Study of Applicants’ Motivational Factors of Choosing Field of Study and University: Case Study of District 10 of Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Educational management
Keywords: motivation, Volunteers, Discipline, University of interest, Academic talent,
Abstract :
The main objective of the present study was to investigate the applicants’ motivational factors of choosing a field of study and university in District 10 of Islamic Azad University. Independent variables included interest, talent, education, awareness, being volunteer, family education, degree orientation, continuing education and future labor market. This research method was descriptive and survey study. The study sample consisted of all students of Islamic Azad University of district 10, including 60,357. By applying Morgan Table, 384 as the sample size, were selected using simple random sampling method to increase the reliability of the results; the sample size was increased to 400. The instrument was a questionnaire with 25 items testing a motivating factor for volunteers. The content validity was reviewed by several experts in the field of management and the required modifications were done. To ensure the reliability of the study, the Cronbach’s Alpha was used The Cronbach's alpha coefficient appeared to be 0.88. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 11.5. One sample t test and the Friedman test, was used for data analysis. Research findings showed that education, the perspective of education, the possibility of continuing education abroad, level of education in the family, interest, discipline and future labor market and the knowledge of the candidate before entering the university have the highest impact on motivational factors for choosing a fieldof study and the university.