The Imaging of Glass Government For Increase Satisfaction, Transparency and Development in Governmental Executive Organizations
Subject Areas : Educational managementAtefeh Ya'aqoubi 1 , Masoud Ahmadi 2 * , Rahman Qaffari 3
1 - PhD student in Public Administration, Public decision-making and policy orientation, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Imaging, Glass government, Transparency, Governmental organization,
Abstract :
Transparency has a long history as a fundamental principle for public administration and governance, and governments today need to strengthen the rule of law, regulatory quality, and corruption control in order to achieve a glass government. The aim of present study is determining the imaging pattern of the glass government in order to increase the transparency of governmental organizasions. The mix method is used and the research design is exploratory mixed research(qualitative-quantitative) with the method of theme analysis and structural equation modeling (quantitative). In the qualitative section, using the "snowball" sampling method, in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 managers and senior executive experts, academic experts, IT section and regulatory agencies. In the quantitative part, to measure the model, a researcher made questionnaire with multi-stage relative stratified sampling method was distributed among 384 employees of the executive organs of Mazandaran province and the data were analyzed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis with SPSS and Smart PLS software. The results of the qualitative part indicate that the glass government imaging model in order to increase transparency, has 11 main themes and 35 sub-themes as follows: Organizational culture, Rules and regulations, Allocation of resources, Accountability, Formation of public oversight, Fight against financial-administrative corruption, Public accountability, Financial-Administrative Health, Satisfaction, Organizational transparency And Organizational progress. The results of the quantitative section showed that the structural relationships between the main themes of the glass government imaging model were confirmed.