Developing and Validating of the Time management Skills in the First Secondary School
Subject Areas : Education
Ramatallah marzooghi
zahra Firoozi
Jafar Jahani
Abdual aziz aflak sair
1 - Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Shiraz University.
2 - Ph.D in Curriculum, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Shiraz University.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Shiraz University
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences ,Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shiraz University.
Keywords: Content analysis, validation, confirmatory factor analysis, Time management skills,
Abstract :
Introduction:The purpose of this research was to develop and validate the pattern of time management skills for the first secondary school . Research methodology:The research method is purposeful, applied and developmental in terms of the type of qualitative-quantitative research. In the qualitative part, by means of content analysis, the constituent items of time management skills components were identified through the review of scientific texts. The tool used in this study was review of texts. For the validity and reliability of the qualitative part, the techniques of reliability were used, and for the quantitative part, content validity and Cronbach's alpha were used. Quantitative research data using a researcher-made questionnaire based on the findings of the qualitative section of 325 by random sampling method among teachers and school principals with academic and experimental backgrounds in the fields of psychology, counseling, educational management and curriculum were collected and analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. Findings: Based on the results obtained in the qualitative section, the time management skills model has 54 categories and 14 components, including knowledge about their cognitive system, knowledge about time management, knowledge about time management strategies, basic knowledge about time management, Positive attitude towards time, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, resilience and perseverance, self-regulation, systems thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, flexibility, planning, implementation, evaluation, monitoring and review and 3 organizing themes including cognitive, attitudinal, and time management skill that has been endorsed by first secondary school teachers.
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