Evolution of physiological and morphological and anatomical characteristics of Lathyrus stavius species in responding towards the oil pollution stress
Subject Areas : Developmental biology of plants and animals , development and differentiation in microorganisms
Keywords: Environmental, pollutant, Fabaceae, Light crude oil, Oil hydrocarbons,
Abstract :
Effect of oil contamination on reduction of the plant growth is one of most obvious responses of plants to oil pollution stress; in generally to say that plants in order in increase to their resistance against oil pollution stress have under age functional changes, anatomical changes and histological changes, these changes vary depending on the species. The purpose of this research is to examine the resistance of lathyrusstavius species and to show the vegetative to this plants stem during its exposure to oil pollution. In this survey, the effect of the light crude oil indifferent concentration ( on the growth of this species at 2 month in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was investigated. After that, the morphological and anatomical studies and researches on species been fulfilled. Result showed that increasing oil pollution due to decreasing growth parameter was significantly (p≤0.05). Also in this survey we observed leaves, stem and root appearance changes and some changes epidermis, parenchyma and in vessels.
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