The Role of the Information specialists in Establishing of Knowledge management in Universities
Subject Areas : Educational management
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Technology, Information management, Information specialists, Universities,
Abstract :
With the formation of knowledge-based society and moving towards a knowledge-based economy, the importance of knowledge, as one of the most important assets of organizations, is becoming more and more apparent. Quantity and quality of knowledge management in any organization determine its competitive power as well as its success rate. Despite the fact that universities are one of the most important centers of production and dissemination of knowledge, however, there has not been enough attention to intellectual capital and resources produced by the academic community. Information specialists can have a significant role in the establishment of knowledge management in organizations through using their skills, organizing, and disseminating information. This paper will investigate existing viewpoints on weaknesses and strengths of Information specialists who participate in knowledge management teams. In this paper, frst, some definitions related to knowledge management and its brief history is presented. Then, the differences between information management, knowledge management and necessity of applying knowledge management in universities are studied. Finally, KM models and the role of the Information specialists in knowledge management is studied.
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