Extraction of total precipitable water and the effect of fine dust on its retrieval in the atmosphere of Mehrabad.
Subject Areas : Life cycle assessment (LCA)
1 - Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: total precipitable water, MODIS, aerosol or fine particles, Mehrabad,
Abstract :
The distribution of precipitable water on the scale of the earth is needed in order to increase the understanding of the hydrological cycle, the interaction of the biosphere and the atmosphere, the changes in the energy balance, and the monitoring of climate changes caused by greenhouse gases. Knowing the total amount of precipitable water is very useful in predicting floods, rainfall volume, designing water storage dams and designing hydrological models. The most important factor that causes errors in estimating total precipitable water from satellite images is the presence of fine dust. The purpose of this research is to recover precipitable water from MODIS satellite images and the effect of fine dust in its recovery. The most important materials of this research are MODIS sensor images from Tehran province, ENVI processor program and the method of this quantitative-applied research. The results of the study show that the precipitable water vapor obtained from band 19 to 2 in the upper atmosphere of Mehrabad, Tehran is equal to 4.69 mm on average. Also, studies show that the effect of fine particles on water vapor measurement depends on the intensity of surface reflectivity. Particulate matter weakens the reflected solar radiation in atmospheric openings and as a result reduces the radiation reaching the sensor. Also, the direct radiation of the sun is scattered towards the sensor and increases the input signal to the sensor. Also, one of the most important limitations of using this method is the cloud free and calm and almost stable atmosphere.
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