Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spiritual Leadership Model in Higher Education
Subject Areas : Education
ژاله Soltani
مسلم Salehi
عباس Gholtash
M.A Nadi
1 - teacher of eslamic azad university shiraz Branch
2 - Assistant Professor/Marvdasht Branch
3 - Associate Professor/Marvdasht Branch
4 - Associate Professor/Khorasghan (esfahan) Branch
Keywords: higher education, Spirituality, Spiritual leadership, The Spiritual Leadership Model in Higher Education,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spiritual Leadership
Model in Higher Education from the perspective of Chancellors &Rice-chancellors and Deans&Sub-deans of their Faculties of Iran Islamic Azad Comprehensive universitis.In a descriptive cross-sectional study with Qualitative research& Quantitative research metods. This Qualitative research is a thematic analysis, This Quantitative research is the construct validity of the factor analysis, spiritual leadership pattern in higher education was examined using the opinions& perspective from forty of them as a panel of experts in order to examine the content and face validity of the scale. Moreover, a number of 530 questionnaires receipt from Chancellors &Rice-chancellors and Deans&Sub-deans of their Faculties of Iran Islamic Azad Comprehensive universitis in order to examine the construct validity of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS22 and PLS software. The results of factor analysis and expert opinion helped develop collecting & Accreditation of a spiritual leadership pattern in higher education.the reseatcher-made questionnaire had 88 items across five subscales. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was acceptable (0.92). Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the Model had appropriate goodness of fit.The spiritual leadership pattern &88-item, Multifactor spiritual Leadership Questionnaire in higher Education (MSLQ) was found to have acceptable validity and reliability. therefore introducing and teach this modern approach spiritual leadership pattern in higher education is recommended for all members of Universities and the questionnaire be administered to larger samples.
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