Ranking of environmental variables and social responsibility on the market value of companies based on FAHP Technique
Subject Areas : HSE ManagementHadi Ashraf Talesh 1 , Gholam Reza Farsad Amanollahi 2 * , Amir Reza Keyghobadi 3
1 - Department of Accounting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Accounting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Accounting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Environmental Variable ", " Social Responsibility ", "Corporate Market Value ", "Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis (FAHP),
Abstract :
AbstractThis study follows to explain a model for ranking companies in terms of environmental reporting and social responsibility on the market value of companies by fuzzy hierarchical analysis in Iran. In this regard, after receiving the opinions of experts, a conceptual model of research was developed. two criteria and each with 5 sub-criteria with 3 options were developed. The results show that the criteria of commitment to employees and commitment to social programs of the social responsibility variable are ranked 1 and 3, and this indicates that stakeholders in their analysis pay special attention to these two criteria and The issue of human resources and their promotion programs plays a prominent role in the results of the article.The criterion of environmental rules and regulations is ranked 2nd among environmental variables and the rest of the environmental criteria are ranked at low levels. The results of the study indicate that if the government is required to implement strict laws and regulations, companies are obliged to fulfill their environmental obligations and will take steps to produce environmentally friendly products and sustainable development. The placement of equipment pollution in the 5th rank also explains the calibration and improvement of machinery and equipment in the direction of minimum pollution. The low rankings of environmental variables indicate the high gap between the expectations of society and the current situation,
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