Provide a pattern for teaching the development of the children's market in Iran
Subject Areas : EducationBita Niknezhad 1 , parviz saeidi 2 , Amir Akhavanfar 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate. Department of Business-Marketing Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof, Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof of Management faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: education, Grounded theory, Market Orientation, Children's market,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this research was to provide a model for teaching children's market development with a market-oriented approach in Iran. research methodology: This article was applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of research method, based on foundational data method. It was an in-depth interview with 18 samples. It included: scientific experts in the fields of marketing and practical experts and managers in the fields of children's markets Sampling was based on the snowball method. Data collection continued until the limit of theoretical saturation. Also, the analysis of the research data was done in the form of open coding, central coding and selective coding. Findings: The findings of the research showed: child education in the family and community and training of active personnel and managers in the field of children's market are effective as background conditions in the children's market. The economic aspect causes an increase in income, the prosperity of the business environment and the development of the children's market The social dimension increases satisfaction and creates a favorable image as the consequences of this market. Conclusion: this research is one of the first studies about the children's market by using the Foundation's data method. The model presented in this research can be used as a basis for the development of children's market education.
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