Investigating the relationship of abusive supervision with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment: explaining the mediating role of employees' perceptions of interactional justice
Subject Areas : Educationfazlallah kazemi 1 * , amin zare 2
1 - Assistant Professor
2 - student
Keywords: Organizational citizenship behavior, Abusive supervision, Affective organizational commitment, Employees' perceptions of interactional justice,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was examine the relationship of abusive supervision with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment. Also examined the relationship of employees' perceptions of interactional justice as moderator variable. This study in terms of aim, functional and in terms of data collection, descriptive survey and the population of the population consisted of 126 elementary school teachers in Arsanjan. Data collecting tool was questionnaire. Validity and reliability the questionnaires using face validity, construct validity and Cronbach's alpha were examined. To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling was used. The results showed abusive supervision has a negative and significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior, affective organizational commitment and employees' perceptions of interactional justice. It was also found employees' perceptions of interactional justice has a positive and significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment. Finally, the results was confirming a significant role Variable mediator of employees' perceptions of interactional justice in Relation between abusive supervision with organizational citizenship behavior and affective organizational commitment
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