Structural Modeling of Spiritual Intelligence on Teacher's Job Burnout with Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment
Subject Areas : Education
marziyeh kochaki nejad eram sadati
Syedeh khadijeh Moafimadani
1 - Graduated from the Master's Degree in Educational Management at Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, Organizational Commitment, Job burnout,
Abstract :
The present study was carried out with the purpose of the investigation of the effect of spiritual intelligence on job burnout with organizational commitment mediation. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population consisted of all teachers working in the department of education in “Sangar” area of Rasht city (N = 700), of which 350 people were selected as the sample size by stratified random sampling method. In order to collect data, Abdollahzadeh’s Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (2008) (α= 0.96), Allen & Meyer’s Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (1992) (α =0.91), and Maslach’s Job Burnout Questionnaire (1981) (α=0/95) were used. Data analysis was performed using structural equations modeling and using PLS software. Results showed that spiritual intelligence has a negative and significant effect on occupational burnout. Also, spiritual intelligence has a positive and significant effect on teachers’ organizational commitment, and organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on job burnout. Finally, the results of the main hypothesis showed that spiritual intelligence affects occupational burnout through the organizational commitment mediation.
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