Persian)