Investigating the role of moral leadership on organizational commitment mediated by organizational justice among primary school teachers in the second district of Ardabil in the academic year 1399-1400
Subject Areas : Educationali khaleghkhah 1 , Javad Amjadi hor 2 * , Mehdi Mosleh Germi 3
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - PhD student in Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.
3 - PhD Student in Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: organizational justice, Organizational Commitment, Ethical Leadership, Primary teachers in the second district of Ardabil,
Abstract :
Introduction and aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on organizational commitment mediated by organizational justice. research methodology: The present study, according to the research philosophy, is a quantitative research, according to the purpose of the type of applied studies and in terms of the method of data collection and analysis; The method used was descriptive and correlational studies and was the type of structural equation modeling. The study population of all primary school teachers in the second district of Ardabil city in the academic year 1399-1400 was 1291 people. To collect data Questionnaire was used. To analyze the data, some descriptive statistical techniques such as pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling through using SPSS and AMOS-22 statistical software. Findings: The results showed that the correlation between the variables of ethical leadership and organizational commitment was 0.70, ethical leadership and organizational justice was 0.61, organizational commitment and organizational justice was 0.50 at the level of <0.01. Also, the findings related to the test of significance of indirect effect and mediating role of organizational justice showed that the mediating contribution of organizational justice variable in the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational commitment (p = 0.004) is significant. Conclusion: Considering that the statistical findings showed that the variable of organizational justice significantly mediates the relationship between teachers' moral leadership and organizational commitment, so education officials should pay close attention to this concept.
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