• Ghahramani Nezhad.S. Faunestic study of Aphids (Hem., Sternorrhyncha; Aphidae) in Kermanshah region [ Vol.4, Issue 2 - Summer Year 1391]
  • goldasteh.shila Study on lethal effects of Diazinon and Imidaclopride on fourth instar larvae and adult Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Col., Coccinellidae) under laboratory condition [ Vol.4, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1391]
  • goldasteh.shila The effect of sublethal doses of Ethion and Imidacloprid on reproductive parameters of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Col. ,Coccinellidae) in laboratory conditions [ Vol.4, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1391]
  • goroohi.fatemeh Influence of five diets on development and reproduction of Coccinella undecimpunctata aegyptica Reiche (Col., Coccinellidae) in controlled conditions [ Vol.4, Issue 1 - Spring Year 1391]