Evaluation of salinity effects on photosynthesis and Chlorophyll a fluorescence of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Subject Areas : Developmental biology of plants and animals , development and differentiation in microorganisms
Keywords: barley, Salt stress, Photosynthesis, PI, Fv/Fm, Chl fluorescence,
Abstract :
The salinity of Irrigation water and soil is one of the most important factors that limit crop production in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Due to the increase in water salinity and its damages on plant production, evaluation of salinity effects on crop plants and identifying of resistant varieties, is very important. In order to study the effects of salt stress on photosynthetic efficiency of barley cultivars, the seedlings of Dasht, Sahand, Lisivy and Sahracultivares were grown in Hoagland solution and treated with various concentration (50 and 100 mM) of NaCl. Various parameters of Chl a fluorescence induction kinetics include F0, Fm, Fv/Fm, Area, PI, DI/RC, RC/CS, TR/ABS, and DI/ABS and fluorescence pigments was measured. All pigments decreased after salinity treatment in barley cultivars. The highest decrease was observed in Sahand cultivar. Salinity caused increasing of Chl fluorescence in all barley cultivares and efficiency of photosynthesis system was decreased significantly. The F0, Fm, and Area parameter decreased in salt stress whereas performance index (PI) decreased. The Fv/Fmratio that is known as an index for stress tolerance of plants was decreased. The lowest decrease observed in Dasht cultivar. Also the number of active reaction centers and trapped radiation via photosynthesis system decreased in barley cultivars and caused increase in wasting of energy in photosystem II (PSII) reaction centers. Our results clearly showed that Dasht cultivar had the highest salt tolerance compare with the other three.
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