The Influence of the Presence of Witnesses in the Implementation of Punishment for Adultery
Subject Areas :
Jurisprudence and Criminal Law Doctrines
abdolkarim baniasadi
vali ansari
1 - Ph.D student, Criminal Law and Criminology, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor , Department of Law, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University,, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2023-03-09
Accepted : 2023-06-27
Published : 2023-06-22
non-execution of punishment,
presence of witnesses,
implementation of Hadd,
Abstract :
Receive Date: 2023/03/09 Revise Date: 2023/06/09 Accept Date: 2023/06/27 The present study, using descriptive-analytical method, explains and evaluates the three points of view presented by jurists regarding the subject of writing. These three views are the necessity of the presence of witnesses, the absence of the necessity of the presence of witnesses and the detailed view that considers the absence of witnesses to be the cause of the non-implementation of the Hadd. Although according to the opinion of famous jurists, the absence of witnesses at the time of execution of Hadd does not cause the Hadd do not execute, but some jurists believe that the absence of witnesses causes the Hadd of stoning to be invalidated. Because if the absence of witnesses is due to fleeing from the scene of stoning or fear of stoning, then the stoning should be considered as the reason for the uncertainty. In other words, the point of view of not needing witnesses is absolutely unacceptable and this point of view seems to be correct when the absence of witnesses is not due to fleeing from the scene of execution of the stoning punishment or fear of execution of the punishment. In such a case, the Hadd is not implemented due to the doubt. In other words, the absence of witnesses is not an obstacle to the implementation of the Hadd, but what is an obstacle is the doubt resulting from their absence.
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