The Relationship Between, Leadership Style, Organizationl Climate, and Perceived Organizational Justice with Academic Staffs’ Organizational Success Attainment Based on Moderation of Organizational Commitment
Subject Areas : Educational management
Keywords: leadership style, Organizationl Climate, Perceived Organizational,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to studythe relationship between organizational climate, leadership style, and perceived organizational justice with academic staffs’ organizational success attainment based on moderation of organizational commitment. The study design was correlational descriptive. The statistical population of the study included all of academic staff in Mahallat Branch in academic year 1390-1391. Sampling has been multistage clustering and consisted of 100 subjects. Five questionnaires were used as data collection instruments: 1. The questionnaire of the organizational climate (Jaw & Liu,2003) (α = 0.86); leadership style(Bass,2001) (α = 0.89); organizational justice (Nihoff &Moorman ,2001) (α = 0.95); organizational commitment (Allen & Myer,1990) (α = 0.88), and; the researcher-made organizational success attainment questionnaire (α = 0.92). The overall results of the study indicated that creative organizational climate, transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and interactional justice have had the most influence on academic staffs’ organizational success attainment. Furthermore, organizational commitment moderated the relationship between the mentioned variables. According to the findings, GFI and AGFI indexes have been 0.95 and 0.80 respectively suggesting that the model has a rather desirable fitness.