Two-Step Ammonia Nitrogen Removal from Kermanshah Petrochemical Effluent Using Native Bacteria Immobilized on Granular Activated Carbon
Subject Areas :
Mehdi Gowdini
hatam godini
farhad salimi
1 - MSc, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Basic Sciences, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 - Associat Professor, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Alborz University of Medical Science. Karaj, Iran.* (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah, Iran.
Received: 2015-11-09
Accepted : 2016-01-16
Published : 2018-06-22
Granular Activated Carbon,
Abstract :
Background and objective: Petrochemical industry as well as some other industries is one of the environmental pollution which polluttted wastewater with ammonia nitrogen. The objective of this study was two-step ammonia nitrogen removal from Kermanshah Petrochemical effluent using native bacteria immobilized on granular activated carbon.
Method:This study conducted in continuous mode using two reactors with effective volume of 1.7 l for each reactor. These reactors operated as up-flow and fixed film. Granular activated carbon immobilized with nitrifier and denitrifire bacteria has been used as media. Initial concentrations of ammonia and nitrate (50-200 mg/l) with retention time (1-3 h) at pH 8 and temperature of 28 ± 3 ° C were studied.
Findings:Results showed that with increasing in retention time in both reactors nitrification and denitrification efficiency increased. The maximum nitrification and denitrification rates were 2.69 Kg NH4+/m3.d and 2.49 Kg NO3-/m3.d respectively. Maximum nitrification and denitrification rates occurred at 3h retention time and ammonia and nitrate removal efficiency were achieved 99.5 percent.
Discossion and Conclusion: This study has been showed that native bacteria immobilized on granular activated carbon and use of that in a continuous up-flow attached-growth reactor for the removal of ammonia has a high efficiency.
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Gowdini, M., 2015. Two-Step ammonia removal (nitrification and denitrification) from Kermanshah Petrochemical effluent by using native bacteria immoblized on activated carbon. MSc Tez, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah branch, Kermanshah, Iran.
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Keluskar, R., Nerurkar, A., Desai, A. 2013. Development of a simultaneous partial nitrification, anaerobic ammonia oxidation and denitrification (SNAD) bench scale process for removal of ammonia from effluent of a fertilizer industry. Bioresource Technology, 130: 390-397.
Carrera, J., Baeza, J.A., Vicent, T., Lafuente, J. 2003. Biological nitrogen removal of high strength ammonium industrial wastewater with two-sludge system. Water Research, 37: 4211-4221.
Gabaldón, C., Izquierdo, M., Martínez-Soria, V., Marzal, P., Penya-roja, J.M., Alvarez-Hornos, F.J. 2007. Biological nitrate removal from wastewater of a metal-finishing industry. Journal of hazardous materials, 148(1): 485-490.
Mousavi, S.A., Ibrahim, S.H., Aroua, M.K.H. 2012. Sequential nitrification and denitrification in a novel palm shell granular activated carbon twin-chamber upflow bio-electrochemical reactor. Bioresource Technology, 125: 256-266.
Tchobanoglous, G., Stensel, H.D., Tsuchihashi, R., Burton, F. 2013. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery. Inc. Metcalf and Eddy, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 5th Edition.
Lan, C.J., Kumar, M., Wang, C.C., Lin, J.G., 2011. Development of simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox and denitrification (SNAD) process in a sequential batch reactor. Bioresource Technology, 102: 5513–5519.
Sievers, M., Schafer, S., Jahnz, U., Schlieker, M., Vorlop, K. D. 2002. Significant reduction of energy consumption for sewage treatment by using LentiKat® encapsulated nitrifying bacteria. Landbaufor Volkenrode SH, 241: 81-86.
Yang, Q., Xiong, P., Ding, P., Chu, L., Wang, J. 2015. Treatment of petrochemical wastewater by microaerobic hydrolysis and anoxic/oxic processes and analysis of bacterial diversity. Bioresource Technology, 196: 169–175
Feng, L., Yang, G., Yanng, Q., Zhu, L., Xu, X., Gao, F. 2015. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification via addition of biodegradable carrier Phragmites communis in biofilm pretreatment reactor treating polluted source water. Ecological Engineering, 84: 346–353
Gowdini, M., 2015. Two-Step ammonia removal (nitrification and denitrification) from Kermanshah Petrochemical effluent by using native bacteria immoblized on activated carbon. MSc Tez, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah branch, Kermanshah, Iran.
Tran, N.H, Urase, T., Kusakabe, O. 2009. The characteristics of enriched nitrifier culture in the degradation of selected pharmaceutically active compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171: 1051–1057.
Godini, H., Rezaee, A., Khavanin, A., Ahmadabadi, A.N., Rastegar, S., Hossini, H. 2011. Heterotrophic biological denitrification using microbial cellulose as carbon source. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 19(1): 283-287.
Saliling, W.J.B., Westerman, P.W., Losordo, T.M. 2007. Wood chips and wheat straw as alternative biofilter media for denitrification reactors treating aquaculture and other wastewaters with high nitrate concentrations. Aquacultural Engineering, 37(3): 222-233.
Roca, F.A.E., Lema, J.M. 2006. Granulation in high-load denitrifying upflow sludge bed (USB) pulsed reactors. Water Research, 40(5): 871-880.
EPA Manual of Nitrogen Control. EPA/625/R-93/010 US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, USA. 1993.
Kesseru, P., Kiss, I., Bihari, Z., Polyak, B., 2003. Biological denitrification in a continuous-flow pilot bioreactor containing immobilized Pseudomonas butanovora cells. Bioresorce Technology, 87: 75-80.
Song, S.H., Choi, S.S., Park, K., Yoo, Y.J. 2005. Novel hybrid immobilization of microorganisms and its applications to biological denitrification. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 37(6): 567-573.
Keluskar, R., Nerurkar, A., Desai, A. 2013. Development of a simultaneous partial nitrification, anaerobic ammonia oxidation and denitrification (SNAD) bench scale process for removal of ammonia from effluent of a fertilizer industry. Bioresource Technology, 130: 390-397.
Carrera, J., Baeza, J.A., Vicent, T., Lafuente, J. 2003. Biological nitrogen removal of high strength ammonium industrial wastewater with two-sludge system. Water Research, 37: 4211-4221.
Gabaldón, C., Izquierdo, M., Martínez-Soria, V., Marzal, P., Penya-roja, J.M., Alvarez-Hornos, F.J. 2007. Biological nitrate removal from wastewater of a metal-finishing industry. Journal of hazardous materials, 148(1): 485-490.