Principles and Methods of Anger Management in Sa’adi’s Būstān: Implications for Education Administrators
Subject Areas :
Leila Khajehpour
Alireza Yousefi
Narges keshtiaray
1 - Department of Philosophy of Education. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan(Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan.
2 - Department of Medical Education, Research Center of Medical Education, University of Medical Sciences in Isfahan, Isfahan.
3 - Assistant professor , department of educational sciences , Islamic Azad university, Isfahan( khorasgan) branch, Isfahan, Iran
Received: 2018-09-05
Accepted : 2020-05-19
Published : 2020-04-20
Anger management,
Theme Analysis,
Sa’adi’s Būstān,
education administrators,
Abstract :
Anger is associated with destructive consequences; therefore, it is of great interest to psychologists, ethical and education scholars and thinkers each of which has somehow studied its management solutions. Sa’adi is one of the world's greatest literary scholars who has a particular interest in ethical, emotional and education issues, and the extraction of hidden implications from his works is a potential mission. The main aim of the present research is to identify the principles and methods of "anger management” in Sa'adi’s Būstān and its application to education administrators. The present study was conducted using the theme analysis method. The research area in this study is Sa'adi’s Būstān and the sample was selected using theoretical sampling method. The coding list of themes derived from anger management in Sa’adi's view revealed that: 1. Anger management includes four principles of goodness, humility, fairness, and easygoingness. 2- goodness methods include contemplation in action, formality of speech, pragmatism, and farseeing; humility methods include self-criticism; fairness methods include goodness with the bad, self-sacrifice, fairness, empathy; and easygoingness methods consist of tolerance, altruism, forgiveness, peace seeking, and pacifism. Anger and its management from Sa’adi’ perspective have been used in teaching moral concepts and high human emotions, and the categories achieved by this research can be a model for the practice of education administrators and curriculum planners.
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