provide a model for successful elementary school leadership based on grounded theory (GT)
Subject Areas : EducationZohreh Mashayekhi 1 , Mohammad Ali Nadi 2 * , fariba karimi 3
1 - educational Administration,faculty of educational science &psychology,Islamic azad university khorasgan branch,isfahan,iran
2 - educational administration,faculty of educational science &psychology,islamic azad university khorasgan branch,isfahan,iran
3 - educational Administration,faculty of educational science & psychology,islamic azad university khorasgan branch,isfahan,iran
Keywords: Grounded theory, Keywords:Successful School Leadership, Successful Schools, Primary period, Paradigm Model,
Abstract :
The growth and development of any community and society is conditioned on its education system. In this regard, the primary school grade plays a far significant role. Advancing the objectives of this grade can be possible with the help of diligent, compassionate, and servant leaders. The main objective of the current study is to providing a successful leadership model for primary schools based on grounded theory. The approach utilized in the study is based on a qualitative frame of mind and the grounded theory methodology. The sampling method used here involves targeted sampling based on the criterion of theoretical saturation of the data. In order to realize this objective, semi-structured interviews with 24 successful primary school principals as well as key informants were carried out. The duration of each interview session was 30 to 100 minutes and some interviewees were consulted twice. The interviews lasted until the interviewee didn’t have any new information to provide and the information provided became a repetition of the previous information; in this way, data saturation was realized. In order to measure the validity and reliability of the data, the reviews of the participants and non-participant experts were utilized. The results of the data analysis based on three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding indicated 22 general issues, analyzed in this study based on a paradigm model which includes causal factors , phenomenological factors, contextual factors leadership, intervention factors , strategies and outcomes
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