The Model of Managing Educational Non-Governmental Organizations active in the field of school construction
Subject Areas :
seyyed ali mahboub
alireza araghieh
Abbas Khorshidi
Ali akbar Khosravi babadi
saeed moradi
1 - PH. D in Educational Management, Department of Educational Management, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Eslamshahr Branch, Iran.
3 - Faculty Member and Full Professor Department of Educational Management, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
5 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Received: 2019-08-11
Accepted : 2020-12-25
Published : 2020-11-21
"Non-governmental organizations",
"educational NGOs",
"management of educational NGOs",
"model for the management of educational NGOs",
Abstract :
The present research aims to present a conceptual model for educational NGOs active in the field of school construction. The research is conducted with a Qualitative approach using data-based method of research. The means of data-gathering were semi-structured interviews employing purposeful snowball sampling method, conducted with 24 distinguished persons. Firstly, qualitative data in the execution process of the grounded theory were analyzed in three stages of open encoding, axial encoding and selective encoding. Then, based on the analytical pattern from the grounded theory extracted from 106 primary codes or concepts in interviews, and extraction of 57 concept from theoretical literature of the research, The conceptual model of the research was designed based on five general dimensions, including: 1. Input management 2. Process management 3. Output management 4. Management audit and 5. Feedback. These dimensions are extracted from 14 components, Included respectively: organizational resources, government resources, personal resources and managerial, participatory and supportive activities plus quantitative, qualitative, diversity and outcomes outputs, including output evolution and excellence, strategic analysis, continuous development and improvement The management system of the organization and finally the feedback that these components are derived from the 50 main indicators. Results showed the combination of the management’s characteristics and beliefs, in line with organizational and social factors, influence the management of educational NGOs. Also, the consequences of the utilization of the management pattern for educational NGOs are divided into two individual and social aspects. In terms of influencing the manner of management, contextual factors were influential in two environmental and policy-making aspects and intervening factors were influential in two internal and external aspects. If the organization manages educational NGOs with reliance on effective factors in paradigmatic model of grounded theory, it shall gain more success.
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