Organizational Maturity Effect on Electronic Readiness (A Challenge in Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch)
Subject Areas : Educationزهرا Daghighi Masouleh 1 * , M. S Allahyari 2
1 - Young Researchers Club, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - Department of Agricultural Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht,
Keywords: e-readiness, information and communication technologies, maturity, path analysis techniques,
Abstract :
This research, try to identify organizational maturity factors which lead to increase the organizational electronic readiness. The research design of the study was a descriptive study. The target population of this study was the faculty members, managers and bossess of Islamic Azad University of Rasht Branch, Iran.The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. In this study, organizational learning was analyzed based on Neefe questionnaire, organizational culture based on the Denison model and organizational commitment based on the Allen & Meyer model, organizational structure was analyzed based on Robins questionnaire and management and human resources factors were analyzed by selected indicators based on literuture review. To identify effective factors on e-readiness, Path Diagram technoque by AMOS software, was used. Based on the results of Path Diagram, six independent variables predict 80 percent of variations of dependent variable (organizational e-readiness) and two factors, organizational culture and structure lead to incresse organizational e-readiness, directly and organizational learing, commitment, management and human resiources have undirect effects on dependent variable.
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