The utilization of customer relationship management system for assessment of the level of customer loyalty and its impact on brand image (Case Study: Davan Sanaat Company in Shiraz)
Subject Areas : Sustainable DevelopmentMina Akhbariazad 1 * , Mehrnaz Amiri davani 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran (Correspondence Officer)
2 - M.A., Department of Management, Shebraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Brand Image, customer loyalty, Customer Relationship Management System, Davan Sanaat Company,
Abstract :
Customers are the most important asset of organizations. Therefore, organizations must look at relationships with customers as mutually beneficial exchanges as well as opportunities that need to be managed. In this research, we will measure the level of customer loyalty by utilizing the customer relationship management system with the role of brand image moderator so that we have been able to take a small step towards solving the problem of companies and improve customer relationship management and increase customer loyalty. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the research is all customers of Davan Shiraz Company, which is estimated to be 384 people. The data were collected using a standard questionnaire. The results also confirm the positive and significant impact of customer relationship management quality on customer loyalty. Also, the results show that the brand image has a moderating role in the impact of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value on the quality of customer relationship management.