Design and Psychometrics of Effective School Questionnaire with Cultural Standards of Iranian Community
Subject Areas : Educationhura soodi 1 , sadegh maleki avarsin 2 * , behnam talebi 3
1 - Ph.D. student of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz
2 - Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch
3 - Assistant Professor in Department of Educational Sciences, Azad University of Tabriz
Keywords: Questionnaire psychometrics, effective schools, fundamental reform document, national curriculum,
Abstract :
The study aimed to design and determine the questionnaire psychometric properties appropriate to the cultural standards of the Iranian community, the fundamental reform document and the national curriculum for effective schools. This was a methodological research ,That is statistical population included the professors of Department of Educational Sciences of four provinces in Northwest of Iran: West Azarbaijan, East Azarbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan. In the first stage, the dimensions and components of effective schools were extracted using theoretical foundations and researches done inside and outside the country, and in the second stage, the questionnaire items were developed considering the extracted components. In the third stage, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated using face validity, content validity, internal consistency and stability. Based on the results of the first and second stages, the initial questionnaire was provided to panel group members and the face and content validity were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. CVR and CVI values were obtained 0.65 and 0.84, respectively. After adjusting, these values increased up to 0.75 and 0.91. The internal consistency of the questions (Cronbach's alpha 0.982) and the test stability were obtained 0.931 by using the inter-class correlation coefficient with the test-retest method, through the response of 60 people from the target group to the questionnaire. The results showed that the designed questionnaire had the required validity and reliability and could be an appropriate tool for assessing the effectiveness of schools or developing models for effective schools.
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