Pathology of knowledge management development in universities of Kerman province based on three-pronged model
Subject Areas : Education
Movahed Sadegiyan
Mohammad Montazeri
Jafar Ghahremani
1 - PhD Student, Department of Educational Management, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge Management, pathology, higher education, Effective Management, three-pronged model,
Abstract :
In the present age, which is the age of knowledge, organizations can survive by paying attention to knowledge and its effective management as an organizational resource. Because proper knowledge management will lead to a competitive advantage for organizations and ultimately more success and ultimately organizational excellence. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the pathology of knowledge management in academic centers so that the most important harms of knowledge management in these centers are known and through this, knowledge management can be established in the best possible way. The statistical population of this study is all specialists in the field of higher education management, professors and staff experts in universities of Kerman province. 32 people were selected as the sample group by purposive sampling method. Research data were obtained through open and semi-structured interviews among the sample group. The pathology of knowledge management in this study was investigated using the TOPSIS model and the ranking of knowledge management injuries was determined within the framework of the three-pronged model including behavioral, environmental and structural dimensions. Accordingly, in the category of behavioral factors, respectively, "low motivation and teamwork and job dissatisfaction of employees", "lack of attention to maintaining human dignity and lack of meritocracy", in the category of environmental factors, "underestimation of people's opinions in making changes and Isolation of specialists and scientists "and" Lack of public knowledge and familiarity with knowledge management and lack of movement of society in the direction of knowledge "and in the category of structural factors" Uncertainty of missions and strategies in universities and higher education centers "and" Lack of attention to the program Implementation, weakness in organizational discipline, complex administrative hierarchy, and participatory decision making are the most important disadvantages of knowledge management implementation.
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