Talent Management Model in Public Sector (survey: health networks in Iran University of Medical Science)
Subject Areas : Sustainable Development
Azar Eslami
Naser Poursadegh
Masoud Haghighi
1 - PhD Student, Department of Management, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rohan, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Public Administration, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University. Rohan, Iran
Keywords: Public sector, talent management, model, Health networks, Iran University of Medical Sciences,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to design the strategic model of talent management at health networks in Iran university of medical sciences. The research is applied-developmental and the mixed methods research was used. In the qualitative phase of research (with using delphi method and content analysis method) population included expert and elites of vice-chancellor of healthcare, and in the quantitative part included the staff of health networks. The sample size in the first stage (by judgment sampling method) was 14 people, and in the second stage (by random sampling method) was 156 people. In the explanation of the model, after the distribution of questionnaires in two steps, “the members of the Delphi panel reached relative consensus. After content validity and reliability (with Cronbach’s alpha 0.81) of the questionnaire, second order confirmatary factor analysis for each component of the model was indicators and model with slight modification was a good fit The results show that talent management affects on organizational performance. The process is influenced by structural, content and external factors on the success of organizational performance. The model takes a step-by-step path from basic to the more specialized level by projecting the impact of environmental factors inside and outside the organization, then it can be used in strategic organizational decision making.