Determine the relationship between transformational leadership and
organizational development
Subject Areas :
Educational management
Received: 2016-04-26
Accepted : 2016-04-26
Published : 2015-08-23
transformational leadership,
Organizational Development,
inspirational motivation,
intellectual persuasion,
idealized influence,
individualized consideration,
Abstract :
Transformational leadership is one of the paradigms of leadership in organizational psychology research has been extensive. Transformational leadership, subordinates' satisfaction and their trust in leadership as well as their emotional commitment increases. Transformational behaviors of leaders that they show positive results in a number of organizations provide. The purpose of present study was to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational development at the city Department of Education Alashtar is. The research was based on the target application, based on descriptive - correlational. Society included all staff in the school education city Alashtar 1392-93, respectively. Due to the Limited the target population (n = 60) were not sampled, so the census was. Measuring instrument consists of 36 questions The reliability of organizational development to %85 and %88 respectively Bass & Avolio wing transformational leadership standard questions and a five-point Likert scale range 20-question self-made. Methods for data analysis Pearson correlation and Kruskal - Wallis and spss software was used. The findings showed that transformational leadership style and organizational development at the Department of Education, there are Alashtar city.
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