• AHARI.hamed Survey Diplostomum spathaceum parasit in eye’s of Carassius Carassius fish In Nazlo River of Urmia city [ Vol.9, Issue 38 - Autumn Year 1391]
  • AHARI.hamed Survey of shelf life effect on Iranian saffron with nano packaging SNP 103.3 for microbial properties and Nano particle release [ Vol.9, Issue 39 - Winter Year 1391]
  • Asghari.Ahmad Anaesthetic effect of glutamate receptors blockers with/or without Alprazolam given by different routes and doses in animal model [ Vol.9, Issue 36 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Asghari.Ahmad Biomechanical and histopathological evaluation of two surgical methods, nerve anastomosis and tendon transfer with each other in function of rabbits limbs [ Vol.9, Issue 36 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Asghari.Ahmad Histopathological and radiological evaluation of a modified arthroplasty hip joint in rabbit [ Vol.9, Issue 39 - Winter Year 1391]
  • Azizpour.Aidin A serological study of antibodies to H9N2 Avain Influenza Virus in Human Population of Ardabil area, Iran [ Vol.9, Issue 36 - Spring Year 1391]
  • Azizpour.Aidin Experimental study on co-infection of H9N2 avian influenza virus with Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in specific- pathogen- free chickens [ Vol.9, Issue 39 - Winter Year 1391]