Developing a model for management of misbehavior of First secondary school students
Subject Areas : Educationfardin abdollahi 1 * , behzad nadernezhad 2 , fardin batmani 3
1 - Assistant Professor, College of Literature and Humanities. Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 - 1. Ph.D Student in Educational Management, College of Literature and Humanities. Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: interactive teaching styles, authoritarian, management of misbehavior model, facilitator and specialist,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to present and develop a model of management of misbehavior of high school students and then to identify the best model of teaching style in line with the optimal management of misbehavior of classroom. research methodology: This study was of mixed type and qualitative-quantitative method and grounded theory method was used. Participants in the study were first high school teachers in Sanandaj, which in the qualitative part 18 people were selected by purposive sampling method and in the quantitative part, out of 1100 people in the statistical population, 204 people were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. In the qualitative section, using in-depth interviews, outlined 43 subcategories, 31 central categories and 5 comprehensive categories. Accordingly, a conceptual model of components and strategic dimensions of management of misbehavior of students was designed. In the quantitative part, the final model was designed by distributing a researcher-made questionnaire with appropriate validity and reliability of 0/78 and finally using SPSS and Amos software for factor analysis. Findings: From the components obtained from the model of strategic factors affecting the management of misbehavior in a total of 10 components and 4 dimensions of teaching style were obtained, including: A: interactive and camaraderie teaching style. B: authoritarian teaching style. C: facilitator style. D: specialized teaching style. The result of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model showed that the model of effective strategic factors in management of misbehavior of student has a good fit. Conclusion: The practical result of this research was identification, model development with emphasis on interactive and camaraderie teaching style by teacher in management of misbehavior of student.
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