The model for explaining The Relationship between Organizational Learning and Organizational Health with the Performance of the Employees
Subject Areas : Educational managementMahbubeh Abdollahi 1 * , fahimeh karimi 2
1 - Educational management, member of Faculty, Islamic Azad university, Ruodehen, Iran
2 - Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch
Keywords: organizational health, organizational learning, performance, ministry of co-operation, work and social welfare,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design a model for explaining the relationship between organizational learning and organizational health with the performance of employees of the ministry of co-operation, work and social welfare. The statistical population of this study was the total number of employees of the ministry with 1000 people, 306 individuals selected according to Morgan table by stratified random sampling method. For data collection, questionnaire Organizational Learning Watkins and Marisick (2003), organizational health questionnaire Hoy and Phildman (1996) and Achivle organizational performance (2009) have been used. Content validity was confirmed by the experts. The reliability of the tool was calculated by Cronbach's alpha, organizational learning 0.981, organizational health 0.911, organizational performance 0.961. For analyzing the data, (descriptive and inferential statistics) the regression test was used to examine the relationship between the variables and the structural equations and confirmatory factor analysis and fitness indicators for designing and validating the fit model. The results of statistical tests indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational learning and organizational health with organizational performance. The appropriate structural model was designed to explain the relationship between organizational learning and organizational health with organizational performance.The structural model of the research has the necessary fit.